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Favourite Bands

Megadeth is and always will be my favourite metal band of all time. I first heard the song Symphony of Destruction on the famous Friday rock show in the UK and was immediately intrigued by the level of quality in the music.
At the time I was in to pop music like U2 and other similar bands. Countdown to Extinction was my first Megadeth album and I remember having the cassette and playing it so much and never growing tired of it. After that album I gradually found out about their earlier works such as Rust in Peace and Peace sells.... But whose buying? These albums are all excelllent and I can remember many hours spent listening to Megadeth before I discovered all the other famous heavy metal bands.
Since the early days, Megadeth have released more commercial albums and most recently the album, Risk was released to less enthusiastic support from 'deth fans but the news is that their next album will see a return to metallic ways!

Best Album = Rust in Peace

This superb Death metal band is the brainchild of metal meister, Chuck Schuldiner. The first time I heard the band called Death was in the album Individual Thought Patterns. I was immediately interested in the levels of musicianship displayed by all the band and of course especially, band leader and vocalist Chuck Schuldiner.
Since then I have bought all the Death albums and Iam yet to be dissapointed by any of this bands music. Chuck is a true master of metal. His music is a great mix of true heavy metal and Death metal brutality. I think over the years Chuck has developed the Death sound from a more straight ahead death metal sound into a more melodic band that happens to have screaming vocals. Speaking of vocals, I would say that Chuck's are one of the best in this style of metal.
The number one factor why Death is a great band is the way that Chuck plays melodic riffs that are damn heavy at the same time whilst always making real proper songs out of them. They don't sound like a bunch of riffs that are thrown together like in many technical bands. Chuck has now started a new band called Control Denied which is in a similar vein to Death but with melodic vocals provided by a great powerful vocalist in the Rob Halford style. As you would guess, I like this band as well. Chuck is the metal master. Let the metal flow!

Best Album = Human

Iron Maiden

Iron Maiden is easily the greatest heavy metal band of all time. All metal fans know this and if they don't well they bloody well should. All their albums are good to great. All the songs have something in them that makes them memorable or catchy to the ear. Above all they have great singalong choruses that unites the fans at a show. Iron maiden is not my favourite metal band of all time. megadeth takes that honour, but Maiden is easily the most influential and greatest heavy metal band that there ever will be.

Best Album = Powerslave


Metallica used to be a great Thrash metal band but nowadays they no longer play that style which is Ok in my opinion. They still have so many classic albums in their back catalogue. All their albums up to and including the Black album were good to great with two classics in Master of Puppets and ...And justice for all.

Best Album = ...And justice for all

Iced Earth

This American band is one kick ass band! Heavy fast powerful metal with a vocalist that mixes power and emotion to great effect. Iced Earth is a band whose songs are a straight mix of fast Metalllica styled riffs and Maiden melody. This combination ensures many great headbanging moments for all true metallers.

Best Album = Alive in Athens


Classy English Death metal that is no longer in existence. The early Carcass sound was much less polished than the sleek death metal machine that they would go on to become. I don't really care for the early Carcass sound, more for the later polished crisp riffing version.

Best Album = Heartwork

Gamma Ray

There is no doubt that band leader Kai Hansen is perhaps single handedly responsible for the creation of Germanic Power metal starting from his days in Helloween and continuing on to Gamma Ray. Gamma Ray can be compared to a mix of Maiden and Priest at their most melodic and speedy. Gamma Ray do not have too many slow songs. The pace is nearly always quite fast to very fast! The choruses are all written to be sung along to at the top of your voice!

Best Album = Powerplant

In Flames

A kick ass melodic death metal band from Sweden. This band is the best Melodic death metal band in existence today. They have released a number of albums since their early days and gradually they have matured into a seriously classy outfit. Their songs are punctuated by the simple catchy riffs that grab hold of you and won't let go! The best in the business easily!

Best Album = The Jester Race


Very well played melodic Thrash metal band that can be both heavy and fast at the same time. Many great songs and albums such as The New order and Souls of Black . Still making heavy albums that have taken on an even heavier edge which borders on Death metal at times. A top class thrash metal band from The USA.

Best Album = Live at the Fillmore

Jethro Tull

A world famous Progressive rock band from the 70's that are still going strong today! I think this band is tinged with genius. By no means a heavy metal band, more like a folk band with heavy guitars at times. Many albums in their back catalogue show their true class and still releasing albums to this day. The group leader, Ian Anderson is a serious genius when it come to oddball arrangements and superb lyrical imagery. A classic band that appeals to all types of music fans.

Best Album = Aqualung and Thick as a Brick - Tied.

King Diamond/Mercyful Fate

Amazing hard to believe vocals from the king of Horror metal! Great heavy metal music as backing and great horrific concept albums. King Diamond is one of a kind!

Best Album = Abigail


Chest beating, loin cloth wearing metal warriors! Laughable to many, but still a great true band with many classical sounding songs featuring the absolutely awesome vocals of Eric Adams. This man's voice is truly great!

Best Album = Kings Of Metal

Morbid Angel

A top class satanic Death metal band with maniac guitarist called Trey Azagthoth. Great riffs and strange solos aplenty from this band! Many classic death metal songs and perhaps the most popular brutal death metal band in the world ever.

Best Album = Altars of Madness

Nocturnal Rites

An extremely catchy melodic power metal band from sweden. Very similar to a fast paced Iron Maiden in many ways including a truly great spine chilling vocalist. All their songs have superb catchy riffs and great choruses. A great band that can mature into an even better one!

Best Album = Tales of Mystery and Imagination

Old Mans Child

A top class black metal band with a strong traditional heavy metal influence. I'm not usually a black metal fan, but this band has serious class. Their songs are damn catchy and require repeated listening!

Best Album = Ill Natured Spiritual Invasion


Symphonic Epic Hollywood Metal as they like to call themselves! A great symphonic power metal band from Italy that displays class in all areas such as instrumentation and vocals. Very catchy as well with very well produced music on offer. Brings a smile to your face!

Best Album = Legendary Tales

Running Wild

A great German power metal band led by Rock'n'Rolf as he likes to call himself! A long history for one of the founders of the German metal style, that always sticks to what they know best. Playing high quality speedy catchy anthemic metal! People say they make the same over and over, but in my opinion when that album kicks ass why change it!

Best Album = The Rivalry


A heavy progressive power metal band with a long career under their belts. Started as a straight Power true metal band and has developed in to a truly progressive band. I prefer the slightly simpler straight version but the progressive version kicks ass as well!

Best Album = Hall of the Mountain King

Virgin Steele

A top quality epic heavy metal band from USA. Epic songs of heavy metal are this bands forte featuring the truly great vocals of band leader David Defeis. His vocals are comparable with the great vocals of Eric Adams from Manowar.

Best Album = Invictus

Judas Priest

Judas Priest have been around a long time and were one of the first true heavy metal bands that started in the 70's and are still going strong to this day. They feature perhaps the most famous voice in Metal, Rob Halford. His spine tingling vocals are inescapable and all true metal fans will recognise that high pitched wail anywhere! Judas Priest have had many albums released that have resulted in them being one of the most popular metal bands along with Iron Maiden.

Best Album = Painkiller

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