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Fates warning

Review and Rating
Parallels Melodic metal from this well known Progressive band. This album is fairly light metal that lacks in power but makes up for it by having quality song-writing and a decent vocalist in Ray Alder. Not Bad at all but nothing compared to their earlier more powerful efforts!

Rating - 7

Fear Factory

Demanufacture Very heavy futuristic sounding metal. The songs seem to be about how mankind will one day be taken over by machines and the world will be run by robots. Musically, we are talking clean cut rhythmic guitars and a mixture of growled and clean sung vocals. There are quite a few good choruses in the songs such as in the song, Replica. This song also features a good riff for thrashing about to. Not what I listen to these days, but this band is very popular in the trendier metal scene.

Rating - 7

Obsolete Continuing the story from Demanufacture about the takeover of machines over man. Songs are a bit more melodic than before, not quite as heavy. This is a well produced cyber metal as called by the metal press!

Rating - 6


Give a monkey a brain.... Strange mix of hardcore guitars and soul influenced vocals and beats. Quite heavy, yet this is far from what I am interested in these days!

Rating - 5

Freedom Call

Stairway to Fairyland Gamma Ray and Helloween influenced German Power metal with class! The drummer is in Gamma Ray so that would explain the thought process behind this disk! Almost as good as Gamma Ray in my opinion. I slightly prefer Kai's vocals than this one. The songs are all very good though. Full of catchy choruses ala Gamma Ray that are easy to pick up on and sing along to after a couple of listens. The guitars are fairly heavy too with a nice bit of crunch on occasion!

Rating - 8

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