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Gundam Wing X: The Groove Army
Prologue: Chronicles Of War.

by Captain Wolf

In the early years of the Twenty-First Century, mankind has overpopulated the Earth to the point where the planet itself can no longer support its massive numbers. To prevent the Earth's resources from being exhausted and continue to be able to support life, the nations of the world unite to embark on the single greatest space effort in human history, a series of space colonies are established, and as the century ends, vast populations of people migrate into the giant colonies. It is known by historians as "The Colonization," the colonies and the Earth establish a new timeline to honor this monumental achievement. Officially recorded as the "After The Colonziation Timeline," it is soon more popularly known as,"The After Colony Era."

After Colony Timeline

After Colony Year 175 (A.C. 175): Earthbound society, known as the United Earth Sphere Alliance, seizes control of the world and the orbiting space colonies using powerful robotic vehicles called "Mobile Suits," history will remeber this event as the First Space War.

A.C. 195: After nearly twenty years of oppressive rule by The Alliance, the colonies retaliate by sending a guerilla group to Earth to crush The Alliance using five specially built mobile suits composed of an alloy called Gundanium, these suits soon became known as "Gundams." Historcally recognized as The Second Space War, the Gundams and their pilots were caught in the crossfire of a massive social and political upheaval as several major groups fought for power and control. The war ended with the establishment of The Earth Nation.

A.C. 196: Third Space War erupts as a splinter group declares war on the Earth, the Gundams are brought out of retirement to repel the menace, peace on Earth and in the Colonies is finally achieved.

A.C. 200: First successful mass migration to Mars is attempted, upon arrival they begin the process of terraforming the planet to support human life.

A.C. 215: Mars now has an atmosphere and another mass migration begins.

A.C. 220: The various colonies and ethnic groups on Mars agree to a planet-wide government which soon becomes known as The Mars Confederated Union.

A.C. 229: Coloniztaions of Jupiter and Saturn successful, moons of both worlds soon become heavily populated.

A.C. 234: Legendary political figure Relena Peacecraft is assassinated by a terroist group, triggering Fourth Space War between Earth and Colonies, ends in a stalemate and an uneasy peace treaty.

A.C. 236: Colonies estalish Space Revolutionary Army and begin manufacturing mobile suits at an unprecedented rate and begins trade relations with Mars Confederated Union.

A.C. 239: Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto colonized, region becomes known as "The Outer Zone," because of their distance from the other planets, Saturn space now popularly known as "The Outer Reach." First generations of humans gifted with limited psychic ablities, called "Newtypes," begin to appear.

A.C. 243: Fifth Space War erupts on Mars, breaks away from the rest of the solar system and becomes The Confederation, uses planet's resources to construct a vast fleet of warships and mobile suits. Earth Colony scientists discover a method of manufacturing Gundamium cheaply and in great amounts, first production model Gundams roll off assembly lines.

A.C. 251: Sixth Space War, Mars Confederation invades Earth, Confederation forces immediately driven from planet. During the conflict an elite taskforce is established and becomes known as "The Gundam Elite," consisting of approximately 500 Gundams, roughly half of these pilots are Newtypes.

A.C. 260: Seventh Space War erupts and becomes the worst war in human history as Space Revolutionary Army drops nearly every orbiting space colony above Earth onto the planet itself, entire surface of Earth is affected and nearly 10 billion lives are lost.

A.C. 275: Earth and remaining colonies resume hostilities.

A.C. 279: Confederation declares war on both groups and takes control of Earth and colonies.

A.C. 285: Confederation attempts to expand its empire to outer solar system, outer worlds respond in kind with assistance from Gundam Elite, Eighth Space War begins and continues on and off for the next seven years.

A.C. 292: Eighth Space War ends, a blockade of warships is formed around Mars and Earth is liberated, Gundam Elite becomes the unoffical police force for the entire solar system.

End of chronicle....

