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Po2 Prog Work
Brak's Work
NoFX's Work
NeoX's Work
NexuS' Work
Sim's Work
Soda's Work
Sway's Work
Trens' Work
Twister's Work
Venom's Work
Po2 Artwork
Bling's Work
Brad's Work
Eclipse's Work
Joe's Work
Klunix's Work
SoHail's Work
\/ooDoo's Work
Xero's Work
ZomB's Work
Free Email
-Main Page
Message Board
Other Progs & Utilities
Mail Group Prez- Sim
Mail VP- Sway
Mail Web-Master- Venom


Programmers of 2000

Po2 Resurrected
Sim has taken over Po2. Venom gave it to him, once he noticed Po2 was almost . We are all looking forward to Sim bringing Po2 back to what it use to be in the old school days. Good Luck Sim!
Where did Po2 go?
What do you guys do?
How do I join?
Can I get a virus off your progs?
Read the whole FAQ
11/05/99- Programmers and Artists list updated, not all pages up
11/02/99- Sim has taken over Po2 again, Venom will control this web-page
10/19/99- All programmers pages are now functional
10/18/99- Main page bugs are worked out and Altoid is now Pyro
10/07/99- All programmers pages up
10/04/99- Main-page was re-done to reflect the new Po2
10/03/99- Mantis, SteaIth and Brad taken off , they are no longer members
10/02/99- Venom has taken over the Po2 web-page, look for more updates
08/24/99- Now you can get your own free email here
08/24/99- New programs from Twister added
08/22/99- Art from SteaIth is added to SteaIth's works
08/22/99- Progs from Venom are added- Po2 Ascii Shop & Poison
08/21/99- New art from Mantis is uploaded
08/20/99- Programmer nexus and his prog Nevermore is added. get it here
08/20/99- Programmer Twister and his prog Twisterz Toolz is added. get it here
08/20/99- Artist SteaIth is added to the web-page
08/20/99- A counter is added to the site
08/08/99- New art samples from Mantis are uploaded
08/08/99- Members Brad and Altoid are added to the web-page
08/07/99- Po2 is reformed, and the site is up