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Patrolman's Homepage

Hi. I'm Patrolman, and welcome to my webpages.

Here's me, Giggle's. hehehe, hahaha. That is 75% of the time. The other 25%, well isn't worth talking about.

Here's a good image of a patrol vehicle on a traffic stop.

Here's a good image of a patrol vehicle coming up behind you, either to stop you or going on a call.

Here's me out on patrol, at Wilson College, in unmarked patrol vehicle, speaking with a friend, while out making my patrols.

Look out for the lightbars being turned on behind you. I sure hope it isn't you they are coming for.

Another good image of a patrol vehicle coming up behind you.

Citations issued on this web site for speeding since, 08/19/98

Buckle Up, It's the Law. This could save your life someday.

Click here for Patrolman's Page 2

Click here for Patrolman's Picture Page 3

Click here for Patrolman's What About Me Page 4

Click here For Patrolman's Friends Page 5

Click here For Patrolman's Link Page 6

Click here For Patrolmans's Childrens Abuse Help Page 7

Click here to enter Patrolman's Chat Room, Page 8

Click here to see my Daughter's Home Page

Click here to enter Police Training Page

Click here for Poem's Page, by Cober

My Friends Ginger35 Homepage

Patrolwoman2k's Homepage

Another Patrolwoman2k's Homepage

National Center for Missing and Exploited Children 


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AAA Matilda United States

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