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The Mystery Of Dr. Dan Burisch

A synopsis or summary of Area 51 microbiologist Dr. Dan Burisch threads continuing since Oct. 2003

Microbiologist Dr. Dan Burisch Retires From Area 51, 5/30/04 Dr BURISCH & MARCI (BJ WOLF) POST TO THE FORUM & ANSWER QUESTIONS -:- With PHOTOS



This message was a response by Dan to another member of the "Projects" and contains plain language about his work, his thoughts, his contact with J-ROD, the extraordinary Doctrine of the Convergent Timeline Paradox, and his beliefs as a person and a scientist...

Linda M Howe audio interview with Dr Burisch discussing J-Rod.

HERALDhh 6:38 am EDT Volume 9:) PAGE 22

"The person expected to find the model in 2091, in the event that we avoid a 2012 catastrophe (which at this time I fully believe we will avoid) is not yet born under that name (as that particular person). The person expected to find the model in the 3400īs, should a 2012 catastrophe occur, is certainly not yet born. I personally look at June as the beginning of the footsteps toward Renaissance, and a gathering toward ancient prophetic visions, rather than anything else. :) Now, back to sleep! DBCD" [HERALDy also retires]

HERALDkk 5/22/2004 7:12 pm EDT

Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 9:) PAGE 24 "Passing info along"... comments on J-Rods, objective of S-4, the "model's" timeline explained, etc.

dondep 5/19/2004 2:31 am EDT

The One and Only Public Appearance of Dr. Dan Burisch


herald2012: Mr. Deppeller? // herald2012: Are you online yet? // drbknows: yes // herald2012: Good. // drbknows: who am I speaking with? // herald2012: Herald // drbknows: a number? how do I know you? // herald2012: you donīt know me. // herald2012: you are being given the opportunity to carry a message to the ragtag group // herald2012: on the GLP. //drbknows: go on.... //herald2012: everybody will have one chance //herald2012: and one chance only.

herald2012: Dr. Burisch will be personally attending Mr. Hamiltonīs final speech at Rachel Nevada on May 30th at 9 am

herald2012: itīs a small town, so you canīt miss him // herald2012: He will be in a meeting for approx //herald2012: 1 hour from 9 to 10 am //herald2012: then going with his Operational Director to the Little Alien Inn //herald2012: there are no restrictions //herald2012: to camera, film audio none //herald2012: nothing "... CONTINUED PAGE 7 2:31 am


Subject:  BREAKING NEWS: Dr. Dan Burisch coming to Rachel Sunday May 30th

"It is with great pleasure that I announce that my good friend Dr. Dan Burisch, although retiring in silence as of June 1st has informed me that he has permission to visit Rachel, meet people, and chat as he wants to show that he is a man of honor. He did not want to just slip away into the dark.

This is a last chance for those who want to meet him. He knows what he can say or not say. He says he is coming to honor me at my last public presentation on Sunday morning at 9 AM. He and his Ops Director will be my guests of honor in Rachel. It is fitting to end his career for the men of majesty next to the enigmatic Area 51 which he once worked at to just have a cup of coffee with us common folk at the Little AīLeīInn. Honest, sincere seekers are welcome. ...CONTINUED...


Boomerang Picked To Meet With Dan -&- MEETING RESULTS

Dex 5/18/2004 6:57 pm EDT

Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 9:) PAGE 6

Electromagnetic-light wave radiation. The Ganesh, possessing magnetic properties may not principally be magnetic. At any rate, I believe the Ganesh particles are thinking corpuscles of Light wave radiation. Resembling a form of thinking intelligence. A principle coder of codes... CONTINUED PAGE 6 6:57 pm ..." Dan is experimenting with things of great importance."

Post Hole 5/18/2004 2:24 am EDT

Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 9:) PAGE 3

This now seems relevant, what with all the wierd ending talk going on, I got this from Human Subjectīs opening post, (this volume), about Dan and the Gulf War Syndrome connection. I read about this somewhere else (not at Godlike) months ago, but it never registered like it does now.. Mentions John McConnel, who some say is J, and Dan (Crain). Where does one find the whole letter? ~~The association between Dan Crain and Sky Spiders in the Gulf War was made in a letter written by a soldier desperate to find Dan and delivered to me in hopes of gaining information about Gulf War Syndrome. Excerpt:....PAGE 3 2:24 am
DAN ANSWERS GWS: HERALDz 5/22/2004 5:31 am EDT Volume 9:) PAGE 22


Anonymous C. 5/16/2004 3:35 am EDT

Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 8:) PAGE 35

Thatīs exactly how I feel about it Ubleck. For the past several months your fine people were fed an extraordinary amount of information and the most you were able to do with it is excercise your heads, but a few did exercise their minds.

Why did Dr. Burisch ever want this strange concoction of fools, wanna bees, fantasy players to see or hear about Lotus? I asked him more than once and he said they someone in here was supposed to pass the message on to the right person for the future. He also told me that that was done some time ago, by of all people Harry Dschaak. Thatīs right, it was Harry Dschaak that talked to the right person at the right time. Funny isnīt it? A _ pig farmer talks to the right person on the Hill and the message gets passed to the future. He said that the message was meant for him to carry on. Harry did it and then predictably stepped on his _ like most of the rest of you in here.

He found out about the T9 real schedule about 10 days ago and rushed and finished the work. So he will take his smelly J-Rods, and we will take out baby cams and woddle away never to be heard from again. He would say Peace to everyone. I would say that to some and f.u. to others! Heīs not that way though. He even said that he expected to be scourged by you idiots: congratulations you won! So go ahead and erase your library and links because you are the first people to say that there is no truth to be found there. You can all go back to your fulfilling lives now. Like I said: you got more proof than you deserved.


The little guy just walked in and I asked him for his message. IMO you donīt deserve this but here it is:

"To the members of GLP, thank you all for carrying the message into the future! The model has been completed and the conference has been made witness to the subtle beauty of the process of continuous creation. May the One Creator bless each of your through your days and may we all find a future filled with love and happiness!

Dan B Catselas Burisch, Ph.D."


J 5/16/2004 5:34 am EDT PAGE 35

Your answer Mr. Deppeller: " called to testify....." :) Danīs work nears its end. He has been permitted this response. to David Wilcock, "Dear Mr. Wilcock: ==>> PAGE 35


Uncle John 5/14/2004 10:43 pm EDT

Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 8:) Page 32

Peace 2/11/2004 12:32 am EST Volume 3:)

"...Question entered: 0200 11FEB04

Dearest Danny,

I know, from the onset, that this must be an intrusion. For that, I apologize. Some of my colleagues and I have been discussing the vast leakage of material from your project. The content of that leakage, understandably predicted by the Doctrine, casts a certain public light upon you for all history. These, in particular, contain disjoint information, incomplete some may say, that would be entirely confusing to scientific peer review. If you could take just a moment or two to discuss with me that issue, we would be grateful...." CONTINUED AT Volume 8 Page 32 10:43pm

Kiwi Cocky (nli) 5/11/2004 4:30 am EDT

Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 8:)

Another, so what is the latest on Kit Green? Vol 2

"Itīs about time 2/4/2004 2:22 am Long before most of you ever heard of Dr. Dan Burisch, efforts were being made to get his situation to the attention of lawmakers, media, researchers, and others.

