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Here is a Walkthrough


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Introduction Walkthrough FAQ


Pokemon is a game for a game for Game Boy. You play a guy named Ash Ketchum and your destiny is to catch little creatures called Pokemon. Pokemon stands for Pocket Monsters and they are little creatures that are wild and live in the forest. For more information check out my page that tells you what pokemon is. It's about a page long.


Pallet Town

You start out in your house at Pallet Town. In Pallet Town you will get your first Pokemon. To get your first Pokemon you must go int the tall grass that is north of your house. When you enter the tall house Prof. Oak will stop you and say you need a Pokemon to protect you from wild Pokemon. He will take you to his labratory and let you pick your first pokemon. Either Squirtle, Bulbasaur, or Charmander. I like Bulbasaur better cause he is a mix of poison and grass. Most of the gym leaders have pokemon that can easily be defeated by Bulbasaur. It's your choice though.... After you pick your pokmon Gary wil challenge you to a pokemon battle. Just keep attacking and never use growl and you have a grat chance of winning. By the way whatever pokemon you pick Gary will pick the better one so if you picked Bulbasur he will choose Charmander. If you picked Chamander he will pick Squirtle. If yo picked Squirtle he will pick Bulbasaur, so no matter wht you pick he will have the better Pokemon. If you beatr Gary your pokemon will grow a level. After the battle leave Prof. Oaks lab and go north into the tall grass. There are two people there talk to them both. One of them will give yo a potion. The other will tell you a shortcut to go back faster. Just run away from the battles because you can't catch an poemon right now.

Viridian City

When your in Viridian City you should first go to the Pokemon Center and heal your Pokemon. After that go to the Pokemon Mart and go in and the store owner will give you a parcel to deliver to Prof. Oak. Go back to Prof. Oak in Pallet Town. On the way back yo can jump over those little rocks that look like rocks so that you can dodge more battles and save time.

Pallet Town 2

Go to Prof. Oaks lab and give him the parcel. Gary will come and Prof. Oak will give you both Pokedexes. After he gives then to you Gary will say that he will get a town map from his sister and tell her not to give you one. Go to his house which is next to your and talk to his sister and she will give you a town map. Now go back to Viridian City.

Viridian City 2

Now go to the mart and buy pokeballs. Go to where the Rattatas and Pidgey are and bring there power down. When about 80% of there power is gone throw a pokeball and you will catch them. For exp. points go West of Viridian City and battle Gary. After this go north of Viridian City to go to the Viridian Forest. There are items to the left along the way that can't be picked up yet. But later in the game you will be able to. In the Viridia Forest there are 3 trainers and different kinds of Pokemon. You can get a Pokeball if you go west frm the begining but you have to walk throught the grass. When you get to the endof the maze in the forest there will 1 trainer at the end (the other are somewhere in the forest too). After yu defeat him keep alking in the grass and keep walking until you find Pikachu. He is a weak pokemon at the beginning but he will be ueful against the water gym leader. After you get pokemon get out of the other end of Viridia Forest and head for Pewter which is up ahead.

Pewter City

In Pewter City you must fight cause if you don't some guy keeps bugging you and dosen't let you go to Mt. Moon. Brock has a level 12 Geodude and an Onix level 14. If you have a Bulbasaur or Squirtle it will be really easy. f you have a Charmander all have to say is good luck! Just kidding you could use a Pidgey, Rattata, Butterfree, or Beedrill. There's no need to use a Pikachu cause all he will probably he will have is Thundershock and that probably won't be too useful now wouldn't it. If you don't know what I mean its that cause thunder dosen't affect rock. With the BOULDER BADGE your pokemons power will increas andit will also let you use FLASH. Now go to Mt. Moon (you might want a few escape ropes and pokballs).

Mt. Moon

Mt. Moon may seem long and seem like amae but it isn't that confusing. You have to fight at least three Rocket I think and when you get to the third there will be a Super Nerd (a trainer) battle him and beat him to get one of the fossils. Then go to Cerulean City.

Cerulean City

If you got a Pikachu in Viridian City it will be easy and if you didn't and started out with a Bulbasaur it will be easy too! If you don't go back and get a Pikachu cause if you have a Charmander it's not going to be as easy with Bulbasaur or Pikachu. If you have a Squirtle it will be even so if you have a Pikachu you will probably beat her easily. I don't know what levelare her Pokemon are. I know she that she has Staryu and Starmie though. If you beat her you will get a CASCADE BADGE and it lets you use CUT. It also lets Pokemon up to level 30 obey. Now head up to Bill's House (it's north of Cerulean City) on te way you will encounter Gary. Hey for the people who don't know how to get Mewtwo, well here it is. The walkthrough that tells you how to get Mewtwo.

How to get Mewtwo

Ok, this is the walkthrough to get Mewtwo. But first let me tell you something. If there is a dead end somewhere and there is only one way to go i'm not going to say turn left, right etc. If there is a dead i'm going to just say keep going. Also you are going to need surf. Ok here i go.

When you are in the cave at the entrance go straight and turn right. You should see a set of stairs and a ladder. Don't go in the ladder but surf. Don't go up of any of the stairs along the way. Surf until you reach the end of the water. There should be a set of stairs (there's only one over there anyway) and there should be stairs and a laadder. Go down the stairs and keep going until you reach a ladder and go in the ladder. You should be in a place that looks like a maze. Keep going until you reach a ladder. Go in the ladder. Not far away there should be another ladder, go in there. Keep going until you reach a part where there is stairs and water. Surf until you reach another set of stairs. Keep going until you reach another set of stairs. Surf until you see Mewtwo and two sets of stairs. Save the game and battle him. When the first screen comes up just choose item and master ball and you will catch him. Good Luck.

If you want to use my walkthrough on how to get Mewtwo then e-mail me and make sure you put the credits o me. Thanks. Look at my definition of pokemon if you want to know what kind of guy I am.

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