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Added Links section


Added first section of the episodes. I apologise to all you people that were expecting Episodes off a server download. But unfortunatley the ftp's will have to do for now. Our server has given in on us. Whenever we try to upload a file and then download it for a test the file turns out to have even worse quality then it did before. And every so often the episode freezes. So for now you'll ALL have to make do with the reliable ftp downloads.


Updated the Music section of the site. I am thinking of selling Dragon Ball/Z/GT episodes in RM format on CD. Let me know what you think about the idea. The episodes DO NOT have to be on order. They can be mixed together with episodes from other sagas or movies or whatever you want to have it mixed with. BUT if the idea goes through to be a major thing we will ONLY BE SELLING EPISODES THAT I HAVE unless you want to donate us new episodes through icq or any other forms of trade. But remember... This is only a suggestion for the time being. And also if you wanted to I could send out music cd's as well.... Let me know what you think ok!


Not much of an update. Added banner to my site. If you have any suggestions on what i should add to this page to make it better or if you have any inquieries, questions or you want to ask me about the music/moive cd's feel free to E-mail me, because (unlike others) I will reply.


Recreated Mirai's Temple part 2 on a new agelfire server. Nothing else.


Fanfiction page got screwed. It'll be back up in a week or two with a good update!!!

