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Who Am I Really  Linda Ann Henry



Who Am I Really

Linda Ann Henry

Who am I really
For I do not know
No one told me
Yet whispers will grow

 In this great big world
Am I one of a kind
Will I never have someone
To be very kind

 Who am I really
Will the birds talk to me
Can I find butterflies
Up in a tree

 Why do people look at me
In a strange way
Is there someone
To love me today

Who am I really
Why are my eyes blue
I am so tall
Am I taller than you

 Must my parents tell secrets
As I play outside
They do not know I hear them
They try to keep quiet
They really tried

 Who am I really
I am shy and I dream
When grown-up's talk
I never understand what they mean

I read stories and feel I am there
I run in the garden and try not to care
I love the flowers, grass and bees
If only a mother or father
Would only love me.


Linda Ann Henry

 © 2007

This is for the million adoptee's 

who ask the ago old question 

"Who am I really"


Page Created

 By :

 Pam Gallo




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