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A Scary Halloween


A Scary Halloween



Pumpkins and kids, they all have a smile,
The kids run to the door, but not in single file.
Laughing at faces the pumpkins display,
And wait for their treats, they want no delays.


Halloween with its witches and ghosts,
And a goblin or two, what a time they can boast.
As kids run and shout trick or treat,
Trying to get more than the others they meet.


Eating their fill and thinking how yummy,
But later that night, they cry "Oh my poor tummy."
So when they spread out their treats with delight
Tell them, eating to much makes the tummy not right.


 But this one night of the year,
Is for kids and a night of good cheer.
Though Halloween is not the Lords holiday,
They'll have a good time and do it their way.




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