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Here is where you can find out about tons of stuff on Pokemon Snap. I will have a area two with pokemon Snap codes.


  • Beach
  • Tunnel
  • Volcano
  • River
  • Cave
  • Valley
  • Rainbow Cloud Stage


  • Bulbasaur- For best picture go to the river and throw an apple by the log,to lure Bulbasaur out.

  • Charmander- Go to the Volcano stage and go till you get to the egg in the road. Keep going till you stop. throw apples by the charmander on the left they will call more charmander. Then get the charmander together.

    Charmeleon- at the end of the Volcano stage hit the Charmeleon with a apple to make him stop.

    Charizard- hit the Charmeleon at the end of the Volcano stage with a pester ball into the crater of lava.

  • Squirtle- At the begining of the Valley Stage hit the shells in the water, so they land on the land on the left.

  • Metapod- On the River stage hit the metepod in the tree with pester balls to make them come down.

    Butterfree- To get the best picture of Butterfree go to the beach level ,and go to the Snorlax.Then look up and take a picture of the two Butterfree.

  • Kakuna- On the Tunnel stage in the cave a the beging throw a pester ball a electrode and Kakuna will fall down from the ceiling.

  • Pidgey- At the beging of the Beach stage right after you pass the three pidgey turn aroud to see them do screech.

  • Pikachu- Surfing Pikachu- on the Beach stage throw a trail of apples to the surf board in the sand by Pikachu.
    Pikachu on a Stump- On the Beach stage by the big bush throw pester blls in it to make scyther come out and pikachu will go on a stump.
  • Rolling Pikachu- At the beging of the tunnel stage ake pictures o the pikachu he will run then electrode will roll by and he will hop on it.
  • Speed Pikachu- at the end of the River stage take a picture of the pikachu.
    Ballon Pikachu- on the Cave stage hit the zubat carrying pikachu .
    Flying Pikachu- first get ballon pikachu then open the articuno. then right brfore the end of the level pikachu will be riding on Articuno.

  • Sandshrew-On the Valley stage at the begining hit the Geodude with a pester ball.

    Sandslash- On the Valley stage after the sandshrew you will see Sandslash dig under ground. To make him come up hit the Geodude to make Graveler fall, and make Sandslash come up.

  • Vulpix- On the Volcano stage lead the first Vulpix you see to the other two Vulpix. Then lead a trail of apples to the lava in front of you.

  • Zubat- On the Tunnel level when the first when a door opens , just start taking pictures.

  • Vileplume-On the river level by the Cubone tree you will see a flower play the poke'flute.

  • Diglett- On the Tunnel level after the Zapdos you will see a Pikachu next to a Diglett.

    Dugtrio- On the tunnel level where digglett is take pictures of him, he will run away.

  • Meowth- On the Beach hit him with a pester ball and he will fall; then play the Poke'flute.

  • Psyduck-On the River stage hit Psyduck and he will go crazy.

  • Mankey- On the end of Valley Stage knock the Mankey down with the Squirtle the you can get a close shot.

  • Growlithe- On the end of the Volcano stage throw pester balls into the craters on the other side of the Charmeleon. A Growlithe or Arcanine will come out.

  • Arcanine- The same way as you get Growlithe.

  • Poliwag- throw pester balls by them and they will run out.

  • Weepinbell- on the Cave stage you will find Weepinbell around a pool of water.

  • Victreebel- On the Cave stage hit Weepinbell into the pool of water.

  • Geodude- On the Valley stage hit the rocks on the mountain with pester balls.

  • Graveler-On the Valley stage by the waterfall play the Poke'flute.

  • Rapidash- On the Volcano stage throw a apple infront of the running Rapidash.

  • Slowpoke- On the River stage after the Bulbasaur you will see Slowpoke throw him an apple.

  • Slowbro- Throw a trail of apples to the patch of dirt. Then wait.

  • Magnemite- At th end of the Tunnel stage you will find Magnemite, throw him an apple.

  • Magneton- Scare Magnemite untill he evolves.

  • Doduo- hit him with a pester ball.
  • Grimer- On the cave stage take pictures of the two grimers in the caves.

  • Muk- hit grimer with pester balls.

  • Shellder- On the River stage by the Slowpoke you can find Shellder.

  • Cloyster- At the end of the River stage you can find Cloyster.

  • Hanter- On the tunnel stage take a picture of the flying purple ball.

  • Electrode- On the tunnel stage hit electrode with a pester ball.

  • Koffing- On the cave stage play the poke'flute by koffing.

  • Chansey- On the beach stage hit the pink ball, that evee is playing with.

  • Kangaskan- hit Kangaskan then play the Pokeflute.

  • Goldeen- on the Valley stage throw pester balls in the water.

  • Staryu- On the Valley stage by the waterfall you can find Staryu.

  • Starmie- On the Valley stage take a picture of Staryu.

  • Scyther-On the Beach stage throw pester balls in the bush by the water.

  • Jynx- On the Cave stage b the egg play the poke'flute.

  • Electabuzz-On the Cave stage open the egg.

  • Magmar- On the Volcano stage by the egg throw an apple in between the two Magmar.

  • Magikarp- Go to the valley stage and throw pester balls in the water.

  • Gyrados- At the Beginingof the Valley stage throw pester balls in the water infront of Mankey. Magikarp should jump onto the land and go over to the Mankey. Mankey will hit it over the mountain. Then once you get to the Graveler a Magikarp will fall on the ground hit hit with pester balls.

  • Lapras- On the Beach level take pictures of the Lapras out in the distance. Then once you get to the Kangaskan you will get a close shot of Lapras.

  • Ditto- On the Cave stage you will see Bulbasaur, hit them with pester balls.

  • Evee- On the Beach level you will see Evee rollong a pink ball around rocks. Hit the pink ball with a pester ball Evee will jump with joy.

  • Porygon- On the River stage toward the end, you will see a nose moving in the bushes hit it with pester balls.

  • Snorlax- On the Beach stage you will see Snorlax sleeping, play the Poke'flute.

  • Articuno- On the Cave level when you see the Jynx play the pokeflute .

  • Zapdos- On the tunnel stage by the egg you will see a Pikachu. Lead a trail of apples to the egg; then play the Pokeflute.

  • Moltres- On the Volcano stage hit the egg by the charmander.

  • Dratini- On the Valley stage throw pester balls in the water.

  • Dragonite- throw pester balls in the whirlpool.

  • Mew-Keep hiting his Sheild with pester balls.Then once you get him out of his sheild hit him with a pester balls.

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