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In My Mother's Arms

In My Mother's Arms, She Held me

I Always Felt Safe From Worldly Harm...

Nothing Ever Seemed Threatening or Uncertain

She Always Found a way to Fix the Wrongs.

Now Time Has Past So Quickly

And She Is No Longer here With Me...

No Longer Do I hear Her Laughter

For This Life Just Holds No Guarantees.

So Many Things I Wished I had  told Her

I would Have Said 

"I Love You" 

A Million times More...

So Many Times I Wish 

That I could Just Still Hold Her,

So Many Small Things I Would Never Ignore.

No, There is Not One Day that Passes

I Do Not Whisper My Sweet Mother's Name...

Until We Meet Again In Heaven

Tears Fall From My Eyes Like Rain.

In My Mother's Arms, She Held me

I Always Felt Safe From Worldly Harm...

Nothing Ever Seemed Threatening or Uncertain

She Always Found a way to Fix the Wrongs.

Now Time Has Past So Quickly

And She Is No Longer here With Me...

No Longer Do I hear Her Laughter

For This Life Just Holds No Guarantees.

No, There is Not One Day that Passes

I Do Not Whisper My Sweet Mother's Name...

Until We Meet Again In Heaven

Tears Fall From My Eyes Like Rain.


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