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Gundam Wing X: The Groove Army
Episode one: Full Moon Rising

by Captain Wolf

In the After Colony Year 295 (A.C. 295), The Confederation successfully breached the blockade established by the Earth Federation, in the months that followed The Confederation revealed a multitude of weapons, warships, and highly advanced mobile suits that quickly overwhelmed Earth's military might. Planet Earth surrendered to The Confederation on Christmas Eve, A.C. 295.

On February 9, A.C. 296, The Confederation expanded its influence into the outer worlds of the solar system, their first target was Jupiter. Willing to achieve peace at any price, in a very unpopular decision by the other planets, The Jupiter Republic surrenders without a fight and negotiates a peace treaty with The Confederation. Two months later, Confederation occupation forces are established throughout Jupiter space.

Determined to maintain their freedom, The Gundam Elite, based on the Jupiter moon Sinope, put their base on siege status. The Confederation responds in kind by blasting Sinope with long-range beam cannon fire. Only two days into the attacks, the Gundam Elite's base is completely destroyed for some unknown reason, all military and civilian personel are killed and nearly three-hundred Gundams and their pilots are lost. The remaining Gundam pilots and their mobile suits scatter and flee into hiding, by the end of A.C. 296 these pilots and their Gundams are systematically hunted down and exterminated by Confederation forces and by an unknown group seemingly on the side of The Confederation. In the next three years, The Gundams are soon forgotten, The Confederation takes the Saturn Corporate Alliance by force, and The Outer Zone is cut off from the rest of the system and are now waiting in fear of The Confederation's advance to take full control of the entire solar system....

After Colony Year 300


Like a great iron fortress in space, the L-10 Colony floated in space, it was furthest colony from Jupiter and was fairly isolated from the military and commercial space routes. For its main function this was perfect, as L-10 was the single largest space-based mobile suit production facility in the entire solar system. Hundreds of mobile suits, and mobile suit weaponry, rolled off the assembly lines on a daily basis. The Confederation Council couldn't have been more pleased with themselves when they formed their alliance with the Jupiter Republic, they were more than willing to serve the Confeds any way they could and major production facilities like L-10 were only icing on the cake. Shortly after taking L-10 under their wing The Confederation soon found some problems, dangerous sections of the factory itself, such as ore processing and waste disposal, were becoming more and more difficult to maintain and budget costs skyrocketed as more and more workers refused enter these areas as their lives were at risk. Labor unions were relieved when The Confederation Council came up with an interesting solution to this problem, while the unions didn't exactly approve of the idea, they didn't really oppose it either. The solution was not a new idea, just an outdated one that no one had used for centuries, it only served to fuel the fires of those opposed to Confederation rule. As a result, the Sentenced Laborers, or SL's, were created. Whatever the Confeds wished to call it, it didn't hide the fact that it was easily interpreted by an outdated term........ "Slavery."

In the beginning, all able bodied convicts from across the solar system were forced into hard labor at work camps, ultimately these prisoners would eventually be sent to L-10. When convicts began dying at an alarming rate on L-10 because of unsafe working conditions, The Confederation began combing the system looking for more workers, it was not uncommon for people to be kidnapped without warning by military police and shipped to L-10 simply because the opposed The Confederation by opinion alone. In time, everyone feared L-10 and it soon took on a new name,"The Factory Of Death."

A typical SL's lifespan on L-10 was usually six months before they died from exaustion, disease, torture, or some industrial accident, Apollo Smile endured four years of sheer agony in this place, determined to live so she could know freedom again. When she arrived, Apollo was told one rule by the lead work driver,"Work.... or die." The former Gundam pilot was then placed in the waste disposal plant, shoveling manure and other waste products, her wrists and ankles were shackled together by just enough chains to allow her to serve her function as an SL. Life as an SL was a nightmare on L-10, more so if the SL was a woman, a fact Apollo knew all too well as she was occasionally forced to "service" the guards. She had seen many of her fellow SL's die at the hands of this place, she tried to convince others to attempt a revolt but no one would listen to such foolishness, Apollo then realized that she was on her own.

