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A Trip To The Woodshed
Little Johnny Mc Fadden was clearly distraught,
He wanted some cake that mother had bought.
Full of mischief, cares not he was denied,
He vowed he would have some, he knew he must try.
Then a tug at a ponytail on sister Sue's head,
Made him giggle as she fled to her bed.
Then mother called loud as Johnny hid by a bush,
He knew he'd been caught, he'd have a very sore tush!
The cake mother bought, on the shelf, was temptingly laid,
A big piece would be his, his plans had been made.
A quick run to the shelf, he snatched some and fled,
Evidence fell as to the back yard it lead.
What a treat Johnny had, it was all over his face!
Then a feeling of guilt, he had forgot to say grace.
Then behind him came dad, catching hold of his hand,
Johnny knew what was coming and where it would land!
Then off to the woodshed, Johnny's cries could be heard,
He knew he was wrong though dad said not a word.
At dinner that night, Johnny's cake was denied,
He paid his wrong deed, he should never have tried!



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