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Dragon Moon



High Up In the Nighttime Skies ...

A Dragon Moon Does Glow .

A Battle Lights the Heavens ...

Like None You've Ever Known.

Darkness Pitted Against the Light ...

Good and Evil  Take Their Stand .

Which One shall be the Victor ...

To Reign Over All the Land .

A Dragons Moon Shines Brightest ...

On This  All Hallows Eve .

The Battle Lines are Quickly Drawn

Vying for the Souls of You and Me.

The Heavens Thunder Loudly...

The Earth Trembles In Sullen Fear.

As the Dragon Moon Climbs Higher

Pulling Us to it , Ever so Near.

And If You Chance to Gaze at It...

Be Careful , Not Too Long...

It's Mighty Brilliance is Blinding ...

Hypnotic as the Sirens Song.


 For A Dragons Moon Shines Brightest ...

On This  All Hallows Eve .

Darkness Pitted Against Pure Light

Vying for the Souls of You and Me.


Which One shall be the Victor ...

 As Good and Evil  Take Their Stand .

The Dragon Moon Is Quickly Rising

To Reign Over All the Land .

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