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Tarleys teen Chat!

-COMETZONE CURSOR CODE - PLACE ABOVE /BODY TAG AT BOTTOM OF WEB PAGE--> Hey All! Merry Crimbo and a Happy new year!! well...almost! We're going all christmassy and to celebrate the boys page has been.....updated! hae fun y'all!
Tarley xxx
Dont Worry, Be Happy! Click here!

7-9-00 Music Page added
7-10-00 All about me Page added
7-12-00 Games Review Page Added, Game Page added.
8-12-00 Boys, Boys, Boys page added.
8-13-00 Dolls Page added.
8-13-00 Movie Reviews page added
8-14-00 Eminem! Page added
10-22-00 Boy Meets World page added!

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Name =Pika!
Age =73 days
Height =2ft2"
Weight = 1 pound
Adopt One Yourself @ Pikachu Adoption Center

The Official Home Of FUN!

You have a knack for greatness. For the record,you are:
72% Un-telligent!
which is significantly higher than the current average of 60%

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Artemis, Luna, and Diana as humans
were adopted on --7.7.00--
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Your gaurdian is....Burst 'o' Kiwi!!!

tarley got their NeoPet at

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Where to go ......

Our links- email me to add ures!
All about ME!
Games Review
Game (downloadable games)
Boys, Boys, Boys - Under Construction!
Movie Reviews
Boy Meets World!
