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Champion of Stuff

'Hee hee! That pointer tickles!'

Update: June 2, 2006
Well, the marriage is off.

Ha ha! The Horrid Monkey Gods point and laugh. I laugh back. Sanity!

Anyway. This site is not going to see a lot of updates. I really should use it more, but don't expect a lot. I'll host things here if i bother to upload 'em, but blah blah blah. So forth.

Anyway, if you are at all curious what's going on in my life, i'm rather better at updating my blog, which you can find at if you care to bother.


The Main Point

Gee, I'm cool.

Olympic Cards & Comics

Gabi is the coolest kid ever.

The City at the Edge of the Wasteland

Maybe she's not the coolest kid ever,
but Hillary is still way cooler than me.

Random Thoughts

This is not cool.
This is lame.
I am a lazy pig.

As always, feel free to bother me at Xitaqa (at) yahoo (dot) com.

You know what an email address looks like. Contact me.