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Whisper Of God


Through All My Faults and Failures...

Your Grace is Greater then My Sins.

Through All of My Transgressions...

Your Love Shines Deep Within.

This Day I stand Before You...

My Head Hangs Low with Shame.

And from a Place deep within My Spirit...

I Cry Out Your Most Holy Name.

Lord Jesus, I have Faltered...

In My walk with You.

Open My eyes Sweet Father...

Please show me what to Do.

Slowly as I raised My head...

And Gazed Into His Eyes.

One Single ,Shimmering Tear...

My Precious Savior Cried.

His Gentle Voice then spoke to me...

Filling the place where Shame had been

Saying : "You are My Earthly child...

And My Grace is Greater then Your sins.

And through All of Your Faults and Failures

You Never doubted I Lived within ".

"This Day You Stood Before Me...

Your head hung low in shame

And from the place deep within your spirit...

You Called out My Holy Name "

"I will Lift you when You falter

Throughout You walk with Me...

Opening your eyes to My unending Grace

Because Your faith has set you Free."

"Yes, through All of Your Faults and Failures

My Grace is Greater then Your Sins

I Shall never abandon you My child

Because My Love Shines from Deep within."



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