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Meet Cynthia

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We will Remember ...9:11



Hello Pet Owners, 

My name is Cynthia Goodridge, and I am the owner of The Pet Connection. I have always had a passion for animals and have always surrounded myself with pets ever since I was little girl.  My passion for animals has always driven me to learn more about them which has brought me where I am today, owning a pet servicing business.


I graduated from Mount Ida College in 1992 where I received an Associates Degree in Animal Science.  During my studies I learned Obedience Training, AKC Show Handling, Pet Business Management, Pet Grooming and Animal Health Care.  I concentrated more towards the animal health care in which enabled me to work as a Veterinary Technician for over 6 years at one of Boston’s prestigious full health care hospitals in the south end “South Bay Veterinary Group”.  On a part time basis I worked as an independent grooming contractor and in the basement of my home  which was back then called Cynthia’s Grooming Salon.  After one day realizing that there were no pet servicing businesses in my community of Dorchester, I then got motivated to open the first minority owned pet grooming/pet supply store in Boston, MA in which The Pet Connection opened it’s doors in a commercial store front of March of 1998.  Those that know The Pet Connection know it has come such a long way and is here to stay to help educate the community on good pet health care. 


The Pet Connection ran a low cost vaccine service for 3 years straight, but due to low support it could not survive and continue, so July 13th of 2003 would be the last of this wonderful service. We do ask everyone to support The Pet Connection and it’s mission so that we may be able to still run these types of affordable programs so that all people of all income levels can benefit greatly from.


Photos Coming Soon !!




The Pet Connection is proud to be Caribbean owned.








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Copyright © 2002 The Pet Connection Of Boston
Last modified: August 14, 2003