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the Crystal Realms
the Empire of the Silver Black Thorn


On December 6, 1998, Crystal Realms (CR), a neutral forum, came into being. The CR seeks to bring order out of the chaos that has run rampant through the known realms. Where the quality of life is dependent on constant combat ( the roll of the dice, and by how many exp's one holds).

The CR is an empire composed of various landholding Households scattered through out the planet of Vernementon. Each Household has a single representative in the Empire's High Council that advises the Empress. No decisions are made with out the voting of the High Council. Decisions are passed by a majority vote. However, on rare occasions when the High Council can't convene, the Realm's Sovereign will exercise her full power. For modesty, the Sovereign does not use this traditional title but goes by the simpler title of Chacelloress.

The Imaji Realm or Realm of the Imaji is the Universe where the CR is found.

The CR is the govermental structure of the Nirmirian Solar System.

Vernmenton is the homeworld of the CR goverment and where the seat of centralized power rests.

In role play, it seems that the dice has become the one thing by which a character's worth is measured and by which a character's life is governed. This condition has rendered story lines (SLs), role play, and cultivating the imagination almost non-existent. The CR is not just a forum but a "Role Playing Group" that seeks to bring a balance between role playing and the roll of the dice. This role playing charter is just a guide, a set of rules with the aim of making the game fun for all and fair. The charter is not set in stone, and it will be forever evolving. To the end of promoting collaboration among players and the development of SLs, the CR is not devoted to becoming a large gaming forum. We are limiting the membership from seven to fifteen houses/organizations.

In the CR Dice are only used in the following situations/places:

Combat Training
Training Areas
Sparring Rings
Any Situation the Requires You Fight for Your Life or Safety

Anyone found violating this policy will be suspended from the CR for a specific amount of time. Individuals who use dice in their role playing are strongly encouraged to try free form role playing in a given scene instead of using dice.

Anyone found mixing Out of Character Material with In Character Material will be dropped from the group. This includes slandering other players OOC wise for game related stuff.

The lands of the CR combine areas of both free form(FF) and dice form(DF) sections of Role-Play. SLs are created by the inhabitants, and can be played out by various players, so whom, in truth, knows what will happen next in CR.

When you enter a house or become a free citizen of the realm of the CR, you can choose to be either FF or DF, but you must keep in mind that you will be interacting with both sections of the forum. DF and FF players must know each set of rules, however, FF will go by FF, and DF by the DF areas. IF a questions pops up, send it along to the HC and they will see that it is fixed. Some FF areas are explained through the DF, so please, you will need to check them both out in order to understand the charters more fully.

One last thing, the lands of the CR are layed out in the FF section of the charters, so please, look them over so you know where your character is residing and what sort of environment he/she/it is being submitted to.

Last but not least, pick a portal.

Varius Lands

Forum By Laws

The concepts of the Crystal Realms (CR)/Empire of the Silver Black Thorn (EtSBT), the Imaji Realm, and all related materials are copy righted under law to Grizell E. Blessing B. (GEBB). The material found through out the charter is copyrighted under law to its individuals authors. The material found on this web site may not be reproduced in any form or fashion with out the expressed written permission of its authors, ©1998-2003.

Midi of Flood II, Copyrighted to the Sisters of Mercy.

The web page template (graphics) use on this page is copyrighted to Ambrosia's Realms. The web page template (graphics)found in throughout the rest of this web site is copyrighted to GEBB and was specially made for use by GEEB by Moon and Back Graphics, and may not be used with our persmission of the owner.