After Colony Year 295 Planet Mars, near the moon, Phobos....
The skies above Mars were bright with activity as the Earth Federation fleet began preparing for yet another attempt by The Confederation to breach the blockade of warships that surrounded the planet. The Confederation's attacks usually ended in failure and the assault forces were sent limping back to Mars, but this time rumor had it that this attack may be different as they would go for broke and launch an entire fleet against the blockade. All attempts at a peaceful settlement ended in failure and the Earth Forces were now obliged to order the orbiting fleet to engage any Confederation craft that dared to try to escape the Red Planet. In addition, the Gundam Elite was alerted and a group of its finest were sent to Mars to assist the fleet, coming to their aide were five Gundams who were sent to the fleet command base on the Martian moon, Phobos. Upon recieving their orders, the Gundam squadron quickly began their patrol.

The group consisted of four Gundam Airmasters and the command mobile suit was a Wing Zero Zeta, an updated variation on the classic Wing Zero design. All five Gundams were in fighter mode as they left the compound to head for a meeting with the fleet.

"This is Ghost Leader to Ghost Group," the commanding officer radioed her squad,"take up formation Sigma, we should reach the command ship in about twenty minutes."

The other pilots complied and the Gundam Airmasters formed a two-by-two cover formation while the Wing Zero Zeta took up a position in between the others. This particular crew of Gundam pilots was led by a very attractive young lady named Apollo Smile, she was a petite blonde with an exceptional build, she was well liked by everyone around her and was respected for her skill and expertise as a Gundam pilot. Everyone who knew Apollo agreed she had a great future ahead of her. "Ghost Four to Ghost Leader," one of the other pilots spoke up,"I just picked up an unknown track on the surface of Phobos."
"Most likely a patrol suit on a joyride, Jensen," another of the Gundam pilots, Graves, surmised,"they do that sometimes, even here in the Confed's backyard. How 'bout it Lieutenant Smile, check it out?"

Apollo took a glance at Phobos for a moment and then responded kindly,"Well we're not too far out, I think command can do without us for a moment. All Gundams, maintain formation and proceed back to Phobos, and keep an eye out for that track."

The five Gundams quickly turned around and returned to the Martian moon, the track was in a barren and vacant area of Phobos, the Gundams came in low over the surface and the pilots were somewhat puzzled. The five suits flew into a small canyon, unaware that they were being watched by the unknown bogey in a nearby cave. As the Gundams flew past, the bogey quickly proceeded to follow the others. "Well this is odd," Graves groaned,"think we're chasin' the wind. There's nothing around here." "Guess I was mistaken," Jensen replied sadly,"sorry about the wild goos...."

Jensen's words were cut short as one of the other Airmasters suddenly exploded with no warning and no reason why. "What the hell was that?!" Jensen cried out as the four remaining Gundams began to scatter.
"Ghost Group!" Apollo shouted,"Convert to suit mode and keep an eye out! I think we got nailed from behind by a sniper!"

The four Gundams then transformed into their suit modes, humanoid robots roughly 60 feet tall, all four wielded buster rifles in each hand and continued speeding through the canyon. "Roderick! Graves! Take the high road!" Apollo ordered,"Jensen! You're with me!"

Jensen's Airmaster flew up to the left side of Apollo's Wing Zero Zeta as the other two Airmasters flew out of the canyon. The moment both suits escaped the canyon, Roderick's Airmaster was attacked by dark colored mobile suit wielding a huge beam sword. The energy blade cleaved the Gundam in two and it suddenly exploded.
"Roderick!" Graves shouted in terror,"Ghost Three to Ghost Leader! I think I spotted who took out Roderick, looked like another suit but it wasn't like anything I ever saw before! Oh no! It spotted me! It's....!"

Graves' Airmaster soon joined the other fallen Gundams as Apollo and Jensen continued their flight. "Lieutenant Smile! We have to get outta here!" Jensen cried out,"This canyon's a damn bottleneck! And whoever's in that suit took out three Gundams without even trying!"
"Calm down Jensen!" Apollo snapped,"Just stay with me and hold your course! Once we alert command they'll send help! What the hell...."

