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the Shadow Wraiths

Within the Empire, there are individuals who are trained for specific purposes. While in other realms, assassins have been reduced to nothing more than a renegade class of social dregs, within the Empire this is a specialized class within society that carries its own traditions and honor bound code. Unlike other places, where mercernaries owe alliance to the highest pay, in the Empire, a hired blade is honor bound by contract.

All members within this class attend a specialized academy with rigorous training. Once members have reached mastery over their area of specialization, they graduate the academy. They are open for hire by the individual houses that make up the Empire of the EtSBT.

They are called Shadow Wraiths, because they walk among the populace cloaked in an allure of mystery. Here you will not find the mysterious individual dressed in black. You can't tell them apart from other members of society. They have been trained to meld in with the ordinary populace.


There various classes within the Shadow Wraiths:

I. Shadowlords
One who has mastered the arts of assassination, combat, spying, and tracking.

II. Highbinders
This class is made up of those that only deal in the art of assassination.

III. Praetorians
This class is made of warriors who are mercenaries.

IV. Harbingers
This class is made up of bounty hunters.

V. Melders
This class is made up of spies and thieves.

Within each of the subdivisions (II through V) there are the following:

Neonytes: Those that have no previous training or experience are learning these arts for the very first time.

Acolytes: Those that have chosen a perticular path to follow and are dedicated to hoening those skills.

Masters: Those that have reach a level of self suffienciecy within a given area of training and no longer need to be apprenticed.

Lords: Not many are able to achieve this rank. Lords are exceptional individuals who have given years of their lives to training in all areas that have to deal with stealth, death, and cloak and dagger games.


Various Abilities

This is just a limited listing of the specialized abilities that those seeking admittence into the ranks of the Shadow Wraiths can learn.

the Widow's Kiss: This ability enables a Shadow Wraith to suck the energy out of a living host. It does not kill but weakens the intended prey. In order to use this ability, the SW must come in contact with the object's lips.

Crimson Mist: This ability enables the Shadow Wraith to cause his/her body to perspire thin coating of blood or sweat that is laced with toxins. This requires that over prolong periods of time, the SW has digested the very toxins used in their trade.

Flesh Melder: This is an upper level ability that has been gained via the special blessing the Se'raph. Some warriors who are not SWs go out their way to seek this Dark Lord's gift. This ability enables one to meld rightly into the intended target with the sole purpose of exploding their target's body from within. The SW materializes within the target causing the other's body to expand to the breaking point where it explodes. A nasty little trick that does the job nicely of killing but does require a long bath or shower afterwards. It is not recommended for those who are squeamish.

the Touch of Mortis: This is another upper level ability that requires the blessing of the Se'raph. Some warriors who are not SWs go out of their way to seek this Dark Lord's gift. This ability enables the user to cause flesh rot to their intended victim by mere touch along. The area touched within two days forms a festering boil is full of puss. This spreads like a cancer from the infected area consuming the body. It is caused by a nasty little bacterium and requires the user to consume a very nasty antidote.

the Swarm: In a realm where science co-exists side by side the divine and nature, anything is possible. When the three combine, formidable weapons are created. The Swarm is any living creature that is use to destroy in rapid succession over a wide area or intended target. Some favorite swarms are flesh eating ticks, mites, just to name a few. The use of this is very limited and not encouraged. It has generally been used in warfare. It requires that the user apply a special mixture made from lard, sulfur, and calcite to not be eaten by the swarm. Once it is released, there is no stopping these biological engineered critters. They only return home once they feel satiated. There is penalty of death in the Empire if they are used during times of peace. These creatures are bred by special handlers. Those who are Handlers of the Swarm are registered with the Shadow Wraith Lordship.

the License to Kill

This is our section on assassinations. We have noticed that in the past, in the known realms, AA's had become rather frequent, and lost all meaning. In addition, some were being performed for reasons that did not call for such measures. We will strive to refrain from allowing such chaos to erupt here.

OOC: When the assassin walks into the room, he has to make sure that the target is in the room, and active (not AFK). He must obtain three (3) lines of the subject talking or moving in the log before he makes the AA known. There is a time allotment of five minutes to state the information needed for the log and two minutes to roll perception. The Assassin MUST RP the assassination (none of this: ::stabs XXmanXX and runs out::). The statement must have the following:

1.The Forum Name
2.The Target's (SN)name
3.The Assassin's(SN)name
4.The number of hits needed to kill the Target
5.The dice needed to roll perception
6. The time and that the target has two minutes to roll perception.
7.The method of kill
8.The Contract #



Examples of Assassination Attempts




Exp's for AAs: 50x #'s the Assassin does on Target.