The person responsible for Eagles Disobey sent out an information packet to one Las Vegas investigational group hoping theyīd be willing to help, but instead, the īramming speedī order was given by General Colm (any relation to Colm A. Kelleher, Ph.D.,

Administrator, Molecular Biology & Biochemistry is strictly coincidental). He said, while scoffing at Dr. Burisch and his situation, that his trusted advisor, a Dr. Kit Green (physician and renown neurophysiologist) had said that the objects designed by Dr. Burisch as test equipment for the Ganesh Particle, and planted on Frenchman Mountain during early tests were nothing more than medical waste. Outrage, and indignation ensued. When challenged, nobody at that Las Vegas organization would declare what medical proceedure in the world they thought could yield, as medical waste, the objects recovered, photographed and displayed on the internet.

Years have passed, and efforts, spearheaded by Bill Hamilton have once again placed information about Dr. Dan Burisch in front of Dr. Kit Green. But this time with completely different results.

It has been recently disclosed that Dr. Kit Green changed his opinion, completely reversing himself after viewing the videotape of Dr. Dan Burisch being interviewed in Las Vegas. He now supports Dr. Dan Burisch - and validates his knowledge and vision within the the field of microbiology, specifically regarding emergent biochemical and genetics postulates. To briefly quote from a letter from Bill Hamilton: Subject: Comments about Dan I have sent a confidential copy of an interview with Dr. Dan Burisch to Dr. Kit Green for evaluation. His response: Thanks, I have looked at the DVD and can tell I need to study it at least two, maybe more times. The DVD is a "keeper" by the way. He sure looks intact and serious, human and humorful, and about as non-pathological (read: psychiatric DSM IV or Paraphrenia - delusional) as any one I have seen. So much for all those who say Dr. Burisch is crazy, or delusional. This evaluation comes from a man with a doctorate in the field of neurophysiology. Dr. Green went on to write: "It would be foolish for me to ask about a specific area of molecular biology in which I am not as advanced as is he(Dan):

his writings on profound biochemical and genetic postulates are beyond my single medical school course in pathophysiology..."

I must agree with Bill Hamiltonīs comments following the letter from Kit Green: Today, as we gaze on those images of Mars that suggests life elsewhere in the universe, I would like to offer thanks to all those scientists exploring new worlds. To all those on this forum - Now is the time to take appropriate steps with courage, and without fear. Humanity is at a fragile point, and coveting knowledge for the sake of power (even power within such a small group as this) has never been the way of those history chooses to remember kindly "


WallRace 5/4/2004 6:31 am EDT VOL 7 PAGE 14

320X S McCleod, Las Vegas "Harry and I got lost in Vegas trying to find Danīs place, coming from another route. We arrived at around 3:05 pm PDT..." (continued Vol. 7 Page 14) -:- A CONTROVERSY EVOLVES -:- -:- An "Insider" Comments 9:55 pm Page 13, 5/19/2004 Vol. 9

BJ Wolf 5/2/2004 10:17 am EDT

Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 7:) Page 6

Somebody give me a Yahoo ID please, I donīt know who you all are........... IMPORTANT Yes, this is really BJ

Uncle John 5/2/2004 11:23 am EDT

Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 7:) Page 6

Uncle John here: Oh My God. Here it is friends, not edited, except for the yahoo id used by BJ Wolf.
BJ: Hello?
UncleJohn: Good morning BJ, UJ here
BJ: Standby, switing to the OpDir Proj Lotus.
BJ: K-W proceed with switch.
BJ: WiB are you there?
BJ: Yes I am...(continues) ..."
BJ: What is different now is this: there is a concerted effort underway right now, by the Illuminati to get Dan out into the public where they can have at him..."

"...BJ: Before I get switched, you need to tell people to please back off. We need to get this work done. Lives are at stake not just the egos of a few people who are trying to make a big noise
BJ: and if they get their way,
BJ: Dan will find himself relocated up north where he can finish the Model in peace, and ON TIME without any interruption.
BJ: They DO have the power and they WILL use it..."

AS OF ==>> 5/1/2004

Harrdrawk (Harry) 5/1/2004 8:21 am EDT

Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 7:) Page 3

"I am not in a great mood, but I have some long posts to make, so bear with me. I am having a harrd time with the recent developments involving Dan and disclosure... start with this:

I would like to make some observations using some material I got from links provided by Seion9 and others, as well as my own experience here. Be prepared to read several lengthy posts, as I doubt they will all fit in one slot..." Page 3

Crackajack 4/30/2004 12:23 pm EDT

Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 7:) Page 1

"...FWIW, here is the text of my short interlude with Dr Burisch. Yep, itīs only text, and could be anything. Take it as you will. The webcam stills to support, are posted at the library, and soon at "Boomweb"..."

Crackajack is told to get rid of material accidentally sent, that is dangerous to the timeline.

numero who cares? 5/2/2004 6:26 am EDT

Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 7:) Page 5 "...You got me a little wrong there Boomerang. I am the gatekeeper. I even read his mail then send it on to him..." I clicked OK which made you one of the last two from your group to EVER see Dan on camera again. I even passed-on a quote from Dan.

Like I said there will be no encores. That isnīt my decision, but that decision has been made from above in the chain of command...."

#7 5/2/2004 7:21 am

There is one person in this group that REALLY did the right thing when the chips were down. He knows who he is and his words WILL last the test of time (crackajack). For one more time, on behalf of Dr. Burisch, thank you! This situation and decision on his part changed the minds of many people about your little group. It reflected positively on the average folks. (other insiders also post positive for crackajack)

Brian 4/29/2004 11:22 pm EDT

Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 6:) Page 48

Oh I am not sure about that, Boomerang! ;) But I have to say something, I have enjoyed this time speaking to the open world. I real time limit is set on us all here. It coincides with the end of this coming month. Once May 2004 leaves us forever so does your interaction with any of us inside players from the Vegas unit. The REAL bell is sounding, not the fun we all had with you some time ago. So sad to go! :)

We have been informed that Danīs message to you to "tell the world" has reached the right people. Thatīs wonderful (even for a guy like me) because I know that a ragtag group actually did something worth while.

For those that donīt feel in themselves the reality of the information about Dan it is better you regard this a hoax or a myth or whatever you want to call it. It is better for your minds and souls. (Yea I do still have one of those! :) )

Once June 2004 arrives, quiet will happen and the people playing games with you will just be yourselves and a few freaks that come in from the storm.

