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The ultimate ship-yard

E-2 asteroid miner The E-2 asteroid miner was an ancient model of spacecraft designed by the Byblos Drive Yards. The cylindrical ship has a tilted body and proboscis-like suction tube that gives the vessel an insectoid look. The ancient pirate Finhead Stonebone modified the E-2 into a formidable pirate vessel 4,000 years ago. He had two E-2 vessels in his fleet, including the Marauder Starjacker. Source: "The Saga of Nomi Sunrider" Tales of the Jedi #4 (1993); The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels (1996).

E-wing starfighter The E-wing fighter is one of the newer starfighters in the New Republic arsenal. This rugged, advanced combat vessel was introduced during Grand Admiral Thrawn's campaign to retake the Core, though it was not rushed into front-line action until Palpatine's resurrection a short time later. It was originally produced to help guard New Republic shipping convoys from pirate or Imperial raids. The fighter was developed by Frietek, a company formed by the defecting Incom design team that developed the X-wing starfighter. It was the first starfighter designed and built entirely under the auspices of the New Republic. Basic Structure: The E-wing is very similar in appearance to the X-wing starfighter. A narrow, pointed spaceframe rests between two aerodynamic foils that not only stabilize the craft, but extend weapons coverage. The streamlined nosecone contains the craft's primary sensor array. Midway through the body is the cockpit, with a concealed astromech socket behind it. The craft is 11.2 meters in length. The sturdy foils are locked into place by support struts. The articulated s-foil mechanism of the X-wing fighter was eliminated in the E-wing to reduce costs and machining complexity. The foils also serve as mounts for the powerful drive engines slung below them. Accommodations: The fighter is designed for a single pilot, and an R7 astromech unit in a concealed socket. The vessel has enough consumable supplies for one week of non-combat operations. It can carry 110 kilograms of cargo. Performance: The E-wing is capable of incredible speed. Its tactical sublight speed is rated at 11 (nearly the speed of the A-wing starfighter) which translates into 1,300 kilometers per hour in an atmosphere. The fighter is very maneuverable despite its heavy armor. The E-wing's Class Two hyperdrive is complimented by a streamlined astromech interface. A specific droid has been designed for the fighter, the R7 unit, developed in conjunction with Industrial Automaton. The fighter, like most, has no backup unit. The fighter cannot operate with anything less than an R7, since its internal systems and control units are so complex. Tactical: While speedy, the E-wing's true strength lies in its ability to absorb and deliver firepower. Three laser cannons are fire-linked to form an impressive primary weapon. Two of these cannons are foil-mounted, while the third is directly over the cockpit canopy. The E-wings rival the older B-wing starfighters in their ability to damage capital ships and ground-based installations. Initial battle tests showed a problem with the laser cannon assembly. The cannons used synthetically spin-sealed Tibanna gas as a laser source, which tended to break down rapidly, and reduce weapon range. During the fevered pitch of the Battle of Calamari, Republic technicians did not have the time to properly address the problem. Instead, a stop-gap solution was found, correcting the range issue by sending three times the power through the cannons' actuators. This modification, designated an E-wing: Type B, increased the weapons range, but also risked a dangerous internal power overload. The E-wing has impressive armor, yielding a class 15 tactical rating. It has minimal shields, however, with a mere tactical rating of 3 for coverage. Source: "The Battle For Calamari" Dark Empire #3 (1992); Dark Empire Sourcebook (1993); Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels (1996). Roleplaying Index: Dark Empire Sourcebook pg. 104. Illustration Credit: Pablo Hidalgo.

Echo C-One three zero Echo C-One three zero was the code name of the Alliance transport Quantum Storm. It was the first Rebel transport to be launched during the evacuation of Echo Base Hoth. It was escorted by two X-wing fighters and received cover fire from the Rebel ion cannon. Source: Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back (1980); Star Wars Technical Journal of the Rebel Alliance Forces (1994). See: Avenger. The name appears in the script only, and not the final film. The comic book adaptation of the film also included the name C-130, perhaps an allusion to the terrestrial C-130 Hercules transport. ("Battleground Hoth" Star Wars #40). In The Empire Strikes Back novelization (1980), this transport was called Three Zone.