Apollo was not without friends however as she grew attached to a young girl who looked no more than fifteen, this friendship was established however by the fact that they were usually collared together by a ten-foot chain, the girl had long blonde hair and was slightly taller than Apollo. She was clearly terrified of this place and spent more time struggling with her chains than working, she had made so many escape attempts that the drivers started calling her,"Escapee." Indeed, the drivers even had a pool going as to when and how she would make her next attempt, while a few were planned most of the girl's attempts usually involved trying to run away the moment she was uncollared, these flights for freedom ended with her falling on her face after about fifteen or twenty feet thanks to her bonds. When the girl met Apollo, she told the Gundam pilot about how she was literally snatched from her bed and dragged to this place, Apollo soon learned her real name, Leighton Blue. They soon became friends after they became shacklemates.
B One day, someone walked up to Apollo and whispered something in her ear, the man then sneaked something into her hand and quickly ran off. Meanwhile, Leighton went into her usual fit as she began struggling to free herself, this attempt seemed more violent than the others as Leighton soon started crying and screaming as well. A nearby driver finally had enough of Leighton's insubordination as he ran over and punched Leighton in the stomach, causing her to fall to the ground. The driver then readied a whip and was about to beat Leighton when Apollo fell on top of the young girl.
"Get off of her SL!" The driver growled as he brought the lash down upon Apollo's back, she simply snarled in rage as the driver continued.
"LEAVE HER ALONE YOU MONSTER!!!!" Apollo screamed as the driver continued delivering blow after blow, what the SL driver didn't realize was that Apollo had begun working on her collar and wrist irons with what the stranger had given her, a piece of metal the size of a nail.
"I SAID GET UP YOU SCUM!!!!" The driver yelled as he prepared another blow.
"With pleasure." Apollo said quietly as she freed herself from her chains.
"What the hell?! She's loose!" Was all the driver could get out before Apollo swung her wrist irons alongside his face, the driver fell and began screaming in pain from the blow. Apollo then quickly began working on her leg irons and had freed herself completely when she then heard Leighton screaming beside her.

As she heard Leighton's cries, Apollo noticed an armed guard run up and aim his rifle at her, the Gundam pilot took her wrist irons and hurled them at the guard. While the guard was distracted, Apollo raced towards him and disarmed the guard by kicking his rifle away from him, Apollo then knocked out the guard himself with a wheel kick to the face. She then went for the rifle as two more guards quickly appeared, Apollo barely had enough time to respond as she fired two laser blasts from the rifle and took down the guards. She then ran over to a still screaming Leighton.
"Don't move Leighton," Apollo advised her as Leighton was trembling badly, she then told her,"I said don't move!"

Apollo then shot off Leighton's chains and the girl was free to finally do what she always dreamed of, escape, as both girls began running for the lives. All the while the factory went on full alert as alarms blared everywhere.
"SL-36192!!!! SL-71794!!!! YOU ARE IN VIOLATION!!!! YOU WILL STOP YOUR FUTILE ESCAPE ATTEMPT IMMEDIATELY!!!!" An automated voice declared as Apollo and Leighton fled through the colony, Apollo was able to take down another guard and get his rifle, she then handed the weapon to Leighton and their escape continued. The two girls proved diffcult to stop as all attempts by the guards failed to stop them as they ran for the nearest launch bay.

When they arrived, Apollo and Leighton spotted two Serpents ready for takeoff, Apollo ran for one and was shocked to see Leighton race over to board the other. The Gundam pilot was about say something when she noticed several dozen guards take up firing positions at them, Apollo reluctantly entered her Serpent mobile suit. Moments later, the two Serpents entered their airlocks and both suits shot into space, Apollo then discovered that these Serpents could transform into flight mode and Apollo quickly converted her Serpent and fled into the darkness. She then spotted Leighton's Serpent had readied a heavy bazooka and was speeding to engage a Confed warship that had docked at L-10.
"Leighton! What do you think your doing?!" Apollo shouted in fear,"If you take out that ship they'll send everything they have after us and we'll be killed for sure! Leighton!"