A storm is coming. How the storm arrives or what form it takes hasnīt been determined, but it is coming

AS OF ==>> 4/26/04


Sterling Allan (Wallrace) admonished for original Press Release "Burisch Arrested? Lotus Manuscript Has Escaped?" changes it to "The Saga of Dr Dan Burisch"

AS OF ==>> 4/23/04

Linda Moulton Howe on talked about and played tape of Dr Dan Burisch

REMINDER: All Posts at the Dr Dan Burisch GLP Thread Are Not Necessarily Valid

AS OF ==>> 4/19/04

Reply From (Assistant) Director of Project Lotus to Dr. Michael Salla in Respect to Dr. Burisch


Harry & Sterling X-Conference - Congressional Visit REPORT 4/17-19/04 and others comment on the X-Conference, bottom of page

"Congressional Hearing Requested for Area 51 Microbiologist" PRESS RELEASE & PETITION 4/21/04

skywatcher22 4/12/2004 11:50 am EDT Page 56

Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 5:)


Both Bill and Dan comment on the turn of events

Bill Hamilton UPDATES Dr. Burisch



Just What Is This "Disclosure" About?

Do We Choose Sides?

Dr Dan Burisch, Project Lotus And Disclosure Of The Extraterrestrial Presence

Exopolitical Comment #12 By Michael Salla, PhD

Dr. Burisch responds to the above along with reply to Dr Burisch Comment #12

Anonymous C. 4/10/2004 2:57 am EDT

Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 5:) Page 47


"To: MAJ Distribution CC: Marcia Ann McDowell, M.A. Asst. Dir. Project Lotus

From: Danny B Catselas Burisch, Ph.D., Dir. Project Lotus



Date: 09 Apr 04

Pursuant to a directive from the Maji, I am being moved by security to seclusion due to recent events.

Due to the pace that must be kept in order to complete the production of the model, such ordered seclusion is incompatible with my continuing in the position as Director of Project Lotus. The necessary information, in order, has been provided to Ms. McDowell, and she is also in possession of all my private notes regarding the philosophical issues that will be interwoven into the model. She is to be allowed immediate and total access to my diary archives, which span from 1986 to present. Therefore, with the kind permission that was granted from the Majestic 12 at 22:30 hours UTC this date, I am submitting my announcement of immediate retirement from active service. Once security indicates that I am safe from the drama that is playing out regarding the Tau-9, I presume that I am to be moved to my permanent place of retirement. In either case, my first order of business is to get some rest, get a new cat (as my current one can't be brought with me), and dredge up an unused scope from the labs so that I may be able to watch some protozoa for awhile. : )

Just looking at the beauty God has given us, that sounds so nice. But, you know, that is all it has ever been about- just observing. I am so blessed.

As of 03:00 hours UTC, Marcia Ann McDowell, M.A. has been directed by the Majestic 12 to have been appointed Operational Director of Project Lotus. I wish her the best and know that she will complete the placing together of the "blocks" for the model in her usual smooth style. May God grant her the necessary wisdom to bring this to fruition and may the One Creator of the universe give to her the protection of the Cherubim while doing so.

Gosh, it came so quickly and I thought I had so much to do! But, isn't that always the revelation? So, it is time to just...fade away. May God Bless you all!

Truly in Christ, DBCB"

Anonymous C. 4/9/2004 3:10 am EST

Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 5:) Page 42 / 3:10 EST

Youīll never get your way. You think anyone will let him talk about those sensitive things? Those sensitive things are but a marketing technique to get him "outted" for the Rogues.

It has been determined that the driving forces behind many good people here is the Illuminati. The Illuminati, in turn, is advised by the Rogues, with an ultimate Luciferian agenda.

Yes, there are many good people here. But the movers/shakers have been found out.




We donīt get in the way of people talking about him, that is free speech, but he will be protected and the rest will be stopped.



AS OF ==>> 4/9/04 Sterling Allan's PRESS RELEASE "Area 51 Microbiologist Ready to Talk", Linked to Major alternative news outlets & 3 pages from this website linked to it.

AS OF ==>> 4/7/04 Page 37 Vol 5

WallRace 4/7/2004 5:40 am EDT

Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 5:)

Face-to-face with Dr. Dan Burisch

Area 51 microbiologist in lock-down, working with the Lotus project and īJ-rods,ī meets with two "outsiders." by Sterling D. Allan Greater Things News Service April 6,7, 2004 LAS VEGAS, NV

I imagine you folks at GLP have been anxious to receive a report from Harry (harrdrawk) or myself (wallrace) regarding our recent three-hour, face-to-face meeting with Dr. Dan Burisch...


Above page linked to Press Release, which is linked to -:- -:- Etc.

AS OF ==>> 4/6/04 Page 36 Vol 5

Boomerangī 4/6/2004 12:19 pm EDT Page 36

Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 5:)

Indeed, extremely interesting Skywatcher, thanks.

"My interest in the sun has recently been stimulated by reports I have received from a man, Dr. Dan B.C. Burisch, who claims he is a microbiologist who works for a shadowy arm of the government. He tells me that preparations are being made for a coming catastrophe in the year 2012 that involves changes in our sun and its effects on the earth. This is, of course, related to deciphering the Mayan symbols that seem to point to the winter solstice of our year 2012."

And below Danīs own words....


AS OF ==>> 3/31/04 Page 20 Vol. 5

Anonymous C. 3/31/2004 1:17 am EST

Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 5:)

Dr Burisch has planted seeds from the 'Tree' in the Lotus Process. And yes, others have taken liberties with this knowledge that Dr Dan refused to do. They have begun to genome the Ganesh Particle DNA. 'Reversine' apparently is a synthetic molecule which can reverse a developed cell to the stem cell level. Advanced Cell Technologies is an organization which sought to profit from Ganesh Particle technology. Recently, we received notice that research from Los Alamos will be used to create life by engineering the molecular components of life forces into different patterns. As Dr Dan said, 'the genie is out of the bottle.' Can't say he didn't warn us!

What will Dr Burisch's research be used for? It is part of T9. The aliens get the right to 10 million humans a year and the working Lotus Protocols for genetic manipulation of mankind into alien hybrids. What do we get? Well, only the military knows for sure. Bigger bombs? Stargates? Coordinates for off world terraforming operations? Wow, why bother to 'tell all the world' our leaders have sold us out to Satan for their continued success?

Whatever good could come out of this research will never see the light of day for the benefit of mankind as those who control the information will utilize it for the manipulation of us all.

But which tree has Dr Burisch cultivated? The 'Tree of Eternal Life,' or the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil? I think the latter, and this Tree will kill those who eat its fruit. It will kill in spirit those who think they know, rather than the essence of life itself. There is no way to cure the cancer except thru death and the dying experience, the very fact of material existence which those who manipulate life forces through knowledge are trying to avoid to save a dying race of Jrods which are not worth the time of day, let alone the fate of a single human being.

Oh, about fertilizer, it is used so much that now the oceans are dying off in its surface runoff. Great, we need more genetically modified crops to feed the cattle to give them all sorts of unheard of diseases. Lichen killing elk? Impossible. What about man? Just so long as the flowers grow the graveyard won't seem so empty.


