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the Character

Note: Shadow Wraiths within the CR are the only class who hold legal licenses to assassinate, spy, kidnap, and serve as bounty hunters. You will be notified of a decision. If accepted for training and testing, you will receive notification from the MoCA.

Out of Character Questions

What is your screen name (lowercase please, no spaces)?

Current CR Forum dice, Enhancers, and Enchanters:

Are you are Free Form Role Player or Dicer within the CR RPG Community?

Why do you wish to role play a Shadow Wraith in the Crystal Realms?

Have you read the rules governing this type of role play within the CR?

What class within the Shadow Wraiths to you wish to role play?

How long have you been role playing an assassin character?

Provide a brief background of your character ("See Profile" is not acceptable):

What do you feel you can contribute as a role player to the CR RPG?

How do you feel the CR RPG would benefit from your characte being an assassin?

What do you expect to gain from the CR RPG Community as a fellow role player?

In Character Questions

What is your name?

What current CR organizations are you a member of if not an Independent Free Person?

If an Independent Free Citizen, please provide your CR Registration number for our record keeping.

Why do you wish to become an assassin?

What skills or training do you possess that would qualify you as an assassin?

What would you define as your own code of ethics if any in regards to being an assassin?

Are there any conditions or circumstances under which you would refuse to apply your skills to carry out a hit (kill) or to kidnap? Your answer will naught be used against you.

Are you a trained assassin?
If so, attach a memory orb (log) of one of your Assassination Attempts to the bottom of this application.
A Mock War AA can be used as an example.

Have you read the CR Charter and do you understand the bylaws that govern Assassins?

Are you willing to abide by the CR Charter bylaws?


Please return completed application to

Midi is Antartica by Vengalis.