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PsyKo Elf'Z Domain

HALT! Who dares trespass on MY area? Sign in with the gatekeeper, or dare to suffer the same fate as many a individual before yourself. But most of all don't fear what you shall become, it is most fun to be stark raving mad. *smirks* If you have escaped my grip before, you will notice changes within my home. If not, feel free to challange death. *gate swings open* Don't forget the gatekeeper...*laughs sinisterly*

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An unknown figure,
steps into the light before you.
Cloaked in a blood red cape,
the woman gazes at you.
She is of royal blood,
pale white skin, and crimson red lips.
The shades contrast each other greatly,
making her all the more desireable to you,
boots click on the castle pavement,
as you follow her out into the courtyard.
Down a dark alleyway she leads,
against your better judgement you follow the beautiful stanger,
Almost to silent.
You strain to hear the heels on pavement,
when suddenly you realize the sound is gone.
A flash of light,
and your world goes dark.
As you gaze at the dagger sticking out of your chest.
And just before you die completely,
the gorgeous figure steps before you and calmly says,
"Looks can be deciving."

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My Favorite Web Sites

My Journal
Ohio State University
University of Southern Indiana
Emmy's Page
The Spark
Nicholas' Page
Lil Bowman's Page
Laura's Page
Aman's Page
Real Comical Friends
Some of my pictures
Muh Language
101 Things for a Good Relationship
Anniversary Lists
Meus Joelies
My OREO Family
Cute things
INFO *nod nod nod*
My Poetry Page!
My Dream Realm

How to get ahold of ME! =o)
