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the Character

Note: If you are indicating that you wish to be an Assassin, or are transferring as an Assassin, you must register with the Minister of Cladenstine Arts(MoCA). All Special Weapons (Enhancers) and Special Magical Items (Enchanters) must be registered with the Minister of Trade and Finance (MoTF). Healers must be registrated with the Minister of Healers (MoH), Priest/ess must be registrated with the Minister of Relgious Affairs (MoR), and Mages with the Minister of Magic (MoM). (The limit that anyone may transfer from any forum is 10,000 Exp's, and 10,000 Gp's).

Special Note on Magic Witin the CR:The licensing of those who practice magic only applies to those who wish to be schooled in the magics that are the trade mark of the CR Realm. Those who do naught wish to take this journey of further training in alternative magics do naught need to apply for training or licensing, and may practice their own forms of magic. However, you will still need to follow the forum's rules and will be monitored by the MoM. Remember that with great power comes responsibility.

Out of Character Questions

Screen Name (in lowercase):

How long has your character been in existence (or online):

Provide a brief background on your character. (See Profile is not acceptable):

What type of role do you see your charater as having in the CR RPG?

What type of character do you have (supernatural, mortal, etc., etc.)?

Are you applying as a Free Form Role Player or as a Dicer within the CR RPG Community?

Provide short explanation as to why you are interested in joining the CR RPG:

As a role player what do you think can provide the CR RPG?

What other on line role playing organizations/forums are you currently a part of? List dice and exp's for each:

What do expect to gain from the CR RPG Community as a fellow role player?

In Character Questions

Your Name:

How Old are You?

What talents and abilities do you possess that can benefit the CR Communuity?

What do you expect to get in return from joining the CR Community?

Are you a supernatural creature, Child of Twilight, mortal, fae, etc., etc.?

Provide an explanation as to why you are interesting in joining the CR Community:

How did you find out about the CR?

If you were recruited by someone, who was it?

What other organizations/forums are you currently a member of?


Loyalty Oath: I (Name and SN)_________________________________________on this date___________, swear that all information on this document is legit and truthful. I also sweart to follow the laws of the CR, its leadership, and charter.



Please return completed application to the Minister of Independent Free Citizens,

Midi is Antartica by Vengalis.