Eclipse A terrifying example of Imperial military largesse, the Eclipse was the largest Star Destroyer developed by Kuat Drive Yards for the Empire. It was designed as the ultimate command ship, the type befitting an Emperor. The giant warship was commissioned by Palpatine after the Battle of Hoth. Still under construction after Palpatine's fall at Endor, agents of the Emperor saw to its continued construction despite calls to have the project canceled. Six years after the Battle of Endor, the Eclipse, the first of its class, rumbled out of dry-dock. The resurrected Palpatine was pleased, but his pleasure would not last long. Basic Structure: The Emperor's command vessel is a prodigious 17,500 meters from stem to stern. Its hull is finished in a dark ebony, so that it seems to suck the light from around it. The ship was designed to strike terror into the hearts of its enemies. The ship had the basic dagger-shaped Star Destroyer design popularized by Kuat Drive Yards. A raised command tower on the spine of the craft housed the central communications command, deflector shield command, and bridge. Along the ship's ventral surface were two launch bays, one designated fore, the other aft. The bow of the warship housed a scaled down version of the Death Star superlaser weapon atop a tall ventral spine. Accommodations: The immense vessel required a basic crew of 708,470 (although the ship could be operated by a skeleton crew of 88,500). Gunner stations required an additional 4,175 crewmembers. The largest Super Star Destroyer had a compliment of 150,000 troops. All troops onboard are specially selected. They include a newly formed legion of Royal Guards and a COMPForce Assault Battalion. There is also a special cadre of Sovereign Protectors to guard the Emperor himself. The Eclipse housed a full 50 TIE interceptor and eight TIE bomber squadrons in immense hangar bays large enough to house a Victory-class Star Destroyer. Five prefabricated garrison bases and 100 multi-environmental All Terrain Armored Transports were included in its ground defense complement. The Eclipse has enough consumable supplies for 10 years of operation. Performance: The Eclipse featured the latest in sublight and enhanced hyperdrive engines for maximum reaction speed on a vessel of this size. The craft could attain a 4 tactical sublight speed, and had a Class Two hyperdrive with an impressive Class Six backup. Tactical: The Eclipse was bristling with weaponry. The front of the ship was dominated by an axial superlaser modeled after the prime weapon of the Death Star. Rather than having eight individual lasers focused by a firing eye like that of the Death Star, the Eclipse's superlaser consisted of a single cannon. Advanced focusing lenses and generators made the weapon more powerful than any one Death Star laser unit. The weapon, crewed by 75 gunners, had enough power to smash through the toughest planetary shields and sear entire continents. Gradational power output limited the superlaser's firing of twice per day at full power. The ship's weaponry was distributed along its four fire arcs, making the vessel a formidable challenge from any direction. Its front arc contained 550 heavy laser cannons, 150 turbolaser batteries, 25 ion cannons, 55 tractor beam emplacements and three gravity well projectors. The left and right arcs each had 150 heavy lasers cannons, 125 turbolaser cannons, 25 ion cannons, 20 tractor beam emplacements and two gravity well projectors. The rear arc was the least defended, but even that boasted 50 heavy laser cannons, 100 turbolaser batteries, five tractor beam projectors and three gravity well projectors. The ship featured modern armor that gave it an unparalleled 47 capital tactical rating. In addition to the hull, a 34 capital tactical rating screen of deflector shields protected the vessel. History and Notes: The Eclipse first revealed itself to the New Republic during the resurrected Emperor's campaign of terror. The massive vessel hypered into the Cyax system, approaching the New Republic's Pinnacle Base. There, Palpatine demanded the Republic leaders turn over Princess Leia Organa Solo, and the Holocron she stole from him. Leia confronted Palpatine, and her brother Luke Skywalker who had been corrupted by the dark side. The two Skywalker twins together were able to call upon the light side of the Force, and disrupt the Emperor's twisted machinations. In his rage, Palpatine lost control of a powerful Force storm he summoned. The maelstrom of destructive energy collided with the giant Destroyer, consuming the Eclipse and its master. The mighty vessel was destroyed by the Force before it even fired a single shot. Luke and Leia escaped aboard a commandeered Imperial shuttle. Incredibly, this massive vessel was followed soon thereafter by the Eclipse II. Source: "The Fate of a Galaxy" Dark Empire #6 (1992); Dark Empire Sourcebook (1993); The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels (1996). Roleplaying Index: Dark Empire Sourcebook p.88. Illustration Credit: Cam Kennedy.

