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Ato, a Japanese name, sounds like "Otto". Ato/Otto is a 7-year-old Chow Chow, who's been most unjustly detained in an animal clinic for 15 months, then transferred without owners' knowledge to a Death Row cage at the Humane Society of Huron Valley (HSHV), for additional 8 months, by the City of Ann Arbor and the judicial system.
But it ain't over till it's over. Ato's loving owners, who have sacrificed much for their suffering friend, have appealed his death sentence ! 
  • There was that woman who stuck her hand through the cracked window of the car, where Ato sat....
  • There was that newspaper boy, who cracked open the door, entered the house....
  • There was the trainer who testified that Ato reacted naturally to her test and was not a threat.
  • There are the judges who are prejudged and defending each other, using the old law and without considering all the facts.
  • There is the HSHV acting as being perfectly innocent...and where horrific sounds of dogs can be heard being killed.
  • There is the City of Ann Arbor (Mr. R. West! ), who continues all these abuses, in a very unethical way!
(To see bigger pictures, click on thumbnail images of Ato )
In December 1998 a jury returned a not guilty verdict, i.e. Ato is not a dangerous dog. The City not to be out done sued Ato's owners in Civil Court. An appeal was to be heard in February 2000, but was postponed until April 14! Then on the 12th. of May 2000 Judge Connors affirmed the trial court decision, obviously not recognizing the facts! The fight is not over, since it has been decided to file another appeal with the Court of Appeals. An hearing was intended to take place on June 1st., 2000. However it became postponed since a disqualification of Judge Creal-Goodridge was requested. On June 17th., 2000 two hearings on the disqualifications of Judge Goodridge and Connors were held. Both refused and Judge Goodridge insisted upon execution of Ato.
During the night from the 16th. on the 17th. of July (an) Animal liberation activist(s) liberated Ato, who is hopefully safe now and in a better situation then at the HSHV .....
On July, 21, 2000 the Michigan Court of Appeals denied the Application for Leave of Appeals.  The Application for Leave to Appeal, which was filed at the Michigan Supreme Court, became denied on August 22, 2000. The Motion to Stay was denied as 'moot'..... This ruling, which is erroneus, resulted from Ato being stolen from the HSHV.
...But, the Ikumas are waiting for the day that they can be reunited again with their beloved Ato...!
As a consequence your support remains needed !!
Read about the case here. Learn about the conspiracy against a dog and his owners with the goal to have Ato killed; about the assistant city attorney R. West, who lost 'his prize'; about a newspaper not willing to report facts; about a wrong judicial system.
A story with an open end?
Sending A Petition !


When you are concerned on this continuous abusing of Ato and his owners please sign below Ato's Guestbook !
Sign Ato's Guestbook When You Are Concerned About Me, Then Sign This Guestbook! View Ato's Guestbook

The Death Sentence + Opinion Anti-Bite Strategies for Kids Important Addresses
Goodridge's Order to Execute Otto Legal Research on Dog Bites Attorney Perkins' Press Release
The Stay of Execution  Review of the Case A Plea to the Court
Otto's Legal Defense Fund Is This a Vendetta ? News Files

Thank you for visiting Ato's page. Thank you for caring about animals and about justice.
Number of visits since 18 May 2000
Last updated on March 15, 2003

Copyright © NL:(Da)/Peter 1998-2006