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Kids Have Fun On Halloween
Kids Have Fun On Halloween
Moonlight filters from the sky to the ground,
While Winds Whistle Through Trees With An  Eerie Sound.
Children Are Running From House To House,
While busy moms wait at home with their spouse.
Pumpkins look happy with smiles on their faces,
In hopes kids wont knock them out of their places.
Some kids look for ghosts, but of course there are none,
But everyone laughs at having such fun.
Now bags are filled with candy, enough for a year,
But this is the night that was made for such cheer.
Autos and buses must drive with much care,
Gotta miss all those tricksters who are running out there.
Then the hour begins to grow a bit late,
And homeward bound they go with what candy is left!
Then counting each piece, tasting a little to much,
I wonder how many tummies will ache at the touch?
No matter the price they must pay for this right,
You may be sure they'll be ready again next Halloween night!
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