There is some disagreement in the Star Wars fan community as to which Star Destroyer is indeed bigger, the Executor or the Eclipse. Valid points are given on either side of the argument. For more information, see the Executor entry. The Eclipse was also the name of a private merchant ship that the pirate Drek Drednar served aboard as a young man. His tenure aboard the Eclipse taught Drednar much about the shipping lanes and life in space, but he was very bored with the whole experience. The Eclipse was eventually jumped by pirates. It was the raid launched by the Sable II Corellian gunship that opened Drednar's eyes to the life of piracy. Source: "Stand and Deliver" Star Wars Adventure Journal #5 (1995).

Eclipse II The Eclipse II was the second Eclipse-class Star Destroyer produced by Kuat Drive Yards, built at the same time as the first Eclipse vessel. After the first Eclipse was destroyed over Pinnacle Base, the resurrected Emperor Palpatine used the Eclipse II as his new flagship. Palpatine used the vessel to voyage to Korriban, to unearth Sith secrets to prolong his life. The Eclipse II then voyaged to Onderon, where Palpatine sought to possess the newborn body of Anakin Solo. Luke Skywalker spearheaded an attack on the vessel, leading a strike force of advanced New Republic starfighters. These starfighters attacked the Destroyer as a diversion to Kam Solusar's boarding team. Solusar, Chewbacca, Lando Calrissian and Wedge Antilles infiltrated the Eclipse II. The team sliced into the ship's hyperdrive and navicomputer system. With control usurped by the New Republic team, they jumped the ship toward the Imperial citadel world of Byss. There, the Destroyer collided with and destroyed the Galaxy Gun. The superweapon misfired, destroying Byss and the explosion consumed the Eclipse II. The Eclipse II appeared identical to its predecessor, but no hard information on its performance has been revealed. Source: Dark Empire Sourcebook (1993); "Empire Triumphant" Empire's End #1 (1995); "Rage of the Emperor" Empire's End #2 (1995). Eclipse-class Star Destroyer See: Eclipse.

Eclipse Sail Barge The Eclipse Sail Barge manufactured by Gefferon Pleasure Craft, is an immense repulsorcraft which can carry 225 passengers. It boast five observation decks and many spacious window bays. The giant touring barge can carry 250 metric tons of cargo. It had a top speed of 80 kilometers per hour, and a flight cieling of 10 meters. The craft is valued at 250,000 credits standard. Source: Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game; Second Edition (1992); The Star Wars Roleplaying Game, Second Edition - Revised and Expanded (1996). Roleplaying Index: Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game; Second Edition p. 101; The Star Wars Roleplaying Game, Second Edition - Revised and Expanded p.145.

Efficient The Efficient was the unregistered modified Subla-Ransom medium cargo hauler operated by assassin droid-turned-smuggler Scr-114, or "Skar." Basic Structure and Accommodations: The medium transport is 75.5 meters long, and requires a crew of 25. Skar populates his ship with an entirely droid crew. The ship can haul 700 metric tons of cargo. It is a tall, slab-shaped vessel with a side-mounted cargo and entrance ramp. Performance and Tactical: The Efficient's sublight drives propel the large craft along at a tactical velocity of 5. In an atmosphere, this translates to 950 kilometers per hour. The ship's hyperdrive provides Class One performance, and it is backed up by a Class 11 motivator. The ship is armed with six turret-mounted blaster cannons, a forward-facing proton torpedo launcher, and a turret-mounted ion cannon. Its strong armor provides an 18 tactical rating, while its shields provide a respectable 10 rating. Source: "Smugglers of the Outer Rim" Star Wars Adventure Journal #5 (1995). Roleplaying Index: "Smugglers of the Outer Rim" Star Wars Adventure Journal #5 p.116-117.

Egale The Egale was an Alliance escort frigate destroyed during the Galactic Civil War. It is included in a historic mission combat simulator scenario for TIE defender pilots. Source: TIE Fighter Space Combat Simulator (1994).

