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He Is Coming

The Church Pews were Empty

Yet Faintly You could hear...

The Choirs of Angels

Filling the Air.

Announcing The arrival

As The Lord Came near.

And In Just One Moment

A Twinkling in Time...

He Came down from Heaven

With Tears in His Eyes.

Through the Empty Church

He Walked Slowly.

Looking about with Such Care.

With such Pain in His Spirit...

Because We were Not there.

Yet the Voices of Angels

Permeated the Winds...

Drawing Us Closer

Inviting Us In.

Hypnotic, Majestic

The Lord Has Arrived...

Draw near to Your Father

Come sit By His side.

Slowly We Drew Closer

To the Church with shut Doors

And Filled Pews Once Empty

Now Close to Our Lord.

As Our Eyes Beheld Him

And Our Voice one with Angels above...

In Rapture Our Father Lifted Us

For This Is His Love.

 Yes ,Hypnotic, Majestic

The Lord Has Arrived...

Draw near to Your Father

Come Live By His side.



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