Anonymous C. 3/31/2004 2:10 am EST

Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 5:)

Interrogatory 03NOV03 Submitted:

Dr. Burisch, there are many within our tight group as well as those laterally interested (specifically authorised contacts in the Society of Jesus), that have concern over the involvement (Good/Evil) of the being alleged to visit with you on a regular basis. Can you clarify and comment? Submitted, Reviewer #098 (Religious Doctrine Division)

The following was received from the Desk of Dr. Dan BC Burisch on 06NOV03 0400UTC

"Dear Reviewer #098:...


AS OF ==>> 3/28/04 Page 14 Vol. 5

Harrdrawk (Harry Dschaak)

3/28/2004 4:19 pm EST

Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 5:)

For those of you too lazy to make breakfast, here is your Sunday Brunch:

Peter7, (one of our most quiet contributors) has obviously been very busy these past many months organizing and saving so many pieces of the Dan Burisch Threads for reader friendly catching up and catching on.. Everything you need to know about the first 4 volumes, (and now this one), has been set to light, in a museum type display, including easy links to all the GLP threads, and other helpful Forums .

I would gladly recommend Peter7īs link to anyone just arriving, (those who want the two paragraph summary of 10,000 posts), as not just the Library and the Alternate reading room are repeatedly referred to, but main characters and numerous posts from within the threads have been displayed in such a setting to give the newbie insight as to what the all the hype surrounding Dr. Dan Burisch stems from, and why the threads donīt die. After spending most of the night and this morning perusing the site, I am completely refreshed.

I realize now why Peter7 chose Alfred Hitchcock the Mystery writer, for an Avatar! The Mystery of Dan Burisch site gives the reader a peek at what critics and debunkers (and the earthly Powers That Be), want you to ignore ---> The Story behind the Mystery [hinted at] by the appearance and persistence of these ongoing discussions.

Will Dan ever speak to us again? Are enquiring minds left to the reports and insights from Remote Viewers only? Will the Maji ever agree to any type of direct communiques with the ailing Doctor? Will Danīs health see him until Mar 16th, 2005? Will Bill Hamilton (the Lone Ranger), save the day? Will the upcoming April X-Conference be another feigned attempt at disclosure? Who will be the next daring insider willing to risk life and limb to get the curtain torn down? Is 2012 really the final curtain for the inhabitants on this Planet? Stay tuned. (Mystery unfolding ahead)

On behalf of Dan and all of us, Iīd like to publicly thank Peter7 (this website's creator) for working so hard behind the scenes to preserve this story, and thank you Kiwi_Cocky for pointing me in that direction. (I canīt believe I never clicked on the links when they appeared on the threads along the way... not like me)

Since Peter7 is obviously not the type to draw attention to himself or to his work, (Iīll take care of that part). PLEASE, everyone, (including Danīs self appointed courier), do yourself a favor and take a look.


AS OF ==>> 3/25/04

"Regan" and "Bill H. differ on Dan's 'captivity'. Is it sinister or benevolent?

AS OF ==>> 3/17/04 PAGE 33 VOL. 4

Date: Tuesday, March 16, 2004

From: Marcia A. McDowell, M.A.

Subject: Acceptance of Appointment

To: Members of Project Lotus, Maji To the Members of Project Lotus and Distinguished Maji,

I am both grateful and humbled to be asked to accept the position of Operational Director of Project Lotus upon the retirement of Dr. Dan BC Burisch in March 2005.

While there is no way that anyone could hope to fill his shoes, I hereby accept the appointment, and will strive with what modest gifts I possess to justify the confidence that is being placed in me. I want to take a moment to thank the scientists who have agreed to stay on, as well as those who will be coming onboard to fill gaps in the biological sciences after Dr. Burischīs retirement. Your efforts are crucial to the success of our mission on behalf of humanity.

Project Lotus touches many aspects of the human condition reflected in science, philosophy, theology, and ethics. We tread remarkably close to the Tree of Life, guarded by the Holy Cherubim.

Therefore, be advised that on March 16, 2005, when Phase 2 becomes Operational and I assume the responsibility of project leadership, we will continue our commitment to respect the limitations, established by Dr. Burisch in cooperation with the Holy Cherubim, that have been placed upon this project by Almighty God.

I will tolerate no trespass upon the Tree of Life while this project is under my guidance.

Respectfully, Marcia A. McDowell, M.A. Assistant Director, Project Lotus

AS OF ==>> 3/16/04 PAGE 30 VOL. 4

Clark Otis Hayes 3/16/2004 1:19 pm EST

Re: Mystery of Dr. Dan Burisch !!!IMPORTANT!!! Volume 4:)

Well, now you have a name to put to the so called "protector". I think I will respond to the "Service to All" (?) posts of recent, concerning a 1 year from now retiring Dan.

>>Thanks for the info.. Hmmmm..., no offense, but why fade away, and not grab a microphone and ītell the worldī? Just a q...<<

Good question Danny. The use of the catch phrase "tell the world" is nice, but as I understand it, Dan was asked what others should do. He responded "For the sake of humanity tell the world." He was right, I believe. He spent what time that was afforded to him, when connected to members of the GLP forum doing just that- telling the world. (Making the assumption that you and the others that he spoke with, feel part of it.) Now he is dying, has spent the last 18 years of his life in a virtual (and sometimes literal) prison, is completing a project that will help the world while under enormous suffering, and has decided to "go" in peace and dignity. From where I was raised, that counts for something. He has never been a soap-box man, but has plainly spoke his mind and has shared more than any other scientist I would ever expect, with a group such as yours.

No offense as well, but he has told the world, and for the most part it refuses to listen. May I cite a case? Look at yourselves. Nothing lately but derision and negativity amongst you. If your group truly believed what he was saying, then you would truly believe in angels. If you truly believed in angels, you would truly believe not to act the way the group has been acting....and this is coming from a strong arm kind of guy. :)

Before anyone gets all righteous about the real Human Subject, please remember that Dan knew him, quite personally, before the man died. While some of your members let the words so comfortably roll from your mouths, about things that you have not seen and places you have not been, remember: he has lived it. He watched people die. He has felt the pain of the JRod.


Otis Hayes 3/16/2004 2:35 pm

I have asked to be extended beyond Dr. Danīs retirement as his security specialist and that request was granted. You see, just because he retires that doesnīt mean he loses security.

AS OF ==>> 3/16/04 PAGE 29 Vol.4

Security Unit #7, Las Vegas 3/16/2004 6:14 am EST

Re: Mystery of Dr. Dan Burisch !!!IMPORTANT!!! Volume 4:)

"Yes, crackajack, he will.


>>>Received 05:45et from the Office of Dr. Dan BC Burisch, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States.

"To the fellow members:

At 00:00hours, March 16, 2004, I accepted the most kind offer of near term retirement, from the Maji.

