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Irish is My Name  My motherland is calling me



Irish is My Name

My motherland is calling me
In my far away dreams it whispers to me

Come home and sit by the blue inis waters so green
Knees down on the ground, kiss the blarney stone, brings luck to thee

Hit the pub ,drink the ale dark and brown
Listen to the Celtic songs, dance a jig round and round

Watch for the star you wish on with glee
Soak in the sun blue skies, fluffy clouds over me

Walk the countryside with your kin
Hunt down your roots ,find where the circle begins

Hit the pubs ,rub elbows with those ye love
Play a game of darts or to for a extra buck
Sit in the grass find a shamrock for luck

St. Francis is celebrated for he's the saint at hand
Church celebrations carry on through the land

Luck of the Irish they say is your gift
Laddies and Lassies sharing a kiss

Wearing my hat, I leave you with this rumor
Irish are great for folklore and humor

Leprechaun  walk the trails at night
Pots of gold they leave over the hills in sight

An ole Irish Proverb is calling to thee
God Bless Ole Ireland motherland to me



May those that love us, love us.
And those that don’t love us,
May God turn their hearts.
And if he doesn’t turn their hearts,
May he turn their ankles,
So we’ll know them by their limping.



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