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About Your Poet & Webmaster

NAME: Jonathan Fitzgerald BA (Hons) English Literature
RESIDENCE: North England, UK TITLE: Poet, English Literature graduate, Webmaster of Paramount Poetry
INFLUENCES: John Keats, William Wordsworth, and more recently Sylvia Plath and Walt Whitman, + many other writers.
CURRENT OCCUPATION: Press Writer and Magazine Editorial for The Rotherham Chamber of Commerce.
CLAIM TO FAME: I have a number of poems published by Forward Press and my great great great (etc) Grandad invented the paper-making machine!
BLAME FOR FAME: My Granny - see below.
POET'S MESSAGE: Everyone is a Poet. Express yourself with Mankind's most powerful tool to date -words. At PP, we believe in the Poet behind the words.

Hello! :-) This page is all about me...why should you care? Well, hopefully you`ll be wanting to send me your poetry and I wouldn`t expect you to do that unless you knew something about me first!

I am Jonathan Fitzgerald, aged 24, and a graduate in English Literature from Bishop Grosseteste in Lincoln, England where, amongst other things, I specialised in poetry. I first began as a budding poet when I was about 9, and I have been budding ever since! I was bored one day at my Grandparents house, and my Granny said: "Oh bother Jonathan!" (as she was prone to do!) "Why don`t you go and draw or play with your toys?" I stamped my feet as a 9 year old might. "Well, I don`t know, go and write a poem then!" "O.K." I said, and came back 10 minutes later with a poem I was utterly proud of - and have been writing ever since. (ta-da!) [To read the poem, click here].

My Philosophies
Now, I believe there is a poet inside everyone. As long as you have emotions, you can write poetry, although obviously to different levels. I firmly believe in the poet behind the poetry (despite opposition to this from tutors and fellow students!). So Paramount Poetry is a place for people of all kinds, even those who do not really consider themselves to be poets, but maybe penned a few lines, years ago, to express themselves to the world and have the satisfaction of seeing their creativity in print.

Having finished my degree, I am unsure of my eventual career, but writing is something that matters a great deal to me - expressing comedy, joy, sorrow, etc - and I hope that, with your help, this page will grow to increase my writing skills and prospects...and yours too! Any feedback, contributions and questions are very welcome. Flood my mailbox: - thanx!

Best wishes in the Muse,


p.s. Paramount Poetry hopes to offer everything it possibly can to poets new and old alike. Please sign the Guestbook (link on PP homepage) and let us know what you get from this site, and would like to see added.

Read my poetry here
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