The retirement will become effective, at 00:00hours (GMT) March 16, 2005. Insodoing, they accepted my terms: all the Chinese food I can eat, coffee I can drink, and slides I can consume while playing with my microscope. I have accepted a generous placement of secluded retirement: one that would make most jealous. It was chosen by me to be in a location not shielded from any mistake that humanity may have made in its attempt to prevent a future we have the capacity and responsibility to avoid. I accept my responsibility and share with humanity its destiny. I hope I can relax for my remaining years and look at nature's beauty. Yes, my health is bad, but I can only hope to accept with dignity that part of the suffering of the Christ that He may allow me. My retirement will come after the completion of the Lotus Model, a project that has been entrusted to me, for fulfillment, to that level. I trust in the God of Creation and his angels, to continue His protection over this project and those who seek to understand the beauty without their corrupting the perfection, by touching. I truly thank and love all those with whom I have worked, and to all those that have helped me in the endeavors of this project. To all those who have looked in on me and honestly offered their help: thank you, I love you. You have freed me in the way that is most important. For that, I owe you all, greatly.

The Lotus Model will come in the form of a "paper", bound with two letters- one addressed, by name and date, to the person that will find it, should we avoid catastrophe. The second, will be addressed by name and date, to the person that would find it should we have failed in our great quest. Together with the "paper" and letters, the image and data files will be included.

Following retirement, the Maji will make decisions as to the future of the project, if any. They have come to understand the seriousness of the Cherubim, in this matter. So, I am confident they will make decisions, carefully.

So, there you have it! It will be time for this scientist to just...fade away. With everlasting confidence in Almighty God, I wish upon all who read these humble words, written by a humbled man, the Blessings of the Beauty of the Cosmos, the protection of the Christ, and the comforting protection of His angels.

I love each of you. Dan"<<<

AS OF =>> 3/15/04

PAGE 27 Forum 4 (Vol.4)

A. C. 3/15/2004 5:45 pm EST

Re: Mystery of Dr. Dan Burisch !!!IMPORTANT!!! Volume 4:)
From: "Bill Hamilton"
Date: Sun Mar 14, 2004 8:02 pm
Subject: Another Meeting with Dr. Dan

I have had another meeting with Dr. Dan B.C. Burisch.

For all of you who have been following this saga of which I have become a small part, I have had another even more enlightning meeting with Dr. Dan and another. However, this time I am not going to say much outside of what he is working on because our meeting was observed, recorded and photographed by seemingly more sources than I had anticipated even though I had my own people present.

Dan has become the real focus of both wanted and unwanted attention. Dan is someone I relate to very well and enjoy his good sense of humor and quick wit and now consider my friend. I am even trying in some small way to contribute to the project and thus had a project briefing. Believe it or not there are those behind the scenes who favor the idea that some of this information be released to the world. I hope so, but they have concerns that I deeply sympathize with as we have all found out that there are "fruitcakes" and "nutcakes" out there who will do all in their power to swerve all of us off course in their misguided attempt to interfere with human destiny.

I have, even in UFO research, been primarily interested in new science, new discoveries, and any attempt to unravel the mysteries of life and the universe that we are all an integral part of despite the forces of suppression and those who want to keep us under an evergrowing darkness.

Dan has conducted an enhanced replication to Lorenzo Spallazaniīs famous experiment, wherein the notion of abiogenesis was sent to its rest. Results from this īenhancedī replication confirmed Spallazaniīs original results. Dan has also produced protocells that differentiated into cycling eukaryotic cells. Also, some of the results he obtained are suggestive of neurogenesis, something which will be of great interest to an M.D. associate. The results of these experiments and replications of been forwarded to the higher ups (the 12).

The work is what is exciting. But, Dan is careful. Why? Because so many want to acquire his methods and results and prevaricate its use. You can put any scientific findings to do greater good or evil in the world.

We are now finding out there is more in that microsocpic world beyond our senses than we have dreamt of in our philosophy and that the dimensions of life are greater than our best scientists have even imagined.

Dr. Dan is not in the best of health due to a heart condition and I am only hoping and praying that he has many years left to complete his mission in life.

Bill Hamilton Executive Director Skywatch International, Inc.
Website: Fiat Lux et Veritas

AS OF =>> 3/9/04

Page 16 of Forum 4 (Vol.4)

A Personal Protector of Dan?; replies

A. C.

3/9/2004 4:58 am EST

Re: Mystery of Dr. Dan Burisch !!!IMPORTANT!!! Volume 4:)

"Pagemaker- you are welcome.
>>>This claim suggests you are but ONE of his protectors, right?
>>This asserts that you could tell us whether or not he is "traveling" this week or not, as was rumored in an unconformed report? Will he be back to work on Thursday?
He has never stopped work, since I have known him. As for "traveling", when someone wishes to film him (at the distance it was done this evening), not a problem! :) The sight-seer gag was quaint, not new, but looked good. Better crew than the last time it was attempted (library). We watched from 8 and across the street, when they were on 7,....tonight. :)
>>Would that make you a body guard? Cause it has been suggested he has none.
Since the "Project Freemason" business, he has quite a crew watching over him. I wish someone would step up and say that it was not meant as a threat. Please?
>>As his personal Protector, and as one who seems to hold a wealth of details about his life and family and background, would that make you Maji material, or just a self appointed Dan Fan? (Light Beings donīt type, right?)
Light being donīt type as far as I know. ;) I have been told I have good mettle, and I am not self-appointed.
>>How long have you been Danīs personal protector, and is this a "life time" postion?
6 years, 6 long years! :() Yes, until reassigned.
>>Did you transfer in from LA?
>>Whoīs protecting Dan while youīre up here posting on the thread?
Answered above.
>>Have there been threats on Danīs life recently? Can you describe these (if any)?
Answered above.
>>Are you interested in seeing Dan freed, or do you think it would be safer if he stays put, (in relative isolation)
No. No opinion.
>>Would you consider a Congressional Subpoena a threat on Danīs life? (In the event he could not remain secluded, or had to appear in some court to testify about something, or in some way putting Dan in harmīs way)? (thinking Sniper here)
No. I believe in following all laws and believe in our Constitutional form of government.
>>Would you expect to be with Dan and would we be able to recognize you as his protector, in such a court setting?
Yes. No, I doubt you would identify me, but I could be wrong! :)
>>In your opinion, would you be able to protect Dan if he were ever to leave the safety of the environment he now finds himself in?
Too hypothetical for a reasonable response.
>>In your opinion as Danīs Protector, will Dan undergo a heart transplant before he finshes his work on the Lotus Model?
No I donīt think so, but I donīt render medical opinions.
>>Are you aware of, and have you been involved with, any of the Secret meetings that have been arranged for Dan to have outside visitors in the not too distant past?
>>Do you know Bill Hamilton or any of his team?
I know of him: Internationally known and respected researcher. I cannot speak to the term "team".
>>Could you explain briefly who would want to see Dan harmed, and why? (Maybe this canīt be explained briefly) I was thinking maybe you were debriefed about each of the factions or alien groups who wish to see his days on earth terminated. Is the US Military one of the potential assassins of Dr. Burisch?
I donīt get into anyone elseīs head (metaphorically that is).
>>Does Dr. Burisch know you are his Protector, and does he trust you? (2 questions)
Yes. I believe so. If so his trust IS justified. :)
>>In your opinion as Protector, is the work Dr. Burisch going to benefit Humanity, or only off worlders and a small select group of elitists?
Not my area.
>>AS Dr. Burischīs Protector, are you in favor of public disclosure about the sensitive past and present projects Dan has been involved with?
Not my area.
>>If a private citizen of this or another Country, (say a civic or political activist of one kind or another), attempted to draw attention to Dr. Burisch the person, by holding a Press Conference, and say this caused a public out cry, and say that the public out cry neccesitated the transfer of Dr. Burisch to destinations unknown, which transfer might cause elevated stress or deteriorated health on the part of the doctor, which may cause a stroke or even worse, a premature heart attack, would you in any way retaliate upon that well meaning civic or political activist or his family?
I donīt believe in any form of retaliation, unless by legal process. As for the specifics of your question, too hypothetical- I lost track after the second "say..". :) I will suggest to you that Burisch is not going to travel, anywhere, of any distance. That is according to his docs.
>>As one knowledgeable of Danīs past, is there anyone living in the world who could enlighten us, (possibly be interviewed by a member of our group) that you could point us to? (Yes, no, or I donīt know) {Will have follow up question for that one if answered yes}
No, I think that thereīs just about no one "left" that could say much, and the others know better. ;) Unfortunately, there will be no follow ups.
>>AS one knowledgeable of Danīs past, do you have knowledge of, or access to, any of Danīs personal journals that may have been confiscated from Danīs parents home? Or information about any other source of documentaion that could help establish the identity of Dr. Burisch? If you have access to these type materials, I donīt suppose you would be interested in sharing?
No. I know nothing of that. I know that "sharing is caring" but that is not my area. His identity is known to all that need to know it. :)
>>It has been suggested that although the story of Dr. Burisch being a twin is believable, you realize that it is true that proving this would take an act of congress, Does Doctor Burisch himself support these allegations?
I donīt know. Not germane to my area.
>>I have asked only a few of the hundreds of questions I would have for somebody who knows the whole story. Are you somebody who has taken the NSA Oath?
I have taken an oath, but not for them.
>>If not, Are you a US citizen?
I am!
>>Do people sometimes call you Sir?

