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Review and Rating
World Demise A good heavy album from Obituary. Catchy riffs are used alongside the super ugly vocals from John Tardy. This guy's throat must be absolutely torn to shreds after a gig! The song I like best is called Boiling Point which has some great rolling riffs with rhythmic mayhem aplenty!

Rating - 7

Back from the Dead review here

Rating - 6

Old Man's Child

The pagan prosperity

review here

Rating - 9

Ill natured spiritual invasion

review here

Rating - 9

Revelation 666

review here

Rating - 7


Orchid review here

Rating - 8

Morningrise review here

Rating - 8

My arms Your hearse review here

Rating - 7

Still Life review here

Rating - 8

Ozzy Osbourne

Ozzmosis review here

Rating - 7

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