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Note: You might encounter a the term "Quality Assurance". This basically means that things are done in accordance with the standard set forth in the charter. Memory orbs (logs)or audits are used to assure that this is met.

The various Ministerial offices are in charge of the departments stated. All concerns/inquiries pertaining to certain areas should be directed to the Minister of said department. Below each description is the name of the person whom holds that postion. Also, the globes contain a way ta send mail to that person.

Forum High Chancellor {HC} and Executive High Chancellor {EHC}
Both the HC and EHC are equal in power and status. They are responsible for:

Overseeing that things run smoothly in the forum
Delegation and Distribution of Power
Delegaton of Responsibilities and Duties
Reviewing New Forum Legislation Up for Consideration.

Other Duties:

All monthly rosters should be turned in to the HC.
All organization applications are handled by the HC and EHC.
The HC oversees the bimonthly forum payments to forum officials and forum organizations.
The EHC handles the payment of exps and gps for stolen rosters.

Si'annae Desi'ree Aires Cerjac


Minister of Clandestine Arts.
Responsible for maintaining a current record of all and validating/sanctioning:

Forum Assassins
Registration of Assassins
Licensing Assassins
Approving Assassination and Kidnapping Contracts
Training New Assassins
Validating AA and KA Hits (logs).

Drake Stone HellzWind Medri

Minister of Compliance (Forum Warden)
The Forum Warden is Responsible for the following:

Handling Matters of Compliance in Relation to the Forum Charter, Laws, and Policies
Responsible for Law Enforcement
Responisible for Carrying out Forum Executions.

Talithos Leareth Xarien

Minister of Religion
The MoR is Responsible for:

Overseeing the Trainig of New Priests(esses)
Maintaining the Qualiry Assurance of Resurrections (Rezzes)
Maintaining the Quality Assurance of Soul Transfers
Maintaining the Quality Assurance of all Devampings and Exorcisms (casting out daemons/demons/spirits out of possessed individuals)
Maintaining the Quality Assurance of the Removel of Curses/Hexes
Maintaing the Quality Assurance of All Religious Ceremonies


Ministerial Coroner
The MC is responsible for the following:

Maintaining Records of all Deceased Forum Members
Overseeing the Status of Those Who have been Assassinated
Validating Outcomes of Death Matches
Validatiing Legal Wills Withing the Forum
Overseeing that the Decrees in the Legal Wills are Followed Through


Minister of Healers
The MoH is responsible for the following:

Overseeing the Training of New Healers/Physicians
Handling Malpractice Issues
Investigating Cases of Malpractice
Maintaining a Record of All Forum Issued Healer Licenses
Maintaining the Quality of Assurance of all Health Practioners


Minister of Finance and Trade
The MoFT is responsible for the following:
Maintaining Forum Treasury Records
Handing Out Legal Forum Payment Allotments ( GP and EXP)
Maintaining the Quaility Assurance of Trade
Maintaining a Record of All Legal Forum Special Weapons (Enhancers)and Special Magical Items (Enchanters)
Maintaing a Record of Legal Forum Blacksmiths and Encanters
Issuing Legal Forum Licenses to Blacksmiths and Enchanters [Note: Enchanters Must Get Clearance from the MoM]
Processing business applications.


Minister of Independent Free Citizens (Freelancers)
The MoIFC is responsible for the following:

Processing All Independent Free Citizen Applications (Freelancers)
Maintaining all Independent Free Citizen Records
Assuring that IFCs Understand the CR Charter bylaws
Advocating for IFCs
Providing a Voice to the Concern of the IFCs in the CR's High Council.


Minister of Internal Affairs
Responsible for overseeing the daily Forum operations as they relate to the charter. Furthermore the MoIA is also responsible for:

Investigating Instances of Suspected Foul Play
Investigating Instances of Treason against the CR
Investigating Instances of Illegal Activities (not adhering to the Forum Charter/Laws/Policies)
Bringing Suspected Individuals to the Attention of the MoC.

Prosion Medri

Minister of Magery
The MoM is responsible for the following:

Overseeing the Issues Relating to Magic/Sorcery
Overseeing the Training of Neoneates in the Various Schools of Magic/Sorcery
Assuring that arcane powers and knowledge is not misused or abused.
Maintaining an Accurate Record of all Legal Encanters and Enchanters.

Special Note on Magic Within the CR: All forum mages/sorcerers/warlocks/witches/etc., must register with the MoM to obtain legal licenses. Furthermore, all runes are licensed and bonded. This stipulation only applies for those Wielders of Magic who wish to become schooled in the magics that are the trade mark magics of the CR Realm. Those who do naught wish to take this journey of further training in alternative magics do naught have to apply for training or licensing, and may practice their own magic. All other Wielders of Magic will still need to meet the MoM, since the MoM will still need to monitor them. Remember that with all great power comes responsibility.


Minister of Slavery
Responsible for overseeing and maintaining records as they pertain to slavery. Others responsibilities the MoS has are as follow:

Ensures that Forced Collarings are Legal/Valid
Handles all SM logs
Ensures that all SM Terms are Honored
Assures Quality Assurance in relation to the Selling, Trading, and Purchasing of Slaves.


Minister of Registration (Dice Master)
The MoRe is responsible for the following:

Maintaining a Record of all 90+ Dicers
Responsible for Conducting Audits of Dice and Exp's of Suspected Illegal Dice.

Note:This position is for the most part an OOC Position, since it governs dice and exps which are OOC related concepts in relation to the game.


Minister of War
The MoW is responsible for the following:

the Coordination of all Mock and Real Wars
the Planning of all Mockc and Real Wars
the Execution of all Mock and Real Wars.

MoW must be contacted before any Mock Wars and Real Wars can be executed by any forum house/organization.


The Minister for Elder Affairs
Responsible for the overseeing of those with Elder status. Other responsibilities are as follows:

Review of all Elder Applications
Interviewing all Potential Applicants
Proper Assignment of Elder Status to qualifiying applicant
Maintaining records of all Elders within the CR
Investigating Reported Cases of Abuse by Elers

Alexis Entragian

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Midi of Driven Like the Snow, Copyrighted to the Sisters of Mercy