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It Is What it Is2



It Is What it Is

It Is What It Is...

giving and receiving

Joking, pointing fingers, non believing.

It Is What it Is...

words from your lips with no meaning.

It Is  What It Is...

Judging others , hurting feelings.

It Is What It Is...

Trusting but  deceiving.

It Is What It Is...

Turning on your loved ones and friends.

Not thinking about Karma and how it all ends.

It Is What It Is...

A planet of humans with no feelings.

It Is What it Is...

Hearts broken and no forgiveness or thoughts or unity.

It Is What It Is...

Hunger and homelessness and no compassion,
Only turning heads, ignoring, no reaction.

It Is What it Is...

My way is right , yours is not.
Instead of respect and making a tied together knot.

It Is What It Is...

Stubbornness and holding to your beliefs.
Instead of reaching out open minded 

and trying  to see another's grief's.

It Is What it Is...

A world torn through confusion, a ball of disarray.
Instead of working, solving problems

together, day by day

It Is What It Is...

And it will never change

 no matter who's in control of this nation, the boss.
But I myself am thankful for the love

I feel inside my heart at any costs.






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Coming Out Of The Dark




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