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So who are these cool people you speak of?

One of the best things about a job such as mine is meeting, and working with quality people. Some of these people have included Paul Mac, Daniel Johns, Cameron Baines of Bodyjar, Jay of 28days just to list some.

I have been able to gain souvniers from these people, and have had the pleasure of working with them, and the time to play in the regional areas and to time to have a chat about stuff in general.

I have also had the pleasure of working with other people who aren't involved in the music industry, and one in particular is Anthony Clark, who some may not know, but is the gold medalist from the 1996 Atlanta games, and 1999 World Blind Judo champion.

A great man, and inspirational, who I unfortunately did not get the chance to meet, but he did a motivation speak at Brauer College for Brauer and Hawkesdale students, who were, Hawkesdale that is, telling me after the talk, were thrilled to be even thought of for things of this nature.

Other people that I've also met include The Honourable, Mr Steve Bracks, the Premier of Victoria. I've also met Ms Jacinta Allen, state minister for youth and arts, Ms Christine Nixon, the Victorian Police Commissioner, and many others.

Some other people that may not be so well known that I have had a great pleasure of meeting include Michael O'Meara, who some may know or not, but he is an very dedicated man who does lots of youth focus work. His biography can be found at

I will, in the next coming months, will be providing some photos real soon, and perhaps some news clippings if they can be found.