The young girl didn't listen as she had her Serpent fired a series of rounds at the warships main engines, the Confed craft exploded moments later. Leighton then whimpered quietly,"Mission accomplished."

Apollo was stunned, Leighton Blue seemed to insinctively know where and how to destroy the Confed ship, she then spotted several dozen Serpents speeding towards Leighton's mobile suit.
"Leighton! Get outta there now! You can't take them all!" Apollo shouted at Leighton, the young girl then converted her Serpent into flight mode and flew to join Apollo. Both suits then speeded away from L-10 as fast as they could, Apollo knew that they were doomed as Leighton's attack gave the Confeds a reason to send everything they had at them. Apollo then noticed off in the distance was Sinope, Jupiter's outermost moon and former home of the Gundam Elite. If we could only get to it, Apollo thought to herself, but she knew it was wishful thinking as their pursuers neared. Five Seprents soon reached the fleeing suits and surrounded them, their weapons aimed and ready to attack.
"You are in violation!" The lead suit pilot told Apollo and Leighton,"Surrender now and return with us peacefully back to "The Factory" and you will not be harmed!"
"Screw you! You bastards!" Leighton growled,"I'M NOT GOING BACK!!!!"
"Leighton! NO!!!!" Apollo shouted as Leighton fired a bazooka round at the lead Serpent, the suit exploded and the pilot was killed instantly.
Apollo then overheard another pilot on the radio shout,"They killed the boss! All Serpents! OPEN FIRE!!!!"

The four remaining Serpents readied their beam cannons and fired at Apollo and Leighton, who were able to dodge the initial bursts and began fleeing again, their pursuers continued their barrage as the fleeing Serpents neared Sinope. Apollo then noticed something appear directly in their flight path a few miles away, the object approached at incredible speed and Apollo was amazed as the object seemed to extend a pair of bat-like wings. The object then stopped directly in front of Apollo's and Leighton's Serpents and both were stunned into disbelief when they saw what it was, it looked like a mobile suit.
As the suit's wings extended, its appearance was revealed. It's upper body and arms, as well as it's wings, were black in color, while its legs were white. It held a long pipe-like device in its right hand, the device then discharged an energy blade, instead of shooting outwards the beam went to one side, as if it were scythe. Apollo then saw a familiar sight on the suit's forehead, a yellow V-shaped crest that signified something that almost caused Apollo to have a heart attack.
"Apollo?" Leighton asked fearfully,"What's that?"
"Leighton," Apollo replied,"let's get out of this guy's way and keep moving to Sinope!"
"But why?!" Leighton whined,"We can't just leave them behind to face those suits alone!"
"Those suits are already dead!" Apollo explained to Leighton.
"What makes you say something scary like that?!" Leighton demanded.
"Because that is no ordinary mobile suit," Apollo said,"that's a Gundam!"

The winged mobile suit readied it's weapon and charged the Serpents, the Confed suits fired their beam cannons at their attacker, to their horror the suit continued forward without even a scratch on its armor. The mobile suit swung it's scythe at one of the Serpents, the Serpent was cleaved in two and promptly exploded. The suit quickly slashed another Serpent and then another and both were destroyed, the one Serpent that was left simply hovered in the darkness, wondering what this unbeatable monster's next move would be. Then a bellowing voice came from the dark mobile suit.

The Serpent then immediately turned around and fled back to L-10, it was met by approaching reinforcements, a few minutes later the entire group of Serpents fled back to the colony. Apollo and Leighton had watched this dark suit's attack with amazement, this amazement turned to fear as the suit approached them. The voice then said quietly....

"If you want to live.... follow me."

To be continued....

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