Eib model-D The Eib model-D is a model of cloudskiff designed to be used on the habitable gas giant of Tyed Kant. The skiff was designed by Huego Eib, the Sullustan founder of Gryseium Inc. The Eib model-D features an enclosed, pressurized pilot and passenger section and has a cargo hold rated for 100 metric tons. The craft has a very slow top speed of 50 kilometers per hour, but exchanges speed for the ability to attain the extreme altitudes of Tyed Kant's habitable zone. The sleek skiff is 18 meters long. It is unarmed. Source: "The Mynock Conspiracy" Supernova (1993). Roleplaying Index: "The Mynock Conspiracy" Supernova p.41.

Eibon Scimitar The Eibon Scimitar is a famous starship wreck. Source: Dark Empire Sourcebook (1993).

Eichler The Imperial freighter Eichler flew under the protection of the frigate Warspite near Dellalt, before the Battle of Yavin. It carried a cargo of military equipment. Source: X-Wing Space Combat Simulator (1992).

Eidolon According to official record, the Eidolon was a specially designed Imperial Strike cruiser designed to carry TIE fighters. The Eidolon prototype vanished on its maiden voyage and was presumed lost. What wasn't readily known was that the Eidolon was a fake. Imperial Grand Vizier Sate Pestage diverted funds earmarked for the Eidolon to construct a weapons cache on Tatooine. The actual Eidolon was barely spaceworthy, and was conveniently "lost" in hyperspace to conceal that fact. Pestage's Eidolon base was known to a select few. Rogue Squadron discovered the base a short time after the Battle of Endor. Source: X-Wing: Rogue Squadron - Battleground Tatooine #2, 4 (1996).

eject Small transport vehicles and starfighters have an eject function as a last resort survival option. An ejection seat is jettisoned from the disabled craft, propelling the passenger away from such dangers as explosions or crashes. Among common ejection mechanism manufacturers are Belanti, Guidenhauser, and Loan-Chat. While systems vary from vessel to vessel, the most common ejection mechanism first launches the canopy clear by firing separator charges. A similar charge launches the seat free. Vessels with multiple seats or astromech sockets are usually designed so that the launch of one triggers the others. Once clear of the vessel, the seat emits a emergency signal as a beacon. Often the seats come with wrap-around ceramic armor or limited-power environmental containment shields that allow the pilot enough time to secure any space-gear such as facemasks and suit seals. The ejection seats are ideal for atmospheric escape, as many come equipped with repulsorlift engines or parafoils that lower the seat to the planetoid's surface. Deep space ejection is considerably riskier, as those pilots without backup can easily find themselves stranded. Source: Star Wars IV: A New Hope (1977); Splinter of the Mind's Eye (1978); The Star Wars Sourcebook (1987); Heir to the Empire (1991); X-Wing: Rogue Squadron - In The Empire's Service #1 (1997).

ejection pod On certain modified Y-wing fighters, the cockpit detaches to become its own separate repulsor vehicle. This is called the ejection pod. Source: The Star Wars Holiday Special (1978).

Electra The Alliance shuttle group Electra carried important Alliance advisors. It came too close to a combat area near Imperial outpost NL-1. The Electra was captured after being disabled by ion cannon fire. Source: TIE Fighter Space Combat Simulator (1994).

Elite The Elite was an Imperial Interdictor cruiser used during the Galactic Civil War. It was included in a historical combat simulator scenario for TIE defender pilots. Source: TIE Fighter Space Combat Simulator (1994).

Elusive The Elusive was the name of an Imperial transport that loaded some captured Rebel datapacks from the siege of Rebel base Dankayo. The Elusive had a cargo-hold full of valuable Rebel information, even through its crew was unaware. En route to the Imperial Intelligence Operations Center on Coronar, a curious Imperial technician stumbled upon the important Alliance intelligence files in the datapacks. Rebel agents, aboard the captured Imperial shuttle Bonderium, were scrambled by Alliance High Command to intercept the Elusive. Following a destination lead provided by a secret spy Squib aboard the Elusive named Dono, the Bonderium used a captured gravity well generator to pull the Elusive out of lightspeed. The Elusive was destroyed by an artificial black hole created by the gravity well generator, and the Alliance intelligence was consumed with it. Basic Structure and Accommodations: The Elusive was a boxy 50-meter long transport. It required a total crew of 10 to operate, and could carry 20 passengers. Its voluminous cargo hold was rated to carry 30,000 metric tons of cargo. Its fuel and consumable supplies allowed it to operate for three months without restocking. The craft featured hardpoints which could mount extended TIE racks, allowing it to carry its own support craft through hyperspace. Performance and Tactical: The Elusive's sublight engines were fairly slow, rated at a 4 tactical value. This measured approximately 800 kilometers per hour in an atmosphere. The ship's hyperdrive provided Class Two performance, and was equipped with a backup. The ship was well armored, with an 18 tactical rating. Surprisingly, the craft had no combat shields. The Elusive had two main laser cannons mounted in its forward arc. Four double turbolaser batteries covered the ship's front, left and right arcs. Source: Scavenger Hunt (1989). Roleplaying Index: (first edition) Scavenger Hunt p. 21; (Star Warriors) Scavenger Hunt p. 38.

