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Before this treaty is signed, both parties will have met in person and negotiated the terms. The treaty is the final outcome of hours of interacting and negotiation between the forum heads and each respective High Council Body.

This treaty is to affirm the alliance between the Crystal Realms and _______________. The alliance and treaty will be honored by any future successors of either forum's Chancellory. If the alliance is revoked by any successors, the Chancellory of either forum will be notified by writing and informed of the reasons for the changes or of the nullification of said treaty. As well as officiate the terms of said alliance. Terms are as followed and must be observed by both forums:


Article One


Neither the CR and ______________ will interfer in the daily operations, policies, problems, and decrees of each respective governmental entity without the express written permission of the High Chancellors or Highest Ruling Official and approval of each respective entity's Ruling High Council. Violation of this will be considered an act of aggression.


Article Two


This treaty is only binding of the CR and ______________. It does not hold with any other alliances that either governmental entity may hold with other parties.


Article Three


CR and _______________ Assassins may not carry out Assassination Attempts on any of the respective forum citizens. Breach of this will be considered an act of aggression. The offending party will be punished in accordance to their governing code of laws. If the offending party's governing body does not take action, the CR will step in and seek retribution. The individual(s) assassinated will be granted an auto resurrection. The only exception to this rule is if the Assassination Attempt was done for legitimate reasons.


Article Four


CR and _______________ citizens may not Kidnap, Force Collar, Enslave, or perform other acts of violence against each other. Breach of this will be seen as an act of aggression. It is expected that each forum will deal with its own criminals/offenders accordingly.


Article Five


Information shared between the Forum Heads may naught be divulged to outside sources without the written consent of either first. If information is divulged without expressed written permission, this will be considered in breach of said treaty and nullify it.


Article Six


Neither forum shall take aggressive action against the other or go to war against the other. If problems arise, these will be handled by diplomatic means.


Article Seven


In times of war, the CR and _______________ shall stand unified. Either goverment entity is absolved if the case for war is without just cause and is deemed frivolous (e.i., a government declares war on another due to a lover's quarrel). Wars are serious matters and should only be declared for highly serious matters. Conflict placed upon the government is always a just cause. If the aggressor is a government ally of either of the two entities, a neutral stance may be taken. Note: If it is without cause and a third party is provoked, it shall be treated as the provoking government's problem solely.


Article Eight


Neither the CR and ______________ will engage in espionage against the other. Violation of this will be considered an act of treason against each other.


Article Nine


If problems arise between the citizens of either forum, this will be handled by diplomatic means. If the said problem continues, it shall be settled by an Honor Match with clear terms that will be honored.


Article Ten


For serious offenses (acts of treason; defamation; unjustified acts of aggression between citizens and houses) a trail will be held with official representives from both forums. They representtives shall naught take sides, but only view the evidence and all supporting material before passing a joint sentence. Government officials will only step in when a member house of the CR/EtSBT is unable to settle the dispute. The said forum organization must first approach the Warden and Minister of Internal Affairs requesting assistance. The government heads will step in as needed only. All actions taken by government officials will also be documented.


Article Eleven


The CR and ___________________ will honor and respect each other's legal codex, laws, and citizens.


Article Twelve


This document may be revised as needed with new articles or provisions added as different situations arise. Any time, there is to be a change in said document, it will not be made withtout consultation of either government head and their respective High Council Bodies.



By signing this document, the government officials of the CR and __________________ are agreeing to honor this treaty of alliance between the two entities. Furhermore, by signing this document, the ________________ government head is acknowledging an alliance with an outer realm government that is not Rhydian in basis, structure, or government. The CR operates on its own unique laws and is separate from the realm known as Rhydin or any parties associated with it whether guilds or other forums.



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Midi is Antartica by Vengalis.