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Rockin' Chair

Joan Clifton Costner

Oh, child, so small, so fragile now,
Come sit and let me sing
Of silly songs and lullabies,
Of dragons and of kings.

This rockin’ chair’s made just for us.
I know ~ there’s work to do.
But, can’t that dust and dishes wait
While I play peek a boo?

For, time is speeding on its way
And soon this phase will pass,
No more time for baby things ~
Growing up so fast!

I’ll love the ball games, scouts and camps;
There’s lots of things we’ll do.
But, just a moment, here, today ~
I want to sing to you.

I’ll plant a song down in your heart
And let it grow with you.
You’ll remember God’s great love
Because I sang it true.

'Jesus loves me, this I know ...'
Will be there when you’re old
And I am gone, and cannot sing
The song so brave and bold.

When you’re grown and packin’ up,
To claim what life can give,
I’ll look at you, through Mother’s eyes,
And see the babe within!

© 2007 by Joan Clifton Costner
Under His Wings Heavenly Poetry
Joan is a Heavenly Inspirations Author.
This poem may be used in its entirety, with credits in tact,
for non-profit ministering purposes.


Page Created By Pam Gallo




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