Apollo then looked above them and spotted the unknown suit flying above them, it had what looked like a pair of wings and its left arm had a whiplike weapon coming from it while its right hand held its beam sword. The suit suddenly went into a dive for Jensen's Airmaster. "APOLLO!!!! HELP ME!!!!" Jensen screamed as his Gundam was ruthlessly destroyed by the unknown assailant.
Apollo Smile now stood alone and quickly stopped her Gundam and readied its buster rifles. "JENSEN!!!!" Apollo cried out as her Wing Zero Zeta fired a series of blasts into virtually every direction, the Gundam then brought the two rifles together to form a double-barreled cannon and continued firing bursts into the darkness. Then, as Apollo's attack progressed, the assailant leaped out of nowhere and used its beam sword to destroy her Gundam's weapon. The twin buster rifle's destruction resulted in an explosion that sent Apollo's Gundam crashing into the canyon wall, Apollo herself was knocked unconscious.

When she came to, Apollo found herself and her Gundam still in the canyon, along the canyon rim were a group of suits that she feared would finish her off for good, for they were heavily armed Confederation Serpents. The suits then jumped down to the fallen Gundam and surrounded it, Apollo tried to get the Gundam to stand up but with no avail. "You are in violation of Confederation space!" The command Serpent radioed Apollo,"You will surrender peacefully and will not be harmed!"

Apollo simply sat in her cockpit as the Serpents picked up her smashed Gundam and carted her away to Mars, as they flew to a waiting Confederation warship Apollo soon realized that they had succeeded as she saw the Confederation fleet were engaging the blockade ships. She watched helplessly as the blockade was broken and The Confederation fleet escaped from Mars, little realizing that their reign of terror had only just begun.

The Outer Reach, near the rings of Saturn. Two weeks later....

The three giant freighters travelled silently in their orbit around Saturn, each ship carried four domed enclosures containing forests and animal life. Aboard the freighter Berkshire, all was quiet and routine for the crew as they went about their usual duties. While in one of the ship's staterooms, a married couple were enjoying each other's company. The bride was a beautiful Latin woman with dark brown hair, while the groom was an average looking man with a similar hair color, both were hugging each each other very tightly. "I love you Claudia." The man said quietly as he kissed her gently on her right cheek.
"I love you too Wolf." Claudia responded in kind,"Too bad our honeymoon had to end and you had to go back on duty so soon."
"Yeah it really sucks," Wolf agreed,"such is the life of a Gundam pilot, all work and no play. However, it was nice of them to put me way out here in the middle of nowhere. Log in a few hours here and there, and the rest of the time we get to make like a pair of rabbits in heat."

Claudia laughed with delight at Wolf's little comment, they had just gotten married as a promise Wolf made to her in their high school days before he would be recruited to be a Gundam pilot. His enlistment was no surprise to him, because of his grandfather, Wolf always knew he'd be a Gundam pilot. Wolf Maxwell's grandfather was a legendary Gundam pilot named Duo Maxwell, Wolf's grandfather would always come visit his family and every Thanksgiving he would have everyone gather around for his tales of his days as Gundam pilot. He would tell of the days of Operation Meteor, the rise of OZ, The Romefeller Foundation's bid to form the World Nation, The Eve Wars, and so on. Wolf always loved his grandfather, and it broke his heart when Duo died during The Eighth Space War of natural causes, to honor his memory Wolf had customized his Gundam to resemble Duo's old Deathscythe. Wolf had become one of the many heroes of The Eighth Space War and was now on the verge of being put out to pasture for good, and Wolf couldn't have been happier. His memories were suddenly cut short be Berkshire's intercom system paging him. "Captain Maxwell! Please report to the hangar immediately!"
"Go away! I'm busy loving my wife!" Wolf giggled as he and Claudia continued hugging each other.
"C'mon Wolf!" Commander Baines shouted,"We just got word that a U.F.O. was spotted coming this way! It doesn't answer to our calls and is coming at incredible speed! everything seems to indicate it may be a Confederation ship!"
"Confeds don't come out this far!" Wolf growled,"They don't have any interest in The Reach! Send a Leo or something, and leave me alone!"
"We have," Baines replied,"we sent two of 'em out ten minutes ago, they were in visual range when we lost contact for some reason."
"What?!" Wolf said as he jumped out of bed, he then turned to his wife. "Claudia, I better go check this out, I should be back before too long."
"I'll wait up for you." Claudia purred quietly as Wolf got dressed in his flight suit and left their quarters.
Wolf wandered into the hangar and spotted his Gundam, he then turned and saw his pal Mitch working on a Taurus mobile suit, the suit was in its fighter mode.
"Hey Mitch!" Wolf shouted,"Lemme borrow that Taurus for a while, gotta go check on something."
"What's wrong with your Gundam?" Mitch said as he pointed to Wolf's suit.
"Nothing," Wolf explained,"Baines wants me to check on some ship that's headed this way, probably a cruiser that just got lost."
"Well, alright." Mitch complied reluctantly,"But you bring it right back, you hear?"
"No problem," Wolf tried to reassure him,"I should be back in like thirty minutes."

