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What if God were too weak to help you



What if God Were too weak to help you?


"I'd love to help, but, you know, 

there's only so much even a god can do!"

What if God were really smart,

 but not really all-wise?

"Yes, I know a lot, but, you know, 

even a god can encounter a surprise!"

What if God were evil, 

and just wanted to be bad?

"Well, you know, there's no limit to what I can do

 if you ever make me mad!"

Too weak? Nonsense! 

Jesus rose from the dead!

Not unwise? Nonsense! 

God predicted things a thousand years ahead!

Evil? Nonsense! 

God "let" himself be tortured on a Roman cross!

God the Son did all that lest we ever suffer eternal loss.

 Accusing God because things aren't going well?

Nonsense! Better listen to Jesus, 

unless, of course, you wan to go to hell!




"Revelation Revisited."

Very dramatic guided tour of heaven, hell,

antichrist, cosmic catastrophe,

and even a bit of Jewish and Roman history.

"Secret of the Psalms."

Amazing prophecies of Jesus

written a thousand years before the events.

"Grandfather's Journal."

A young boy is astounded when he discovers

that he never has to fear death again

because of what Jesus did on Easter.


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