>>Jadian >>3/9/2004

>>3:28 am EST Re: Mystery of Dr. Dan >>Burisch !!!IMPORTANT!!! Volume 4:)
>>Knighted - Sir?
>>Secret Society - Bloodlines?
Love the twist on the time! Knighted, no. Secret Society? If I told you it wouldnīt be a secret now would it? I do have a bloodline! Nearest is my parents! :-( )
Great people- I again hope that the "Op. Freemason" business is a misunderstanding. If so, I can allow many people to be at home with their families in the middle of the night, rather than having to work double duties to watch our man. Best wishes to all the truth seekers out there: maybe youīll find some. If you do, I hope that it will be a pleasant truth.


Dan's Guardian CHERUBIM

AS OF ==>> 2/26/04

Page 42 Forum 3 (Vol.3)

PageMarker 2/26/2004 2:02 am EST

Re: Mystery of Dr. Dan Burisch !!!IMPORTANT!!! Volume 3:)

MJ3: Don Dep? Dondep: yes MJ3: This is the last time I can try to connect, they are getting closer to finding out whatīs happening. Dondep: okay, am listening carefully. MJ3: They know there is some kind of info breach but I am not sure how. MJ3: I canīt get caught. Dondep: We are keeping a lid here. Dondep: only inner circle receives info. MJ3: Happens once, happens only once. MJ3: Something is wrong...I am afraid they can see what is going on here tonight so I am having another Dondep: Need you to remind the few here that this is not for posting on the thread. MJ3: person type what I say so it comes out a little different. MJ3: Thatīs what I need you to do, but I think they are watching right now, so MJ3: donīt disclose any secret plans in this conversation. Dondep: roger.


The group has received criticism for not immediately releasing transcript logs, yet we have only been done what our informants told us to do.

To say that the thread died because information was being withheld is not entirely true. Dr Burisch recently discussed with Dondep the results of the first ever Spallanzani experiments with the Ganesh Particle, and not much followed. I guess it depends on the audience. Maybe most would rather hear conspiracy theories of aliens and their spacecraft. Don's chat with Dr Burisch began with the 'test image sent to J'which had been a 'test shot with the new cinema unit.' POS is an apt name with all those 'alien cells ' Maybe SG productions needs their help, but at least let's hope 'J' doesn't need new glasses.

Nevertheless, Dr Burisch's Spallanzani experiments seemed to have gone fairly well (Please see for the full text and the corresponding image) in the Lotus Model composite.

AS OF ==>>2/15/04

Page "21" Forum 3 (Vol.3)

Boomerang 2/15/2004 3:57 pm EST

Re: Mystery of Dr. Dan Burisch !!!IMPORTANT!!! Volume 3:)


I donīt understand all this anger? I have spent over four months wading through information, looking for answers.

To date, the only thing I know for sure, is that we donīt know the full story. Yes, Dan Burisch is alive (or was last time I saw him on a webcam feed). Marcia (BJ Wolf), looks like sheīs been working with Dan for some time.

Initially BJ Wolf was fighting tooth and nail for the release of Dan/Dans work. Now she asks Bill Hamilton to relay a message to us all here: "Please leave Dan alone to finish his work"

Fine, lets leave Dan alone, but wait, after BJ says that, we hear from Dan again, Dans message is: "Tell the world"

Ok, lets tell the world, but tell the world what? That we know of a man who is doing important work that we canīt access the full details of, a man that wants to warn the world of a possible impending disaster that could wipe out billions of people, but the event may not happen if we act in a certain way, a manner that cannot be revealed because it could change the timeline. And dont forget the increased abduction rate that will come into effect March 15th 2005, that is if they dont get the model handed over on time.

I canīt tell you how releasing the details of this mans work will help or hinder. And for that I am īattacked and ridiculedī.. Oh woe is me.....NOT!!!...(cont.)

AS OF ==>>2/11/04

Page "10" Forum 3 (Vol. 3)

From A.C.

2/11/2004 9:25 pm EST

Re: Mystery of Dr. Dan Burisch !!!IMPORTANT!!! Volume 3:)

well--isnīt it convenient that someone came and erased the last part of this post. The entire message from J and the message sent by Peace directly from Dr. Burisch are conveniently gone as well. Anyone buying that this is just a "computer glitch"?

Anyway--to those that think they can just erase all of this--think again. Many have saved those conversations, and you have no access to those saved versions.

Canīt wipe out everything--can you?

AS OF ==>> 2/11/04

Page 16 Forum 3 (Vol. 3)


2/11/2004 5:42 am EST

Re: Mystery of Dr. Dan Burisch !!!IMPORTANT!!! Volume 3:)

Human Subject and Mr. Don Deppeller:

At 0600 ET this date, a decision will take effect concerning Danny Burisch and information concerning him being distributed to your kind participants. It has been agreed upon, by people that you will sadly never meet, that all information flow about him will be ceased, permanently.

