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Exercise Time At MTR  Time for all us old and ailing to get up and move So on the count of 1


Time for all us old and ailing 

to get up and move...

So on the count of 1, 2, 3 ,

let's all get ready to groove.

Ya know that song that goes like this, 

that cheerie little tune?
Raise your hand if you're sure?

Well we are all gonna move with this,

 together in this room

O.K. here we go, 1,2,3,
Up out of your computer chairs, 

and sing along with me

Raise your hand if your sure,

 you've got arthritis, aching knees, and swollen feet...

Hair a thinning, aching back, 

and falling out teeth.

Diverticulitis, pockets, and a colon that is spastic
Bad necks, poor eye sight ,and veins that look elastic

No No ,don't sit down, 

because we aren't finished  just quite yet...

Time to get those muscles working ,

 and the  blood flowing to the heart direct.

High cholesterol, and brain cells asleep,

 oh we're gonna wake them up...

Sing along and don't stop moving, 

unless it to an oncoming truck.

Ole age has set in, and it is no fun, 

but we must smile and keep going...

Raise your hand if you're sure you can keep the pace,
 keeping what's ya got working and a  flowing.

Break out those thigh masters, and treadmills, 

devices by the score ...

Keep exercising they say, 

it will make you feel restored.

Stop the music !!!  

I can't move ,nor see ,nor eat, nor breathe ...
I say let ole age set in , 

bed ridden would be a relief

Advil, Pain Pills, Ensure drinks , 

B12 shots ,and  vitamin C ...
You go for it, I am tired, 

this really is not for me.

And when you kneel to pray at night, 

that is if you can still do it...

Ask the Lord for one more day 

to just get you through it!





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