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Personal Statistics
Hello! To those who do not know me, my name is Cheang Wai Kin. In Mandarin, my name is pronounced - Chen Wei Chien, which means "Great Health". I was born on the 25thof May 1988. I am 4509 days old (Calculated on the 29thSeptember 2000)

The moon phase when
I was born

My name written in Runes (Viking): 

Shared Birthdays
Literary Figure
I share my birthday with Theodore Roethke, a Michigan-born in 1908 poet who won the 1954 Pulitzer Prize for poetry.

Here are a few of his poems :
The DonkeyThe Ceiling
I had a Donkey, that was all right,Suppose the Ceiling went Outside
But he always wanted to fly my Kite;And then caught Cold and Up and Died?
Every time I let him, the String would bust.The only Thing we'd have for Proof
Your Donkey is better behaved, I trust.That he was Gone, would be the Roof;
I think it would be Most Revealing
To find out how the Ceiling's Feeling.

Historical Figure (In The New York Times)

I share my birthday with K.C. Jones, born in 1932, a basketball
player in the Boston Celtics. He won a gold medal in the 1956

Historical Figure (From The History Channel)
I share my birthday with Igor Sikorsky, the Russian-born American helicopter designer

Recording Artist
I share my birthday with Klaus Maine, born in 1948, a member of the Scorpions group

Events Occuring On My Birthday
Historical Event (In The New York Times)

In 1961, President Kennedy asked the nation to work towards
putting a man on the moon by the end of the decade

Historical Event (The History Channel)
In 1979, the worst air crash occurred in The United States. The engine under the left wing broke off with the pylon. The plane climbed up to 350 feet above the ground. Later the plane crashed and killed all 271 passengers and 2 more people in a nearby trailer park.

Entertainment (Music, The History Channel)
In 1981, The Beatles Released their new album, 'Stars'.

Entertainment (Television Top Shows)
Name : The Cosby Show
Plot : None. It is a comedy.
Setting : Mr. Bill Cosby's Neighbourhood.
Starring : Mr. Bill Cosby
Years On TV: 8 years (1984 - 1992)

Entertainment (Television on Saturday Morning)
Name : The Real Ghostbusters 

Entertainment (Movies)
Name : 'Crocodile' Dundee II
Plot : Mick Dundee (Paul Hogan) and his wife played by Linda Kozlowski are being chased by Colombian drug-dealers after receiving negatives of photographs of an assassination of a man. Mick goes back to his homeland, Australia and captures his enemies one by one


Price of Postage Stamp : ?
Prime Minister (Then): Datuk Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohammad
Prime Minister (Now): Datuk Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohammad
Deputy Prime Minister (Then): Tun Ghaafar Baba
Deputy Prime Minister (Now) : Datuk Seri Ahmad Badawi

 Popular Toys In The 80's

Name :  Army Ants
Description : Plastic toys. Their thoraxes have different colours.Their plastic weapons can be removed.
Name : Cocodile Mile
Description : An outdoor water toy.
Name : Kooshas
Description : Originated from cat toys. Strands of Rubber tied up into a funky pom-pom. It is played like Hackey-sacks.