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1.Who was the Green Party Vice Presidentical Candidate?
2.How many popular votes did Ralf Nader recieve nation-wide?
3.Who was the Workers World Party Presidencial Candidate and how many votes did he or she recieve in Florida?
4. What was unusual about the Missouri senate race between John Ashcroft and Mel Carnahan?
5. What percentage of Asian Americans voted for Al Gore?
6. How many ballots were thrown away in Florida?
7.In what state did Ralf Nader receives the highest percentage of the vote?
8.Who was the Liberitarian Party candidate and how many popular votes did he recieve nation-wide?
9. Nation-wide, what percentage of African Americans voted for George W. Bush?
10.The mob that demonstarted against the recount in Miami-Dade County and threatened election officials was made of employees of what entity?
11. What will be the ratio of Democrats to Republicans in the new Senate?
12. Name the four Supreme Court Justices who voted for a recount of the Florida vote?
13. John Hagelin was the presidential candidate for what party? How many votes did he recieve?
14.What candidate did the California Nurses Association endorse?
15.If how many states did the number of votes recieved by Pat Bucannan exceed the margin of victory for Gore?

By Larry Gara and Judith Pasternak

1. Which Greek Tragedy depicted the devastating results of war?
a)Media b)Lysistrata c)The Trojan Women d)Oedipus the King

2.Which Age or Reason writer penned A Vindication of the Rights of Women?
a)Alpha Behn b)Mary Wollstonecraft c)Phyllis Weatley d)John Locke

3. What Russian novelist was a passsionate proponent of pascifism?
a)Leo Tolstoy b)Anna Akhmatova c)Fyodir Dostoevsky d)Nikolai Gogol

4. Which Anglo-Irish poet and playwright wrote the ssay "The Soul of Man Under Socialism"?
a)John Keats b)John Starchy c)Oscar Wilde d)Ronham Brown

5. Which Harlem Renaissance poet peened the line, "What happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun"?
a)Countee Cullen b)Langston Hughes c)Zora Neale Hurston d)Ann Petry

6. Which John Steinbeck novel depicted the plight of dust bowl migrant during the Great Depression?
a)An American Tragedy b)USA c)The Grapes of Wrath d)East of Eden

7.Which existentialist philosopher wrote the anti-death penalty essay, "Neither Victims Nor Executioners"?
a)Soren Kierkegaard b)Jean Paul Sartre c)Simone de Beauvipr d)Albert Camus

8. Who was the first African-American to win the Nobel Prize for Literature?
a)Richard Wright b)Toni Morrison c)James Baldwin d)Maya Angelou


1.What American Socialist ran for president five times, including once while in jail?
2.Who is the Socialist Party USA year 2000 presidential candidate?
3.What baseball player made a great contribution to the improvement of race relations in America?
4.What U.S. Senator is most associated with the anti-communist witch-hunts of the 1950s?
5.From which state is the only Socialist in the U.S. House of Representatives?
6.What city is considered the artistic capital of Italy?
7.The 1899 novel 'Heart of Darkness' was the basis for what film? Who was the director?
8.Of what Native American tribe were the women and children killed at Wounded Knee?
9.Document, New Adventures in High Fi and Automatic for the People are all albums by what band? What town were they from orginally?
10.What is the significance of the number 420?


1. What leftist Newspaper is "As radical as reality itself"?
2. What Italian Renaissance politician and philosopher wrote the synical and immoral manual to political power which to this day is an inspiration oppressive rulers everywhere?
3. In which major United States city do police use lethal force the most?
4. How many homes of ambassadors in Belgrade have been hit by NATO bombs?
5. What former presidential candidate is now spokesmen for the sex drug Viagra?
6. How many countries has the United States Bombed since World War II?
7. Pinochet was the brutal dicatator of which Latin American Nation?
8. What does the Raver motto P.L.U.R. stand for?
9. What two great Hip Hop groups have the word "Star" in their names?
10. What great Indian pacifist revolutionary has been called "a soldier of nonviolence" and "the little brown man"?

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