Dr. Burisch will not be harmed, nor will anyone else involved with your participantīs investigation of him. I know that some of you have had concerns in that area. Put them to rest, please. The disclosure of information concerning Dr. Burisch may be categorized by each as you may. The information itself has done its job and its impact has assisted in affirming a particular road. What is that, you may ask? The road to peace.

I would like to apologize for the more rude individuals that you have come across during these last few months. Many of our employees are, shall we say, less cultured than others. They will be reminded of their position and extreme privilege, being involved in our business.

Why write you and tell you this? Quite simple. If any informant comes to you regarding him, from 0600 on, that individual is either acting for evil purposes or is just a liar.

My best wishes go out to all members of this so called "fringe" community. You are true fighters for the truth! We, more than most, can appreciate that! The best wishes of a small group of individuals is also extended to you both. Carry on and God Bless you.


To all Units- the bell has sounded. Peace

AS OF ==>> 2/10/04

Page 14 Forum 3 (Vol. 3)

Further Considerations

2/10/2004 7:13 pm EST

Re: Mystery of Dr. Dan Burisch !!!IMPORTANT!!! Volume 3:)

TO: Boomarang

Re: Questions "While you await a reply from Ambilac, may I ask you a question?

The group of scientists/researchers you mention, are you/they qualified in your fields or keen amateurs? Also, can you say what your particular interest is?"

Yes, Thank you for the inquiry. We are a group of professionals from the fields of Geophysics, Bio-Tech/Genetics, and the Geological Arena including several disciplines related. We have a general interest that has been cultivated via a member who follows this forum occasionally. There has been a lot of research as you know regarding the areas you discuss/research. This particular item is of some interest and deserves some further elaboration it would seem

Regards, Further Considerations

AS OF ==>> 2/7/04

Page 6 Forum 3 (Vol.3)


2/7/2004 6:11 am EST

Re: Mystery of Dr. Dan Burisch !!!IMPORTANT!!! Volume 3:)

Re - Video stream

Any serious researcher who wishes to request the links, high and low bandwith, just ask, and ye shall receive...

Just mail ambilac on the ambilac-uk site "



AS OF ==>> 2/5/04

NEW THREAD Forum 3 (Vol. 3)

AS OF ==>>2/4/04

FROM => PAGE 69 Forum 2 (Vol.2)

dondep 2/4/2004 6:24 am EST

Re: Mystery of Dr. Dan Burisch !!!IMPORTANT!!! Volume 2:)

To the ac of 3:11 and all the other interested readers that have followed the story so far: I can tell you that within the next 24 hours the videotaped affidavit of Dr. Dan Burish will be available for both lo-speed and hi-speed video streaming (donīt worry if you only have dial-up; you will be able to watch it immediately and continuosly). That is, subject to the approval of the team that has made a committment to serious review of the evidence. Bill was gracious enough to ask Dan the questions, Dan was gracious enough to answer them, Howard was gracious enough to put the first video stream on the internet for the public of the world to see, I was gracious enough to send him a copy, and the team is gracious enough to review it - as the body of global citizens we are - and to say it is time for the world to know. It will now grow beyond all of the individuals to reach the status of ībuzzī in preparation for the Moment, soon to happen.

A special thank-you to Howard and the folks at Ambilac for hosting the first video stream; within days other streams will be available world-wide. Howard will be along shortly to share his addresses. The rest of us will be back within a day or two to share other addresses, after sufficient discussion and debate.

For all those that might grumble about the īselectivenessī of īwhoī and īwhenī; thatīs an obvious question. The prudent reader knows what John Henderson, Boomerang, and various anonymous cowards have said: If we give all to you immediately, there may be blood on our hands. And no more info. Or worse.....

As to the new DVD that Bill has that has Dr. Kit Green eating sufficient crow and crowing agreeably regarding Dr. Burischīs authenticity, I hope he will make it available soon. After all, this is a real honest-to-goodness PhD, who can qualify DAN as a real microbiologist and not an occultist minister. Which of course is a good measure of credibility. Coming soon, in any event.

AS OF ==>> 1-11-2004

FROM => PAGE 31 Forum 2 (Vol. 2)

skywatcher22 1/11/2004 5:29 pm EST

Re: Mystery of Dr. Dan Burisch !!!IMPORTANT!!! Volume 2:)

Bill, can you confirm where/what is īTHE SHADY RESTī?

This is Danīs colloquil term for S-4. I have just returned from Las Vegas and had a few things sorted out.

First, they do not want the video up on the web. That is a request. I can only ask that this be honored as it threatens their security.

Second, the MEMO from Dan is authentic.

Third, you may not be hearing again from Dan, not for a long time, not until sometime in 2005. What he is doing and what BJ is doing is important and they should be left to accomplish their missions.

Fourth, those among you are sincere are a good group. The catcallers are just immature and like to make empty accusations, ones they can never prove anyway like I work for NSA. My real employer (a state university) would blanch at this. I was in USAF Security Service many years ago that did crypto work for the NSA. Many in the Army, Navy, and USAF do this to this day. It is TS work, but none were employees of NSA. This is a statement to the real truthseekers among you and not those A/Cs that cannot discern truth as it seems to blind them.

I have a feeling there is more, but I am on hold now and will occupy myself with other things that are going on in this Aerospace Valley I live in.



1/11/2004 5:51 pm EST

Re: Mystery of Dr. Dan Burisch !!!IMPORTANT!!! Volume 2:)

Hi Bill,

Thanks for the clarification re Shady rest. We will need to discuss a few things, I cannot see the group just sitting back now and letting this go...

We will be meeting tomorrow (Monday) evening usual time, can you join us please?

AS OF ==>> 12/24/2003

FROM => Mystery of Dr. Dan Burisch !!!IMPORTANT!!! Volume 2:)


The first post of a NEW THREAD after reaching 5000 posts on the first...; whoīld had thought that when it was started on October 2nd 2003?!

AS OF ==>> 12-22-03



AS OF ==>> 12-20-2003


Harrdrawk 12/20/2003 4:09 am EST

Re: Mystery Of Dr. Dan Burisch !!!IMPORTANT!!!

Okay People, It's time to get more Serious. I say (more) because we already ARE serious. We've been working our tails off, logging lots of computer minutes here at GLP and other sites, reading, sorting, trying to follow the Burisch Story, and a host of other seemingly related issues. We have made HUGE progress in several areas of research. Our collective consciousness has improved dramatically these last few weeks. We have established somewhat patchy contact with Loyal Patriot Insiders who are straining to bring us enlightenment. As individuals we have toiled over a boat load of material that has appeared on these threads from out of nowhere. We have learned that the Good and the Evil are ever present. We understand more clearly the various AGENDAS and their different selling points. It is noted however, that most who post here are people like Dan Burisch… just trying to do what's right no matter what. As some of you have noticed, a rather small group of vigilant Volunteers (20 or so) have gathered together, to form a sort of task force help organize all the pieces into a clearer picture for those just joining the odyssey. These Brothers and Sisters try to meet daily (juggling jobs and time zones)to discuss and sift through the volumes of information we [have and] are gathering about a REALITY that is about to emerge from the shadows. As a result of these sessions, we have become closer to one another and to Dan.

