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Bibliography of Greek Children's Literature Criticism

Anagnostopoulos, V.D. Ideologia kai Pediki Logotechnia (Erevna kai Theoritikes Prosegisis) Protos Tomos. [Ideology and Children's Literature (Research and Theoretical Approaches) Volume One.] Athens: Kastaniotis, 2001.

Anagnostopoulos, V.D. Trends and Developments in Children's Literature from 1970-1980. Athens: Ekdoseis ton Filon, 1996. [This edition has been updated with chapters referring to the period 1980-1995.]

Anagnostopoulos, V.D. Greek Children's Literature during the Post-War Period 1945-1958. Athens: Kastaniotis, 1991.

Avdikos, E. (ed.) Apo To Paramythi Sta Komiks: Paradosi Kai Neoterikotita [From the Fairy Tale To Comics: Tradition and Innovation]. Athens: Odysseas, 1996.

Benekos, A. To Pediko Ikonografimeno Vivlio [The Children's Picture Book]. Athens: Diptycho, 1991.

Delonis, A. Greek Children's Literature (1835-1985). From its First Roots Through to the Present Day. Athens: Herakliton, 1986.

Economidou, S. Hilies Kai Mia Anatropes: H Neoterikotita Sti Logotechnia [A Thousand And One Subversions: Innovation in Children's Literature]. Athens: Ellinika Grammata, 1999.

Giakos, D. Istoria tis Ellinikis Pedikis Logotechnias [History of Greek Children's Literature]. Athens: Papadimas, 1991.

Kallergis, H. E. Prosengisis stin Pediki Logotechnia [Approaches to Children's Literature]. Athens: Kastaniotis, 1995.

Kanatsouli, M. Amfisima tis Pedikis Logotechnias: Anamesa stin Ellinikotita kai stin Polipolitismikotita [Dualities of Children's Literature: Between Hellenism and Multiculturalism]. Athens: Sinchroni Orizontes, 2002.

Kanatsouli, M. Ideologikes Diastasis tis Pedikis Logotechnias [Ideological Dimensions of Children's Literature]. Athens: Typothito, 2000.

Kanatsouli, M. Introduction to the Theory and Criticism of Children's Literature. Thessaloniki: University Studio Press, 1997.

Kanatsouli, M. Laughter's War. The Joke in Children's Literature. Athens: Ekfasis, 1993.

Karpozilou, M. The Child in the Land of Books. Athens: Kastaniotis, 1997.

Katsiki-Givalou, A. "The Marveled Journey": Studies in Children's Literature. Athens: Patakis, 1997.

Katsiki-Givalou, A. Children's Literature: Theory and Practice (Volumes 1 and 2). Athens: Kastaniotis, 1993 and 1994.

Kontoleon, M. Apopsis gia tin Pediki Logotechnia [Thoughts about Children's Literature]. Athens: Patakis, 1988.

Kontrarou, N. Contemporary Greek Children's Literature. Athens: Estia, 1978.

Papantonakis, Georgios D. Kodikes & Afigimatika Programmata se Kimena tis Pedikis Logotechnias [Codes and Narrative Programs in Texts of Children's Literature]. Athens: Patakis, 1999.

Petrovits-Androutsopoulou, L. "Just Like the Swallows": Children's literature without illusions. Athens: Patakis, 1995.

Petrovits-Androutsopoulou, L. Children's Literature in our Times. Athens: Kastaniotis, 1990.

Petrovits-Androutsopoulou, L. Talking about Children's Books. Athens: Kastaniotis, 1987.

Sakellariou, H. History of Children's Literature(Greek and World-Wide): From Antiquity to our Days. Athens: Danias, 1996.

Sakellariou, H. Children's Literature. Athens: Dania.

Skartsis, S. Introduction to Children's Literature. Patras: Achaikes, 1990.

Vasilarakis, I. Language and Practice in Children's Literature: Essays and Readings. Athens: Gutenberg, 1992.

Zervou, A. "In Wonderland": The children's book as a meeting point between children and adults. Athens: Patakis, 1997

Zervou, A. Censorship and Opposition in our Childhood Texts: Robinson Crusoe, Alice in Wonderland, and Penelope Delta's Nameless Tale. An adult reading of the latter texts. Athens: Odysseas, 1993.

Contemporary Trends and Aspects of Children's Literature. Papers presented at the 4th Conference of the Circle of the Greek Children's Book (9-10 December, 1989). Athens: Psychogios, 1991.

Xanadiavazontas Toyw Ellines Klassikous [Re-reading the Greek Classics]. Papers presented at the One-day Conference of Papadopoulos Publishers (14th October, 2000). Athens: Papadopoulos, 2001.

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