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Joyce Ann Geyer



A very special time of year

Fluffy blankets of snow are near

All the little animals snuggle in

Staying together with all their kin

Keeping warm with body heat

Eating what they stored they all meet


Winter is a blessing all nature sleeps

In spring all flowers and trees will keep

Rarely in winters warmth flowers bloom

They are tricked and think it’s June

Doggies love to romp in the snow

Not very far from the warmth of home


We warm ourselves by baking and cooking

Apple strudel and pies in the making

Make great winter deserts especially warm

Never knowing when the next oncoming storm

Candles and flashlights are on hand

Getting ready for that snow band


Enjoy the weather while it’s here

Memories form and are so dear

Skiing and skating are a treat

Near the fire we shall meet

Drinking hot chocolate, laughing and talking

Conversation before we go out walking

Snowing and blowing quite a chill in the air

Dressed in gloves, scarves and winter wear

Although we can’t wait for spring winter can be fun

Depends entirely on you and what you have done

So get out there and have a great time

There is a winter sport for all you’ll find


 © Joyce Ann Geyer


He heeded their prayer,

 because they put their trust in Him.

 1 Chronicles 5:20

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Page Created By Pam Gallo







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