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Check Mate


Check Mate

There are these games

That people seem to play ...

Hurting feelings, Breaking hearts

All Along the way.

Like Pieces on a chess board

You make your move , then I make mine...

But I am Just the  Pawn for so long

You always win without even trying.

I pray the Game be over

As each piece from me You take...

Leaving me with nothing

Once again...Check Mate.

Never do I end up

Left being with My King ...

Forever keeping me in Check Mate

You walk away with everything.

What is this game

That You  like to play ...

Hurt My feelings, Break My heart

All Along the way.

We are Like Pieces on a chess board

You make your move , then I make mine...

But I am Just Your Pawn for so long

You always win without even trying.



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