A few minutes later, the Taurus departed from the Berkshire and into the void at full speed, Wolf soon neared the approaching U.F.O. "This is Outer Reach Patrol V-7 to unidentified vessel," Wolf radioed the bogey,"please respond, over. Do you require assistance, over?"

All Wolf got back was static as the mobile suit continued onward, he was soon becoming bored with the flight when he spotted the vessel, it was indeed a ship. The huge craft quickly thundered past the Taurus and headed in the direction of Saturn, Wolf recognized the ship's design and radioed ahead. "Voodoo 7 to Berkshire! Voodoo 7 to Berkshire!" Wolf shouted in fear,"I just spotted a Confederation Typhoon-Class warship headed for you! E.T.A. to optimum attack range of freighters.... less than ten minutes!"
"Maxwell this is Baines!" The Berkshire's commander responded,"We read you, we have them on radar! We'll hold them off until you get back!"
"Berkshire, have my Gundam ready as soon as you can." Wolf advised.
"Way ahead of you, Wolf," Baines assured him,"it's already in the launch bay, all you have to do is show up."
"Thanks guys," Wolf sighed before seeing something that made him pale, the warship suddenly picked up speed, he then advised Baines.
"Voodoo 7 to Berkshire," Wolf said calmly,"Confed ship just picked up speed, they'll be at your position in less than five minutes, sensors indicate they'll be deploying their Serpents at any moment. I'm not gonna make it in time.... but I will try!"

Wolf then activated his suit's afterburners and speeded for the freighter fleet, when he finally arrived he had lost radio contact with the others and saw the warship attack the freighters, the Serpents were deployed and began pelting the ships with heavy bazooka fire. The freighters were vainly attempting to launch various escape craft, while the Confederation's mobile suits were either capturing them or destroying them one by one.
"Voodoo 7 to Berkshire!" Wolf began to shout,"Get outta there now! You guys don't have a chance! Berkshire! Berkshire!"

All Wolf Maxwell could do was watch as the Serpents swarmed the Berkshire, taking out anything trying to escape from them. They finally broke off their attack as the Confederation warship readied its main guns, the ship released a barrage a energy beams that quickly made short work of the Berkshire. The freighter Wolf and Claudia had called home was soon engulfed in a massive explosion. Wolf then watched the ship vaporize and he then turned his Taurus around and fled. And as he speeded away Wolf screamed out in horror,"CLAUDIA!!!!!!!!"

Some time later, after the Confederation ship had left, Wolf returned to the last known coordinates of the Berkshire. With tears in his eyes, he searched for hours for any sign of survivors, there were none to be found. Wolf then located a huge chuck of debris drifting slowly into the darkness, Wolf's Taurus maneuvered to retrieve the debris, Wolf converted his Taurus into suit mode and had it grab the object. It was what remained of his Gundam, the internal mechanics were shot while parts of the head, body, and one of its arms, were still intact. Wolf Maxwell, overcome with emotion over the loss of his beloved Claudia, began weeping uncontrollably while his mobile suit floated silently in the vastness of space.

End of prologue....

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