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Do You Go By Outward Appearances

Do You think That I just Ignore ...

Your Empty words and False gestures

Each time You walk through My Door.

Please Don't mistake My silence

Thinking that I do not Know...

You sow the seeds of unrighteousness

Everywhere You Go.

Behind Your False Bravado

Behind Your Painted Words...

The message of Who You truly Are

Can Ever so Loudly be heard.

I've often said those who have eyes shall see

And those who shall Listen will Hear ...

It Just make take longer for those who don't know You

To Realize the Falsehoods You spread and Share.

Don't mistake My opening the door to You

Thinking it Is because I do not know your intent...

I sit silently and watch you

Knowing what is behind each word and what it meant.

Now others May simply close the door

And Never let you Inside...

But from the deeds of an Evil heart

I for one will never shrink or hide.

Yes I have seen the face of evil

I see the masks it puts on to hide...

Painted smiles and empty gestures

I keep right near to my side.

They say to keep your friends so close

But Keep the enemy closer still

When the time is right , and it presents itself

Evil will be exposed and broken with no will.

So Here is a word of caution

I hope You heed this Call...

Don't judge By Outer appearances

For Evil wears them All




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Your Enemies Closer


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