It is TIME to direct some SPECIFIC energies, and thoughts, and FEELINGS towards Dan and his Desire to see the right thing happen. This much we know: Dan is presently working on something known as the Lotus Project. It's discovery and significance has the focus and attention of every dark agenda in the Universe. Dan's confessed desire to share this WONDER with the main-stream public has alarmed the Illuminati, and other such communities. They cannot afford to have him speak to a world of gentle beings… If he should in some way FIND a means to speak to an audience of his peers, then he must be discredited absolutely.

Dan Burischīs credibility with us is 100%. His intentions are pure and simple. His agenda is not unlike our own.. As a humble servant to God and all mankind, he has resigned himself to completing the task at hand. It is painful to think about which of his few remaining privileges might be removed, as Dan's project and work nears completion. His handlers follow an Ancient Order that loves themselves more than God. We, on the other hand, have a desire, that is selfless....Effective immediatly, we will be gathering questions for Dr. Burisch, to be posted on the thread...

AS OF ==>>12-13-03


skywatcher22 12/13/2003 1:00 pm EST

Sorry, but I am in dreamland by midnight so when someone tries to reach me at that hour instead of during the day or early evening hours, then I have to rely on others to do the pickup. Thanks to harrdrawk for being a monitor on these messages. My associate in Las Vegas who has also met with Dan and B.J. has some concerns. Please read this through as I have a major proposal I am presenting here.

He says, "BJ told Sandy and I that her mother was still in Canada and that she (mother) was wondering when BJ was going back. BJ did not think she would be here this long and told S.... and I she had no idea how much longer she would be here. I suspect that BJ will be around here for awhile also. Iīm not sure that we will have another meeting. I hope so, but I canīt think of a reason why. If they want info fed to the general public they better find a better way of accomplishing it.

BJīs original purpose was to gain Danīs freedom, that was years ago. All the meetings in between were to show how important he was. With BJ on the other side now, that game plan is out the window. Her interest is no longer in gaining his freedom. Since she has gone over, in the several meetings with her, she has never mentioned Danīs freedom. It is no longer the prime directive."

I have to agree with his assessment as Dan told me now that he is no longer as interested in obtaining his freedom and he is afraid that some faction is trying to target him. B.J. no longer seems interested in getting the word out at this point. We are all concerned that after investing a couple of years into this that we are not achieving what we set out to do. Though I have managed to convince a couple of heavy weights in this field, many remain unconvinced and demand evidence of me that I do not have. I was hoping that Danīs parents would have documentary evidence, but the critical pieces they needed to have were not there. Now, they have been robbed of all they did have.

We both like Dan and B.J. very much, but we need to negotiate with Majestic or its reps directly sitting at the table. That is what I would like to see. A core group of us and a core group of them sit down and decide how we can use Dan to disclose the truth to the American public and in what stages. I can muster some fairly heavy backups if I need to. I will be telling this story in Washington D. C. in April and have even invited Dan to join me (expenses paid). He seemed to warm up to that idea. So, how can we make it happen?

This is a bold proposal. I admit that, but we need to move this in a big way to give it focus or else, as my associate says, it is going nowhere.

AS OF ==>> 12-12-03


skywatcher22 12/12/2003 9:41 am EST

Wolf, this main page link is good in order to get whole story on Vishnu Schist and the Great Unconformity at Frenchman Mtn.

Frenchmanīs Mountain was determined a nice setting because of the availability of ages that range from 1.7 Billion years (or so) before present to 20 Million years (or so) before present. The research was started at the oldest area, the Vishnu Schist, after what amounted to a flip of the coin among my team members. (Note: some scientists believed that the origin of eukaryotes was about 1.7 billion years ago. However, older evidence has emerged making it 2.7 by ago -skywatcher)

Soon after research was initiated, and small samples were being harvested, an unusual event was captured on video during a test of the rockīs electrical properties. As electrical current was applied to the rock, thin heat streams, emanating from that area were observed on infrared. At that time, a heat target was also observed, nearby. That area was destined to be the target location for the Staar-Flower Astrophysics Unit...and the so called "Stargate" area that is responsive to electromagnetic thumps from the HAARP unit. " - Dr. Dan Burisch

Early form of Ganesh particles in Hinduism... "In ritualistic worship of Ganesh, the concluding ritualistic worship (uttarpuja) is the final step in augmenting the frequencies. During the concluding ritualistic worship all the pure particles (pavitrakas) present in the idol are expelled suddenly. This ritualistic worship is concluded by shifting the idol from its place. Consequently all the pure particles abandon the idol and the one performing the worship can acquire them."

AS OF ==>> 12-7-03


"The Sun is the world's largest 'optical telescope' and is being used to look into the past and future via the Ark as sunlight is redirected back within variations of solar gravitational attraction in conjunction with other off world devises. Accessibility to systems older than our own might be more interesting from an 'historical' perspective, but then beings of that temporal order might not want their timelines screwed up because we cannot accept our own past....The ARK is indeed a time-travel device. There is a small one (a īseaworthy boatī) and a large one (Phase 2). The Yellow Book, relies on emanations from the Sun to be read, hence sunrise/sunlight...Yellow Book: Holographic device given by aliens to U.S. govīt. to see into the past and future.

AS OF =>>12-3-03 ~ GLP Forum

dondep 12/3/2003 3:32 am EST


Heīs serving his purpose there; heīs not a total prisoner, but as I pointed out in an earlier post he is actually being protected from others who wish him ill, or wish to have what he has been given to accomplish, but on their own terms. And from this he has to be protected. His benefactors in the power struggle appear to be in the minority though, which may explain why they are seeking allies to help publicize the situation. Just a possibility; another is that once the intitial leak had īgone publicī, they perhaps went to the strategy of co-opting, of which we are the target. I would tend to go with love, faith and reason, rather than fear, skepticism, and mediocrity.

AS OF =>> 11-23-03 ~ GLP Forum

Dan Burisch and BJ Wolf are fine, although Dan is still under "house arrest".

Dan is infrequently communicating via internet, with participant(s) of

Participants Chronological Update: 7/02/2004 Vol 15

dondep 11/13/2003 3:09 am EST - GLP Forum

Re: Mystery Of Dr. Dan Burisch !!!IMPORTANT!!!

"Friends, I have just finished interviewing the great Doctor Dan Burisch himself..."
DonDep Interviews Dr Dan Burisch

"The Golden Thread" starts Oct.2, 2003 at GLP Forum:




Ganesh particle

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The Front page, counter of this website, dated 10/02/03

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