_ÿÿCMsgDataOK€Cancel€Yes€No€Retry€Abort€Ignore€ Browse...€ Network...€ Finish€ < Back€ Next >€ Uninstall€Notice€ Fatal Error€Error€Question€Confirm€(TCould not initialize DDE client! Shortcuts and shortcut folders may not be created!€)QCan not connect with PROGMAN. Shortcuts and shortcut folders may not be created!€2?Your system does not meet the following minimum requirement(s):€3Mouse€4 Screen Size€5 Color Display€6 Sound Card€7 MB System RAM€<FThe above item(s) are required in order to properly use this software.€=&Setup will now abort the installation.€>DSetup will continue, however the software may not function properly!€GSelect components to install€HInstalling Files€PLSetup can not allocate enough memory to decompress files! Setup will abort.€Q-Setup can not create the following directory:€Z(A decompression error has been detected!€[Could not open output file€\Read/Write failure€](File CRC mismatch - Data integrity error€^General decompression problem€dError skipping over file:€e Skipping...€f Installing...€gjSetup would like to install a file, however a NEWER file with the same name already exists on your system.€hdSetup would like to install a file, however a file with the same name already exists on your system.€i,Do you want to overwrite the following file?€j4The following file is in use and can not be updated:€kPClose all other applications and choose Retry. Choose Cancel to skip this file.€n3Setup was unable to update the following text file:€o2Setup was unable to update the following INI file:€p(Setup was unable to update the registry:€qÜSetup could not create the desired program group and therefore no icons will be created. You have most likely exceeded the number of groups allowed by Windows. Try removing an existing group before running Setup again.€r0Setup was unable to register the following font:€sjThere may be too many icons in your program group. Setup could not create an icon for the following file:€t!Please insert the following disk:€u1Setup is trying to execute the following program:€v,Setup can not execute the following program:€wOSetup could not restart Windows. Close all open applications and choose Retry!€xRSetup could not restart the system. Close all open applications and choose Retry!€•Please insert Disk #€–If the files on this disk can be found in another location, for example, on another drive, enter the full path or click the Browse button to select the path.€—USetup can not open the following archive file (You may have inserted the wrong disk):€˜8The setup is not finished! Do you really want to abort?€ 'Space required to install the software:€¡"Space available on selected drive:€¢0You have not selected an installation directory!€£˜You do not have enough free space on the selected drive to install the software! You must remove files from the selected drive before you can continue!€¤„You have not entered a valid directory name! Try using the Browse button or choose the default directory if you are having trouble.€ª All Files€«Search€¬Searching for file€­Path€® Insert Disk€²%Add shortcuts to this program folder:€³Existing program folders:€´(You have not selected a shortcut folder!€µName€¶ Description€·Size€¸7Size of custom installation (including required files):€¹’Please select the items that you would like to install by clicking on the item's name. All items with a checkmark next to them will be installed.€º€Please select the items that you would like to install by clicking on the item's name. All highlighted items will be installed.€¾Select Installation Directory€À Directories€ÁDrives€ÂwSetup is unable to read the %s drive. Make sure the drive door is closed and the disk is formatted and free of errors.€È Not supported€É9Unable to allocate enough memory to complete user request€Ê,You are not currently connected to a network€ËA network error has occured€ÌInvalid password€ÒFCould not initialize DDE client! Icons and folders may not be removed!€ÓCCan not connect with PROGMAN. Icons and folder may not be removed!€ÔDThe uninstall would like to remove the following shared system file:€ÕNo other application has registered their use of it, however there is still a possibility that another application requires it in order to work.€ÖIs it OK to remove the file?€×"Are you sure you want to continue?