Dodge Rule If The Target passes the perception check and decides to Dodge, they wait until the Assassin makes his Attack Statement and rolls his dice. Then the target states his Dodge intent, and rolls his guild dice {2d}. If the Target's dice roll is 2 sides higher (i.e. the Assassin rolled 50 45 and the Target rolls 37 52 he rolled 2 sides higher)the Dodge is Successful. If the Dodge is Successful, the Target receives no Damage. The target may choose as before to Fight or Flee. If they Fight, it becomes a AADM. If the Dodge fails, the Target receives the full damage from the Assassins dice roll. If not enough damage is done to kill the Target, the Target may choose to Fight or Flee, If they Choose to Fight, it is an AADM.

AADM's If the Assassin fails to kill the target (i.e. does not hit enough damage to kill the Target), the Target then has the choice to fight or flee.

If Target choose to fight, it is an AADM to 50 using forum dice with the Assassin hitting first. Any Damage from the AA is carried over to the AADM. The Assassin may choose to flee each time his turn comes up ;however, the target may not. To flee, the assassin must roll a 2d20 and succeed with two points. BE WARNED: if the assassin fails in his attempt to flee During the AADM, HIS TURN IS OVER leaving themselves open to attack. Both the Assassin and or the Target may choose to flee each time their turn comes up. If the target flees, they are Ruled dead. If Assassin flees the AADM, the AA failed and they may not try to AA that Target again for 24 mun hours.

AADM Exp winner gets 40x point spread

The Assassin must send in a contract and have it approved before they can assassinate a target. They will also need a registration number. If an Assassin does an AA without a legal issued reg# and an approved contract#, they will be executed. No warning, no argument, they will be killed an be dead in the forum.

After the AA, the Assassin must send a copy of the log with the contract # to the victim, and the Minister of Clandestine Arts. AA's can be done in A&E Member rooms only, and private rooms. No Assassin can do an AA by IM.

For an Assassin to kill a target, he must roll over a set number. This number depends on the Target's dice. Now we all know it's harder to assassinate a Vampire than it is an Elf, so a vampire takes more HP's to kill.

AA Hit Table

d20-d22 d30-d39 d40-d49 d50-d59 d60-d69 d70-d79 d80-d89 d90-d99 d100
1d 02 03 04 06 07 08 09 10 12
2d 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15
3d 08 09 11 12 13 15 16 18 19
4d 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 27
5d 13 15 17 19 22 25 28 33 36

Mock War AA's Mock War AA's do not require valid contracts going through the MoCA; just use the contract 'MW'. It is not needed to log or stalk the target for a mock war, since it is just that, ONLY a mock war.

Bodyguards and AA's For a bodyguard to intercept, he must merely roll perception for the intended target. So, if Joe3 was going to BG Target3, he'd merely roll 2d20's instead of Target3. Then, if he hits, he has the same choices as the Target. If they Body Guard misses, the Assassin may just have to kill the intended target as planned.

Mass AA's A mass AA is where 2 Assassins work together to AA someone. This is ONLY done on Supernaturals. You may never Mass AA a Mortal. (if you need to AA a 2d90+ and you only need 14 hits, you should be able to pull it off by yourself. if you can't then you shouldn't be an Assassin). If the target sees either Assassin, he may fight, dodge, or flee THAT Assassin. But, if he chooses to FIGHT, the other Assassin may take his shot at the target FIRST, before the Target has the chance to FIGHT, DODGE, FLEE...So, if Dudeman3 & AssassinX Mass AA'd Target012 and AssassinX was spotted but Dudeman3 was not, then Dudeman3 may then take his shot at Target012. But if both are spotted, Target-12 may fight, dodge or flee. If he fights, he fights both Assassins and all will use their personal dice. If he dodges, he may "Dodge", but only if he passed perception. If he flees, after perception is passed on both Assassins, he cannot return to that room for 24 mun hours.

It is acceptable for 3 Assassins to MAA a 5d supernatural, but there are stipulations. All of the Assassins must have dice 2d70 or lower, but the target must be of higher dice than the Assassins. So, i.e., a 5d71+ supernatural can be AA'd by the 3 2d70 or below Assassins.

Exp's received for MAA's: 75x # of total hits done by Assassins/ # of Assassins

Enhancers and Enchanters Assassins may use 1 Enhancer or Enchanter when AAing any Targets of a AA or a MAA may use 1 Enhancer/Enchanter of their choice. A +3DDC will count as one Enhancer if they choose it.. Stealth and Perception Enhancers always cancel each other out if both the Target and Assassin have them so we have removed both Stealth and perception for then forum.a 2d20 roll is all that is used it give the Assassin and the Target both a 50% chance which is even and fair.

AA Contracts Anyone may hire a registered Assassin. All they need to do is sign a contract. This contract must be sent back to the Assassin to send into the Minister of Clandestine Arts.

Contracts that are of frivolous nature will be refused. Examples are: being knocked out of a MS, people calling them names, a lover's quarrel, etc. We shall not have people killed needlessly. Assassination Attempts are serious things and not a child's game. Death threats or harrasement are seen as legit reasons for an AA. The MoCA or his Assistants will Approve Contracts on a case by case system. But a log of the threat or harrassment will need to be C&Ped onto the contract along with the 3 15 line logs of the assassin tracking the target.

