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Profit Making Stocks Investment Club

Club members click here to access our portfolio.

Our investment club was created by our original President Freda. We held our first meeting in October, 1997. We presently have 21 women partners, twenty are active and one is silent.

We now own twenty different stocks. Our present goal is to acquire 100 shares of all the stocks in our portfolio. Our first purchase was 100 shares of Harley Davidson at $25.50/share. Harley has split 2 for 1 since we purchased it. This stock has proven to be a great foundation for our club.

The purpose of this page is for our member's information as well as a place to share information with others interested in stocks. Every month, one member publishes a newsletter and it is sent to all of our members.

We held our first meeting at Freda's home on October 12, 1997. At this meeting we made many decisions about the structure of our club, based on other investment club's bylaws we located on the internet.
Among the things we decided were:

  1. The name of our club
  2. The day and time of monthly meetings
  3. The amount we would contribute for dues and petty cash
  4. Nomination of officers
  5. Permanent meeting place
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