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the Healer



Welcome to the Crystal Realms Forum page for instruction on Healing Methods, the major focus of this page is to enforce role-playing on a higher descriptive level. Healer characters are encouraged to use Free Form Role Play in a given scene. Please be adviced that if you just roll a healing with out proper role play, you will not be awared exps or gps in some cases. What counts in the log of the healing is the "role play" above any dice roll.

Healing Dice-
Dice: It may seem to be a bit contradicting to ask for higher standards of role-play, and then include the section of rules on dice immediately afterwards, but it is absolutely necessary that strict rules be followed even though originality is the main goal. Keep in mind that we are striving for regimentation with customized usage, not total anarchy in structure.

Roll of the Dice-
For all rolls, in order to continue, a healer must on the first try roll 2 points. If 2 points are rolled, the healer may continue rolling until the HPs are reached. If they fail to get 2 points on the first roll, the healer must wait a period of 24 hours to try to heal the same individual.

When a healer attempts to use their power, the sides of their normal attack dice transfer to their healing roll. This means that if you have ?d35 when attacking you also have ?d35 when healing.

Crystal Realms Point Range for Healing-
Every roll of the dice will result in at least one point of healing, unlike normal attack dice where anything below 15 is disregarded.

1-5=2 6-10=4 11-15=6 16-20=8
21-25=10 26-30=12 31-35=14 36-40=16
41-45=18 46-50=20 51-55=22 56-60=24
61-65=26 66-70=28 71-75=30 76-80=32
81-85=34 86-90=36 91-95=38 96-100=40

Healing Logs:
In order to receive credit for a healing and earn exp's and gp's acknowledged, you must log the event. All logs are to be sent to the MoH. Logs must include the following elements in the body, as well as creativity and Role Play:
1)Name of Healer and SN
2)Healing Lincense
3)Name and SN of Patient
4)If the Healer has to roll dice, you must state forum dice, HP level of the target, and HP's needed to complete the healing with success.

Please put in the subject heading of the log your character's SN, Healing, and any gp's or Mexp's if earned. Any logs that lack this informatin in the subject heading will be returned to you and will not be validated.

If you are a Free Form Player, still send in a log indicating that are you FF. Your log must include the above information minus the HPs.

Medicinal Experience Points or Mexp's:
Along with the normal experience points, healers are instructed to keep track of another set devoted increase your character's healing powers. These are termed Mexp's or Medecinal Experience Points. These points are gained through healing and are calculated by taking the total number of points of healing done and multipling that number by 10. [Example: A roll of 3, 12, and a 20 was done by a healer. The total number of healing done the wounded is 16 because 3=2, 12=6, and 20=8. Therefore, the number of Mexp's gained is 160, because 16 multiplied by 10 is 160.]

Levels of Healing:
Every healer is assigned a level according to their total amount of Mexp's.Tabulation is as follows:

Level# sides gained GP's to be given
Lvl 1(0-4,999mxp) -0- (starting lvl,none)
Lvl 2(5,000mxp) -1- 200gp
Lvl 3(10,000mxp) -1- 400gp
Lvl 4(15,000mxp) -1- 600gp
Lvl 5(20,000mxp) -1- 800gp
Lvl 6(25,000mxp) -2*- 1200gp

Whenever a new level is gained, the healer should notify the MoH for details.

Free Form Healings:
For Free Form Healings both players must agree on the final outcome. It must be realistic keeping in mind the nature of the patient's conditions and the healer's abilities and limitations. Successful invertations will earn 200gps.

Healing Outside the Forum:
This will be accepted and encouraged, use the same format to heal as previously described, and whether inside or outside the forum, always retain a copy of the log to be sent in for review. Without such documentation, the healing can be considered invalid, and the points gained illegal.



For questions or comments concerning the Healing Arts,


Midi is Spring by Vivaldi.