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Beanie Babies

Free Links Network - Make Your Hit Counter Scream I

Go to these sites and join! It's FREE and EASY!!!
All prices include shipping and handling

-Ants the anteater $12

-Batty the brown bat $12

-Beak the kiwi bird $12

-Bones the dog $15

-Bongo the monkey (tan tail) $12

-Chocolate the moose $15

-Claude the ty-dye crab (bent tag)$6

-Daisy the black cow $12

-Doby the doberman $15

-Echo the dolphin (with waves tush & swing tags) $15

-Erin the St.Patricks day bear $30

-Fortune the panda $20

-Freckles the lepoard $20

-Goatee the goat $15

-Halo the angel teddy bear $30

-Hoot the owl $50

-Iggy the iguana (with Rainbow's tush & swing tags) $15

-Lucky the ladybug$15

-Luke the labrador $15

-Mac the cardinal $15

-Mystic the unicorn (newer version) $12

-Nanook the husky $12

-Nuts the squirrel $12

-Peace the ty-dye bear $30

-Pouch the kangaroo $12

-Princess Dianna of Whales the bear $30

-Radar the black bat (no swing tag) $30

-Rainbow the chamelion (with Iggy's tush & swing tags) $15

-Ringo the raccoon $15

-Sammy the bear $20

-Scat the cat $15

-Scoop the pelican $15

-Scorch the dragon $20

-Seamore the seal (4th gen. swing tag)$175

-Seaweed the otter $15

-Sly the fox $15

-Smoochy the frog $12

-Spike the rinoceros $15

-Spot the dog (with spot) $40

-Stripes the tiger $15

-Valentino the teddy bear $30

Ordering Instructions
All of these are authentic TY beanie babies. All of these Beanie Babies are in mint condition, and if not it is stated next to the description in parenthesis. If you wish to order any of them please contact me at my e-mail located at the bottom of the page. I WILL ONLY ACCEPT MONEY ORDERS. I will need your address in the e-mail you send me (for shippment). I will mail you the Beanie Baby after I recieve the money order. I will e-mail you back confirming your order with my name and address so you can send the money order.

  • Please contact me at my email if you want to trade.

  • If you have any questions please contact me.