Proctors cannot be AA'd or MAA'd while they are actively proctoring. Workers cannot be AA'd while they are working. Now, this is not to say you can use either situation as an excuse to avoid an AA. If we get a log of someone using those excuses, well, you will need a rezz...


the Forced Sequestering (KAs)

KAs may only be carried out by CR registered Assassins. CR Assassins, must have a valid contract from the Minister of Clandestine Arts to carry out a KA. Please refer to the charter to find the appropriate KA contract.

Only registered/certified Assassins can KA. Assassins are the only ones that can be hired/perform KAs. A KA contract must first be taken out and approved by the MoCA before any KA can be executed. Their are no perception items for KAs.

Contracts must include 3 memory orbs (logs) that meet the following criteria: (3) 15 line logs that depict the target moving/speaking for 15 lines (must be 3 different logs of 3 different days). Logs must depict the Assassin moving/speaking for 10 lines. All logs must logged by the Assassin. Mun bubbles (( )), AFK, BRB, or BBL do not count as character speaking or moving.

The same person cannot be targetted twice within a 24 hour mun period. Assassins must wait 24 mun hours to KA the same target. The same person cannot be KAed again if they have been successfully kidnapped within two months. This means that if XAssassin kidnapped Jim, Jim cannot be kidnapped again for another two months. Trades people, shopkeepers, and proctors on active duty cannot be KAed. They can only be targetted after their shifts or duties are over. KAs can only take place in Member Rooms and not in PRs, RDIs, or Conference Rooms.

KAs work like normal AAs, the difference being that in a KA an Assassin is trying to subdue their target, NOT trying to kill. If an Assassin has a successful KA, they CANNOT KILL their target under no conditions. KAs DO NOT become ADMs, DMs, SMs, FCs/SAs under NO CONDITIONS. Any violation of this, will result in an Assassin having their license suspended. A target that has been killed will be granted automatic rezz (no priest/healer needed).

KAs are only allowed for political and ransom reasons. Political reasons include: trying to stop a key person from voting/making a decision/or stopping a war. Ransom is for gps. KAs for the purpose of enslaving or due to a lover's quarrel or related situations ARE NOT ALLOWED.

Captives (targets) have a right to request a RM every 24 mun hours or negotiate their release with their Kidnapper (Assassin). Negotiation does not include sexual acts and rape. Any type of negotiation must be logged and sent to the MoCA. If someone else knows who KAed the target, they may interfer and negotiate for captive's release. If a RM has been requested, the Kidnapper cannot refuse. If they refuse, the KA becomes invalid and captive goes free. RMs are for those who have been subdued and offer no fight to escape.

Assassins may work in teams to subdue a target. The limit on MKAs is two assassins.

The longest time any one can be held captive is 72 mun hours (3 days). If after 3 days, the Assassin has not had any contact with their employer, the captive goes free. There are no ifs or buts on this stipulation. If no action has been taken within the time frame of 3 days, the captive is released.

Some exceptions can be made to the 72 hour mun hostage rule if there is a legit SL. However, you must get approval by the MoCA before hand to extend the period of time.

The only way the captive knows who hired the Assassin to KA them, is if the Assassin reveals their employer's name.

KA Play: [ This Must Be Logged. No Log No KA!].
Assassin (Kidnapper) announces OOC in room or by IM that target has 5 mun minutes to roll perception (3 points are needed to pass perception).
2) Target rolls perception. If target fails perception, they do not know what is going on and do not see the Assassin. If this is a MKA, target must roll perception for both Assassins.
3) If target passes perception, they know something is amiss. Assassin now tries to subdue the target just like a normal AA. See hit chart at end to determine points needed to subdue a target. This is if target decides not to fight and tries to flee.
4) If target decides to fight, Assassin and Target fight a Sequestor Match (SeM) to 12 rounds. If target loses, they become a captive. At this point the KA is fully successful. It DOES NOT become a DM. Combatent's use their forum dice to SeM. If target wins the SeM, they go free. The SeM winner gets 28 x difference (eg, final score of 25-15=10x28=280exps).
5) If the target has a Body Guard, the BG can roll perception for the target. Again if this is a MKA, perception must be rolled for both.
If perception passes, the BG can fight for their ward (target). While BG and Assassin are engaged, the target can flee (no roll needed in this case).

KA Subdue Hit Table

d20-d29 d30-d39 d40-d49 d50-d59 d60-d69 d70-d79 d80-d89 d90-d99 d100
1d 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
2d 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15
3d 08 09 11 12 13 15 16 18 19
4d 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 27
5d 13 15 17 19 22 25 28 33 36



For any concerns or questions regarding being a Shadow Wraith,

Midi is Spring by Vivaldi.