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Membership Details

  • Individual dues of $20 per semester
  • Membership in this organization shall be open to any individuals, who have an interest in promoting any of the objectives, as previously stated, and to any student, faculty member, or employee of the University of Georgia; except such individuals, whom have been convicted of a violent felony in a court of law, or who are prohibited by federal, state, or local laws from using or possessing a firearm.
  • Membership may not be made contingent upon race, color, creed, religion, national origin, disability, ancestry, age, sexual orientation, pregnancy, marital status, or parental status.

  • Any person may become an active member, by expressing such desire to an active member and approved by the Secretary.
  • All prospective members must satisfy specific safety requirements and be certified by AT LEAST one of the officers of the club.
  • Dues must be paid before prospective members are allowed to make a trip to the range.
  • Club members are only allowed at the range with a Officer of SAFER: UGA Gun Club.
Welcome back from the holidays. Hope to see you at the range soon. As we begin the Spring semester, we will actively be recruiting new members. Please let us know if you have any friends who may be interested. The T-shirt and Hat order is almost ready to be placed. So we will begin accepting orders soon.
>>Upcoming Events

January Meeting--TBA

Club Shoot--TBA


>>>Kyle Blagg, President
>>>Gavin Beck, Vice-President
>>>Chris Moore, Safety Officer >>>Ron Hendrick, Faculty Advisor

Copyright © 2004 SAFER: UGA GUN CLUB