Emancipator The Imperial Star Destroyer Accuser was one of two captured by the Rebel Alliance during the Battle of Endor. The vessel was renamed the Emancipator, and eventually found service in the New Republic Fleet. The Emancipator was destined to serve a vital role in the Borderlands, but an intense Imperial attack on the Hast Shipyards crippled the warship. It took a full five years to refit the Emancipator for duty. Before its final shakedown runs, the Emancipator was pushed into service under the command of Admiral Regab in the Rogue Squadron and Defender Wing attack on Borleais, which paved the way to the retaking of Coruscant. After its final refitting, the Emancipator's fighter bays were filled with vessels of the new Rogue Wing. The Emancipator served in numerous missions sewing confusion among competing Imperial warlords in the Deep Core. Generals Lando Calrissian and Wedge Antilles commanded the Emancipator during the Battle of Calamari. Under their command it destroyed the Imperial ship Allegiance. The massive Destroyer was consumed by the Silencer-7 World Devastator. Most of its crew escaped in life pods. Basic Structure and Accommodations: After its refit Emancipator still resembled an Imperial-I class Star Destroyer, with its triangular hull, aft-mounted thrusters, and trapezoidal command tower. The ship required a basic crew of 28,115 hands, with 168 additional for gunnery. In dire emergencies, the ship could operate with a mere 2,300 crew members. For ground operations and to repel boarders, the Emancipator carried 8,500 New Republic troops. The ship had enough consumable supplies for a full year of operation, one-sixth of the normal operating range of the standard Imperial-I. Its immense holds could carry 36,000 metric tons of cargo. Performance and Tactical: The Emancipator's sublight drives provided it with the standard tactical 6 rating. Its hyperdrive, however, was considerably modified to provide Class 1.5 performance. The standard Class Eight backup remained untouched. The vessel still boasted 60 turbolaser cannons and 60 ion cannons. The tractor beam projectors were replaced with six proton torpedo launchers in its front firing arc. The Emancipator had a capital tactical hull rating of 21, and its shields provided capital tactical 12 protection. Source: "Confrontation on the Smuggler's Moon" Dark Empire #3 (1992); Dark Empire Sourcebook (1993); X-Wing: Rogue Squadron (1996). Roleplaying Index: Dark Empire Sourcebook p. 94. The exact timeline of the Emancipator's refit is somewhat sketchy. The Dark Empire Sourcebook stated that a full five years was required to refit the ship, but it does appear a year early in the X-Wing: Rogue Squadron novel. It is unclear when the Hast Shipyard strike occurred, or why, if the ship was ready for action, it was absent during Thrawn's campaign.

Emperor's Will The Emperor's Will was an Imperial-class Star Destroyer protecting Coruscant. Source: X-Wing: Wedge's Gamble (1996).

Empress's Diadem The Empress's Diadem was a modified Corellian YT-1210 light freighter used by Melina Carniss when she was part of Talon Karrde's organization. The disk-shaped ship had a pair of dorsal turret-mounted blaster cannons and rear-facing ventral-mounted boxy concussion missile launch tube assembly. Source: X-Wing: The Bacta War (1997).

Endor When Han Solo, Chewbacca and Kyp Durron escaped from the Kessel mines in a commandeered Lambda-class shuttle and found themselves deposited in the super-secret Maw Installation, Solo tried to bluff his way past the Imperials. He called the shuttle Endor, and was surprised when the Imperials did not recognize the name at all. Source: Jedi Search (1994).

