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First Time Meeting Apollo!!!

by gwen_colby

It was a hot and sunny day in Toronto, Canada. Calbretto and me (Gwen) were going to the Cnanime Festival taking place at the Toronto Covention Centre. We waited in line for ages (45 mins…but it felt like hours), and finally we got our tickets and ventured to the world of comics!!!

As we were going up the flight of escalators, Cal saw two guys from the band Serial Joe. I of course didn’t believe that it was them!!! But it was on the news and I lost my chance of getting a musicians autographs!!!

As we got up to the floor that was selling comics and other related products, we heard on the speakers that a living anime girl was going to perform downstairs!!! Oh course, we thought that was joke, so we didn’t go and instead look around for some cheap buys. We looked around for a few hours and purchased stuff (mostly Cal, ok he purchased everything!!!). We were about to look through everything again, when we noticed a section that we didn’t even ventured into yet!!! In that area, they were selling drawings of superheroes that people drew. Just around the bend we saw an amazing booth, APOLLO SMILE!!!

At first apollo wasn’t there, but the japanese guy (I’m sorry that I don’t remember your name!!!) was there. He introduced us to apollo’s type of music, and gave us free buttons. What was so funny, was that Cal said that the guy was flirting with me!!! It sure didn’t feel like that, but I guess it makes a girl feel appreciated!!! Hehe..After being alittle surprised that it was Apollo who was the living anime girl, we wished we had seen the concert!!! After a few minutes of cursing in our heads (ok, in my head!!!), we went around again to look for stuff that we could have missed.

After a short period of time, we went back to apollo’s booth and saw the beautiful woman standing there!!! Cal and me wanted to go talk to her so badly so we walked there and started a conversation. I was so nervous when I saw her!!! I saw this mailing list, so I decided that if I put down my address and Cal’s, then she wouldn’t have to talk to me!!! Hehe, she started talking to Cal first about what he liked, and about how the new x-men movie was going to be shot here in Toronto. When she was talking to him, I barely heard what she said because I was 2 feet away from a famous star!!! After finishing writing in the mailing list, I looked up and she started to talk to me. I could feel my face blushing so badly!!! I have no idea what kind of questions she asked me, except for what were my hobbies…and I said music (rock or pop). My god, that was the most amazing encounter with a famous star I’ve ever had (the first one!!!). We were a bit nervous, and after our brief conversation we left the booth.

Cal and me definitely wanted to go back and talk to her again. It was kinda funny watching too people staring at her from a distance!!! But eventually we left the convention. After becoming a tad obsessed with her, only after meeting her for a few minutes. I started to look for her on the net, and boy did I find some amazing facts about her!!! It’s going to be even a longer story if I tell you all the stuff I know about her, so look at Cal’s info section!!!

In my opinon, I felt that Apollo was really friendly to talk to (note: I’ve a very nervous person and I didn’t even run away or scream!!!). She wasn’t like the average pop star that has no brains!!! She is very intelligent and beautiful!!! Not only did I regret not going to her free (thank you so much!!!) performance, I regret not purchasing any of her items!!!

Apollo We Love You!!!