The Endor was an Alliance frigate that was destroyed in a collision with another frigate, Shooting Star after a miss-timed hyperspace jump. This accident is commonly cited by officers as an example of the dangers of hyperspace travel. Source: Shield of Lies (1996).

Endor Forest Ranger The Endor Forest Ranger is a small Rebel Alliance minirig transported to Endor after the Battle of Endor. Originally designed by Alliance engineers for the Arbran base, the Forest Ranger is a speedy landspeeder. With an enclosed circular cockpit, the Ranger has twin forward facing laser cannons. Two additional fixed cannons form the Ranger's main weapons. Source: Kenner series (1984).

Endurance The Endurance was a carrier in the New Republic's Fifth Fleet. At an engagement in Orinda, the Endurance's commander decided to keep all starfighters in launch bays until the last possible moment for maximum surprise. The carrier then suffered the brunt of a Super Star Destroyer attack, resulting in its destruction, and the destruction of all its carried craft. Source: Before the Storm (1996).

Enhanced X-wing fighter Fourteen years after the Battle of Endor, Wedge Antilles piloted an enhanced X-wing starfighter. Source: Assault at Selonia (1995). The exact nature of the enhancements have not been revealed. It's possible that the enhanced X-wing describes the T-65AC4.

Enforce The Enforce is a Victory-I class Star Destroyer used by the Corporate Sector Authority as part of the planet Kalinda's defense fleet. Source: "Den of Spies" Twin Stars of Kira (1993).

Enforcer The Enforcer was an Imperial escort frigate included in an Alliance Y-wing starfighter historical combat mission scenario. Source: X-Wing Space Combat Simulator (1992). Enforcer One The Enforcer One started life as Core Galaxy System dreadnaught. It was decommissioned by the Republic Navy, and was shipped to the salvage yards on Ord Trasi.Somehow, Bogga the Hutt acquired the vessel 4,000 years ago. Bogga used the cross-shaped vessel in raids against the Nematiec Gang asteroid base and the capture of pirate Finhead Stonebone's pirate ships. The ship was captained by Norufu, a near-human slave. Four millennia ago, a new dreadnaught was valued at 900,000 credits standard. A used vessel was almost half that. Basic Structure and Accommodations: The Enforcer One had a cross-shaped forward profile. Its cargo loading module and fighter launch tube comprised the lower starboard leg of the X. The command station and overlapping main cargo hold formed the other lower leg. The top two arms of the X were formed by boom-mounted maneuvering engines. The ship measured 900 meters in length. The vessel required a crew of 45 to operate, as well as 20 gunners. It could carry 50 passengers, and 3,000 metric tons of cargo. Its internal landing bay was nearly 300 meters long and had a pair of immense loading arms. The ship carried six light tactical starfighters. Performance and Tactical: The giant vessel was fairly slow, with a mere 4 tactical speed rating. Although large, the vessel could operate within an atmosphere. There, it could attain speeds of 800 kilometers per hour. The Enforcer One's hyperdrive could propel the craft at a Class 10 rating along approved hyperspace routes. The ship had a Class 22 backup. The ship's primary weapon was a heavy turbolaser cannon mounted below the ship's cylindrical command module. This fixed cannon's power core and laser actuator featured advanced cooling systems which increased its usage. Sixteen laser cannons served as secondary weapons, scattered evenly among the ship's four fire arcs. Each arc also boasted four tractor beam projectors. Source: "The Saga of Nomi Sunrider" Tales of the Jedi #4 (1992); Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels (1996); Tales of the Jedi Companion (1996). Roleplaying Index: Tales of the Jedi Companion p. 114.

Enforcer-class picket cruiser The Enforcer-class picket cruiser was a joint venture between Kuat Drive Yards and Sienar Fleet Systems several years after the Battle of Endor. It was intended to guard the borders of the Pentastar Alignment. It was developed in the Jaemus system to Grand Moff Kaine's specifications.

Galactic Voyager The Galactic Voyager was a Mon Calamari MC90 cruiser, the second ship of the newer line to emerge late in the Galactic Civil War. Its original mission profile was to undertake recon missions in the Imperial-held Deep Core.

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